Module development continued - Dojo Course


UPDATE (2017-11-22): Dojo Course 2 is released with new, updated videos!

The fifth lesson of Dojo Course will teach you more about module development: how to build your own logic that is able to store data and what are the basic services that aid you in your work.

  • A quick recap of the last lesson: command line scaffolding, creating a controller and a view, dependency injection
  • Using the IWorkContextAccessor and exploring the WorkContext (and the HttpContext inside) object: content parts and items everywhere!
  • Attaching the debugger to the IIS Express worker process
  • How to display CLRExceptions in VS to see the exceptions that otherwise would be swallowed somewhere in the stack: Ctrl+D,E and check the "Thrown" checkbox
  • Using the INotifier service
  • Property injection: Localizer and Logger
  • How to properly structure your T-strings to make them bulletproof agains translations: String.Format
  • Routing in MVC and defining custom parameters
  • Basic data storage: creating a record class (which is the OO representation of our data) and a migration class to define the table schema
  • Looking at the DB after the migration to see what our code did there

Remember: if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them by creating a new issue in the Orchard issue tracker with the "discussion" label. Make sure to prefix your thread's title with "Dojo Course - "! We keep an eye on these issues. Also follow us on Twitter to get notified about the latest Dojo Course news, including when a new tutorial is posted.

Do you have some feedback about the course? Please send it in.

Haven't you enrolled yet? Why not do it some time in the near future like right now?