This week in Orchard - 11/16/2018


The Admin Trees module is merged to dev and we give you a status about the Orchard Core Beta 3! Check out our post for the latest news around Orchard Core!

On Orchard Core

Making a dismissible Alert Widget

Few weeks ago David Hayden developed a custom Alert Widget that allows one to easily create a Bootstrap Alert Component in an Orchard Core CMS Website with no knowledge of HTML In his newest post he shows how to make this widget dismissible without any need for Visual Studio or any other IDE or editor.

GraphQL documentation

In the last weeks we had several posts about GraphQL and we tried to present you the newest improvements of this module. Search for the word graphql for the relevant posts.

If you visit the Orchard Core Documentation provided by Read the Docs, you could see the official documentation about how to work with the GraphQL under the Contents -> GraphQL section.

This other documentation is about how the provided HTTP endpoints work to send client queries.

Admin Trees module merged to dev

The Admin Trees module from Matias Molleja has been merged to dev and a documentation is available here.

Orchard CLI

We have an issue about we should have a dotnet global tool as the CLI that should work only using REST APIs.

In Orchard 1 we load every tenant to memory. The new CLI will use only REST APIs so that we can talk to an existing running instance and affect that. James Restall looked at it and he wants to use only GraphQL. He did a simple test with a working CLI using node for that. The reason for that is there are so many nodes available to manipulate GraphQL. Each module provides some description in a GraphQL for mutations and this tool is able to invoke the schema of GraphQL and map all the mutations into command lines. This will show up based on the GraphQL endpoint, so it's completely dynamic. When you connect to the machine, it will tell you what you have access to and what you can do with the CLI.

Recipe Migrations

This pull request will allow for running a recipe as part of migration called Recipe Migrations.

Take the example of the Menu module which is creating a content type from the migration using C#. Now the idea is that is just to run a recipe file from the migration as part of the standard migration step. It might be easier to maintain the content type definitions or contents from data migration.

Status of Orchard Core Beta 3

The community would love to ship by the end of the month or the beginning of December. We have everything that has been booking for Beta 3 and taxonomies is almost ready, just need to create a PR and merge it. We have the GraphQL and other brand-new features like the Admin Trees module. The community will fix the issues marked with P1 or P0 labels. We will wait the ASP.NET Core 2.2 release to ship Beta 3 and can upgrade directly to that.

Don't forget to watch the whole recording of this week's Orchard meeting!