Make it possible to add Razor HTML content to the shape as a property, OpenId UI Enhancements - This week in Orchard (23/08/2024)
Make it possible to add Razor HTML content to the shape as a property, OpenId UI Enhancements, and you still have some time to nominate exemplary community members for the Jean-Thierry Kéchichian Community Award. Don't forget that we will have the Orchard Harvest conference in three weeks!
Orchard Core updates
Make it possible to add Razor HTML content to the shape as a property
With this change, you can pass HTML content as shape properties using the <add-property name="propertyName">
child tag helper. The rendered inner HTML will be assigned to the given propertyName. This can be used to easily include complex HTML content in a reusable shape. This is similar to prop-* attributes, but you can also include Razor code as the IHtmlContent property value, which was impossible before.
To test this new feature, we will use the Orchard Demo module and go to ~/OrchardCore.Demo/Home/AddProperty. To do that, make sure to reference the OrchardCore.Demo project to your web application. When you are ready, don't forget to enable the feature called Orchard Demo from the admin UI of Orchard Core under Configuration -> Features. Now let's see the code itself!
The AddProperty method of the HomeController just simply renders the content of the AddProperty.cshtml file. Here, you can see that we render the EmbedContentInShape shape and pass some properties to it and the properties now can contain HTML content too. As you can see, the property named HtmlContent and OtherContent contains HTML text which is now fully supported. Of course, you can mix and match the different formats, for example, to only use <add-property> when you want to pass HTML content as property.
OpenId UI Enhancements
There were some changes recently regarding the UI of the Open ID module thanks to Mike Alhayek. You can create Open ID applications under Security -> OpenID Connect -> Management -> Applications. In the Applications list, he sorted the records by application display name. In both Create and Edit views:
- Moved the field Display Name to be the very first field since that is a UI field.
- Moved the Client Secret field just below the Client Id. So the order is Display Name, Client Id then Client Secret.
- Added a way to create a new random client ID and password. Also, a way to copy the values.
- Localized the Flow phrase.
You can create scopes under Security -> OpenID Connect -> Management -> Scopes. Here, he moved the field Display Name to be the very first field since that is a UI field.
News from the community
Jean-Thierry Kéchichian Community Award 2024
At the end of last year, our good friend, Jean-Thierry Kéchichian, a truly extraordinary member of our community, unexpectedly passed away. To honor him, keep his memory alive, and foremost, inspire people to do good work for the community, we launched an award named after him for exceptional community members.
Every year, the community votes on who has done the most for Orchard Core. This can entail activities in the form of e.g., code contributions (including documentation), help under issues and discussion, evangelization outreach, community management, or anything else. However, it needs to be public and tangible. It's your turn to nominate a community member! You will find this discussion in GitHub where you can mention somebody who you think has done most for Orchard Core, with a sentence explaining what they've done.
Nominations are open until the 27th at midnight, Anywhere on Earth. After that, we'll vote on the nominees secretly. The winner is then announced at the Orchard Harvest conference on the 12th of September.
Orchard Harvest 2024
The full Orchard Harvest program has finally arrived. This year’s program is packed with insightful sessions, engaging panels, and ample opportunities to connect with the Orchard community and to make Orchard Harvest the biggest Orchard Core event of the year. All sessions will be recorded and published on the Orchard YouTube channel after the event, so even if you can't make it live, you can see the sessions. However, being there live will allow you to ask the speakers, meet other community members, and have a lot of fun!
All indicated times are local time in Las Vegas. After each session, you'll have a chance to ask questions, and we'll have a short break too. Here is a detailed schedule to help you prepare for the conference.
Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on this YouTube channel here.
Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024 and get ready to level up your skills! See you there!
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