This week in Orchard - 08/16/2019
More Razor helpers, advanced Liquid support in GraphQL, a new OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Targets meta package, Full-Text-Indexing and updated milestones for Orchard Core. Want more? Then check out our current post!
On Orchard Core
Added Liquid support to Markdown GraphQL query
We have a property in GraphQL for instance called Html on Markdown and HTML body. The new thing is that this Html property on the Markdown body was evaluating the Markdown of the content item. On the client you can directly have the Markdown evaluated, but not the source Markdown. But what was missing is that this Markdown in this body could also have Liquid. It would not interpret the Liquid syntax. Now the method first evaluates the Liquid and then convert the Markdown.
Added Liquid Razor Extension Method & Markdown Helper parses Liquid
Two extensions, one just to render Liquid as IHtmlContent and the other to render Liquid as a raw string that can be passed to another extension method like the markdown helper.
- LiquidToHtmlAsync: parses a Liquid string to HTML as IHtmlContent.
- MarkdownToHtmlAsync: converts Markdown string to HTML.
See the updated documentation about the LiquidToHtmlAsync, and MarkdownToHtmlAsync helpers.
Documentation to explain how to generate PO files
Documentation to explain how to generate PO files has been merged with the tool called PoExtractor. That tool will analyze all the source code and extract all the strings that are used in the localizer.
A new OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Core.Targets core CMS meta package
There is an OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Targets already that you can point to. If you reference this NuGet package in your project, the CMS will just run and all the dependent Nuget packages will be downloaded. It's also linking all the themes that we have in Orchard Core and there is no way to remove them. Let us introduce a new package, called OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Core.Targets, that just contains the modules and only the TheAdmin theme. In this way you can just reference your own themes and not the other ones, that will make your deployment smaller. So, OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Targets contains every theme that we have in the solution and OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Core.Targets is just the TheAdmin theme.
Full-Text-Indexing in Orchard Core
This is the settings page of a Content Picker field. Here you can see the following settings:
- include this field in the index: be able to include the value of this element in the index.
- stored: when you want the value of the field to stored with the Lucene index.
- analyzed: when you want the content of the field to split into different words. It means you can search by word and not as a whole. Also, simplify every word, so you can find the root of the word like depends, depending will be converted to depend.
- sanitized: when you want to remove any HTML from a field. So HTML tags will be not available when you search.
- tokenized: when you want to convert the value of the field with some custom Liquid logic. Here you can take the content of the field and you can convert it using a Liquid filter and do some computation and so on.
If you go to a created content item, you can see there is an option for Full-Text-Indexing in Liquid, that determines if this content type can use a customizable full-text index field by using Liquid. The Liquid template here is accessible in queries with Content.ContentItem.FullText. You can use the Model helper to reference the current element.
This feature is still under development and hasn't available in the dev branch yet.
Orchard Core updated milestones and Roadmap
The milestones have been updated in GitHub of Orchard Core. There are more of them now:
- rc: we still have the rc for September 23.
- 1.0: now we have a 1.0 milestone for late October.
- 1.1: which means the next major release.
- 1.0.x: some bugs we need to fix that not blocking 1.0, but have to be fixed before a major release.
- backlog: good idea, will see when we can do that.
Let's have a look at our Roadmap!
On Lombiq
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