Cache Failover and Shared options, YesSql updates - This week in Orchard (26/11/2021)
Huge YesSql updates, new cache failover and shared options, Media Library improvements, and a new site running on Orchard Core! Do you want to know more? Then don't forget to check out our current post!
Orchard Core updates
YesSql updates
YesSql has updates for the following drivers: MySqlConnector 2.0, Npgsql 6.0, Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 6.0. The Npgsql 6.0 has breaking changes in terms of date and time serialization. The breaking change is in the way it handles time stamps and date-time storage and the type of column that it stores them into.
The Microsoft.Data.Sqlite is on 6.0, which contains the SQLite Connection Pooling, so it's pooling SQLite connections now. If we check out the benchmarks for MVC, where Orchard is one of them, and it's running the About page on SQLite, and you can see that on both Windows and Linux it goes up from around 5000 requests per second to 16000 requests per second and also the latency went down.
Removed beforeFolderAdded to stop multiple calls to fetch folders
When you click OK on the new Media Folder name dialog, the first thing it does after creating the new folder emits beforeFolderAdded
which loads the folder we are currently on. Then it emits the folderAdded,
which selects the new folder (triggering a load of the new folder through the watcher).
It appears that both requests are in flight at the same time, and we are seeing that occasionally the beforeFolderAdded
request comes in last and then makes it appear as if the new folder has all the contents of the previously selected folder.
bus.$on('addFolder', function (target, folder) {
if (self.model == target) {
bus.$emit('beforeFolderAdded', self.model);
if (self.children !== null) {
folder.parent = self.model;
bus.$emit('folderAdded', folder);
So, when we create a folder, we fire the beforeFolderAdded
then folderAdded
both of which load contents of a folder, but there is no guarantee on the order these calls will resolve in. Occasionally, we are seeing the first call to the original folder come in second, and the new folder appears to be populated with images already.
Cache Failover and Shared options
Sometimes the Redis server is not available because there could be timeouts for example. What do you serve when Redis is down, and it's part of your system. Do you serve something or just wait and try again?
You could say that if the cache fails then go to the database and return something from there. But at the same time, it can also be dangerous because you could expose yourself to put your site down. If you expect not to do a lot of database stuff because you have a caching layer, you can put your site down.
The DefaultDynamicCacheService
uses the IMemoryCache
to at least prevent something if Redis is down. For example, cache the id of a requested document locally so that the memory cache is used during the FailoverRetryLatency,
which is a configuration value that has a 30 seconds value by default.
News from the community
Dixin's Blog is running on Orchard Core
If you navigate to, you will find a blog that contains several interesting posts about .NET, Windows, and many more. The site is using Orchard Core, and as you may notice, it's very fast, no matter how much content it has on it.
Lombiq Gulp Extensions with Stylelint
Our Gulp Extensions project now also provides Sass SCSS linting with Stylelint! To use it in your Gulp JS SCSS build pipeline, just configure the corresponding SCSS targets Gulp task. Read more about how you can do that here!
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