Client-side development and a little more of the Orchard API - Dojo Course


UPDATE (2017-11-22): Dojo Course 2 is released with new, updated videos!

This week on Dojo Course we move on to some frontend-related development and see how to use static resources and other important features provided by MVC and Orchard. After that we return to the server-side to learn something new.

  • How to add your static resources to your templates? Script/Style.Include/Require.
  • Some userful helpers to customize your templates.
  • Dynamically creating and displaying a shape.
  • How to protect yourself against cross-site request forgery attacks?
  • Posting forms and using the MVC model binder to check if the entered data in our editor is valid or not.
  • Some debugging and bug hunting (restarting the system solved the mystery).
  • And now, for something completely different: file management in Orchard using the IStorageProvider.

Remember: if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them by creating a new issue in the Orchard issue tracker with the "discussion" label. Make sure to prefix your thread's title with "Dojo Course - "! We keep an eye on these issues. Also follow us on Twitter to get notified about the latest Dojo Course news, including when a new tutorial is posted.

Do you have some feedback about the course? Please send it in.