Amazon S3 Media Storage support, Content Localization module - This week in Orchard (17/06/2022)

New Amazon Media Storage feature that enables support for storing assets in Amazon S3 Bucket, a demo about the new Localization Matrix feature, and many more! Check out this post for the details!

Orchard Core updates

Amazon S3 Media Storage support

The Amazon Media Storage feature enables support for storing assets in Amazon S3 Bucket. The feature replaces the default App_Data file-based media store with an Amazon Media Storage Provider.

Media is still served by the Orchard Core website, and the Media Cache module takes responsibility for fetching media, on the fly, from the Amazon S3 Bucket. This allows the Amazon Media Storage feature to support image resizing on the fly through integration with ImageSharp.Web. The URL generated by the AssetUrl helpers points to the Orchard Core website.

You can also find documentation about what configuration values are used by default and can be customized. In the docs, you can also read about the S3 Bucket policies, how to configure a bucket per tenant or how to configure a single bucket, with a base folder per tenant, and many more.

Amazon S3 Configuration

Auto register IDisplayManager<T> for T on AddTheming

In Orchard Core, to add a display manager, we configure services for each type as below eg,

services.AddScoped<IDisplayManager<MenuItem>, DisplayManager<MenuItem>>();
services.AddScoped<IDisplayManager<User>, DisplayManager<User>>();

It seems redundant code to resolve services for DisplayManager for a given type. Orchard builder should register generic display manager resolver as below, similar to what it's already done for Documents here.

So, from now, instead of registering all the implementations of IDisplayManager<T>, there is a generic registration which is in the OrchardCoreBuilderExtensions.cs. So, anytime you resolve a generic IDisplayManager, you will get the DisplayManager of this time.

Auto register IDisplayManager


Content Localization module

Hisham Bin Ateya has an organization on GitHub called OrchardCore Contrib with a couple of projects under it. The OrchardCoreContrib.Modules repository contains several modules. If you remember, you could also see a demo about the Swagger module made by Hisham, as well. This time we will check out how you can use the Content Localization Module.

The point here is that this module provides easy integration. So, if you add the OrchardCoreContrib.ContentLocalization NuGet package to your Orchard Core host project, you are good to go. The module provides features for localizing content with one feature in it, called Localization Matrix, that shows a matrix for localized content per culture. Just head to the admin UI of Orchard Core and search for the matrix word in the Configuration -> Features screen.

The Localization Matrix feature

To be able to see the goal of this feature, we need to do some preparations first. That means, we need to have a content type with the Localization Part attached. We set up our site using the Blog recipe, so we just navigate to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types and edit the Blog Post one. And under Parts, we add the Localization Part to it. And don't forget to have at least two cultures that are supported by the site (Configuration -> Settings -> Localization -> Cultures). Now, let's create another localized version for the built-in post, and let's create a new blog post as well with only one localization. Here come our blog post content items.

Listing the Blog Post content items

Now let's see the new feature in action. If you navigate to Configuration -> Settings -> Localization -> Localization Matrix, you will see the new page added by this feature. This page shows you an overview of which content items are there in the system that is localizable (have Localization Part attached) and which versions they have. As you can see, we have the Hungarian and the US localization for the built-in blog post. But the blog post with the title Missing localization only has a US version but no Hungarian version.

The Localization Matrix

And as always, if you would like to know more about this feature, head to YouTube for a recording!

News from the community

Orchard Core Commerce MVP planning and survey

A few weeks ago, you could see a nice demo about the Orchard Core Commerce module. And in that blog post, we also mentioned that Lombiq provides stewardship for this module. That actually means that we will do code reviews and work on features and fixes. To have that, Márk Bartha (who is the project leader from our side) started this thread and added this survey. This is about asking the community what the most important features for you would be in an Orchard Core-based e-commerce solution. If you do e-commerce or if you have an opinion about e-commerce, please share your opinion here. The point of this is to try to do not all the things but focus on what is really needed first.

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If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!