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How to migrate an Orchard 1 application to Orchard Core, support login via username or email address for OpenID - This week in Orchard (28/07/2023)

Support login via username or email address for OpenID, Liquid themes shouldn't need Razor support for MVC, and don't forget to take a look at our blog post about how to migrate an Orchard 1 application to Orchard Core! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Support login via username or email address for OpenID When using the built-in OpenID feature of Orchard Core, you can get an access token by making a POST request to /connect/token endpoint. In the request, you can specify the grant_type, scope, username, password, and client_id. You can use the username in the username parameter, but if you try to use the email address of the user, it won't work. According to this discussion thread, there is a change to not allow the username = email. However, there should be a fallback to authenticate by username or email. So, the goal of this change is to be able to use a username or email to log in. As you can see, now the code utilizes the updated GetUserAsync method, which gets the user by a specified username or email address. Liquid themes shouldn't need Razor support for MVC When developing a theme, you can decide to use Razor or Liquid files. But of course, you can mix Razor and Liquid files if you want. Originally the Blog Theme was only composed of Razor files that the community migrated step by step to Liquid. And we are only using Liquid files for the Agency Theme and the Coming Soon Theme as well. So, these are themes that currently only use Liquid files. And because of that, we can remove the AddRazorSupportForMvc tags from these themes. News from the community How to migrate an Orchard 1 application to Orchard Core You may have heard about the news that we migrated from our old Orchard 1 website to Orchard Core and modernized our site's look. Our new site turned out great, and we are very happy with it. It represents who we are and what we do as a company. We hope you like it too! For our case study on building the renewed Lombiq.com, including migrating it from Orchard 1, check out How We Renewed and Migrated lombiq.com from Orchard 1 to Orchard Core in the Lombiq blog, and check out this announcement in this video. If you are also planning to migrate your Orchard 1 website to Orchard Core, and want to read more details about how you could start to migrate your website and content, search no more, we have published a detailed article on Orchard Dojo with some samples as well about how you could start and enjoy the numerous remarkable benefits by migrating to Orchard Core. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 491 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Google Tag Manager, User Approval feature - This week in Orchard (06/08/2021)

We promised that we will continue showing you the newest features and additions of Orchard Core 1.0 this week too! Well, we still have a lot to write about, so without any further ado, let's get started! Orchard Core updates Add user approval feature The user registration process, whether from the Registration controller, or via an ExternalLoginProvider had no features to moderate a user. In Orchard 1 we could moderate users, through an approval process. A new user registering when moderation was required, would not be logged in to the site, but redirected to the registration pending page, (and workflows invoked, to start the moderation process). We already have the IsEnabled bool, but no way to control both local registration and external registration. This change adds a UsersAreModerated setting to the user registration feature. When set true all users, whether registering via an external provider, or direct through the registration controller, will require approval, i.e., their account set IsEnabled = true before they are logged into the site. It also prevents external users from being automatically logged in if they have not confirmed their email address (if the confirmation email setting is set to true). Register user workflow updated to support the feature as well. Let's see this one quickly in action! First of all, you need to enable the Users Registration feature that allows external users to sign up to the site and ask to confirm their email. Now you can head to Security -> Settings -> User Registration, where you will see a new option: Users must be approved before they can log in. Put a tick in this checkbox and, don't forget to select the AllowRegistration option from the select list. Now, let's register with a new user! If you create a new account and hit the Register button, you will find the following screen meaning that an admin needs to approve your account before it can be used. Let's see how you can use this one in workflows! Navigate to Workflows -> Create Workflow, and after you add a name to your workflow, hit the Add Task button. Find the Register User task from the list, and the editor of this task will contain a Users must be approved before they can log in checkbox. Now let's see how we can approve the newly registered users! If you navigate to Security -> Users on the admin UI, you will see a list that contains all the available users in the system, and you will also find a red badge with a Disabled text near the users who are not enabled yet. If you click on the Edit button near a disabled user, you can simply use the Is enabled? switch to enable the given user. After that, the user with the user name: newuser now can log in. OpenID Client parameters The OpenIdConnectOptions support an OnRedirectToIdentityProvider event feature which allows the setting of custom parameters on the protocol message when generating an OpenIdConnectMessage to an external provider. Sometimes you need to be able to send some custom parameters to some of your tenant's AzureB2C auth servers (but not all, and it varies per tenant). options.Events.OnRedirectToIdentityProvider = (context) =>{ context.ProtocolMessage.SetParameter("foo", "bar"); return Task.CompletedTask;}; The solution here would be to have editable parameter (kvp) options on the OpenIdConnectSettings so you can configure different tenants to use different custom parameters. To test this out, you need to enable the OpenID Client feature under Configuration -> Features. After, head to Security -> OpenID Connect -> Authentication client, where you will see the new table called Advanced Parameters. Google Tag Manager Google describes its Tag Manager product as a 'Tag Management System' (TMS). That’s an excellent way to think about it. It does for a website’s tags what a Content Management System (CMS) does for its content. The service provides an interface through which to create and track all the tags your site needs. You no longer have to code each tag manually. Instead, you can create all your tags through the interface. Tag Manager will then implement them for your site. That is if you’ve embedded a straightforward piece of Tag Manager code into each page of the website. The Google Tag Manager container snippet is a small piece of JavaScript and non-JavaScript code that you paste into your pages. It enables Tag Manager to fire tags by inserting gtm.js into the page (or through the use of an iframe when JavaScript isn't available). But how can we use Google Tag Manager in our Orchard Core site? Well, first of all, you have to navigate to the Google Tag Manager portal and create a Tag Manager account. This will give you a generated Container ID for you to use on your website. Copy this ID, we will need it later! Now, enable the Google Tag Manager feature on your Orchard Core site and head to Configuration -> Google Tag Manager. Paste the Container ID here and hit Save. This will mean that the required JavaScript code for Google Tag Manager will be registered for every page on the front-end. News from the community Updated Orchard Core sites OrchardCore.net is the official website for Orchard Core. Try Orchard Core is the place where you can easily set up an Orchard Core site within a few minutes and try out the features of Orchard Core. Both of these sites have been updated to Orchard Core 1.0! Head to Try Orchard Core to try out Orchard Core 1.0 now! The OrchardCore.Samples repository contains a sample Multi-tenant application and a Modular application demonstrating how to build a Modular and a Multi-Tenant ASP.NET Core application using the Orchard Core Framework. This solution is also using Orchard Core 1.0 now, you should check out this solution to see some nice code examples! DotNest Core DotNest Core is a complete redevelopment of the DotNest platform, all on the latest version of Orchard Core. We've been running it with a couple of select few customers for a while now, and it's time to open it up a bit more. While you can't yet just simply create an Orchard Core-based DotNest site, you can sign up for our limited beta here. You'll soon be able to get a fully functional, reliably hosted Orchard Core site on DotNest where you can build your personal website or something to showcase your Orchard skills with. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 214 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here!

How to access services from another tenant in Orchard Core - Orchard Core Nuggets

The multi-tenancy feature of Orchard Core is great: A tenant is basically a subsite with its own independent content and configuration, under its own domain or URL prefix. You can use tenants to e.g. host websites for multiple customers of yours from a single Orchard Core app. The sites won't know anything about each other but they'll run from the same app built from the same codebase, and have access to the same modules and themes. This makes maintaining such sites very efficient, both for hosting and for development. What if you want tenants to be not that isolated though? What if there is certain content or configuration that you actually want to share among tenants or some functionality that you want to centralize on one tenant? You can use the APIs we show below to cross tenant boundaries and use any service from another tenant! Back in the day, this was also possible with Orchard 1. What we'll see here is a simple controller (just for the sake of easy demonstration, you can do the same thing anywhere). In the Index action, we'll fetch content items from another tenant with the IContentManager service that you already know. This is just an example though, really you can access any other service as well. public class CrossTenantServicesController : Controller { private readonly IShellHost _shellHost; // We'll need IShellHost to access services from a currently running shell's dependency injection container // (Service Provider). public CrossTenantServicesController(IShellHost shellHost) => _shellHost = shellHost; // A simple route for convenience. You can access this from under /CrossTenantServices?contentItemId=ID. Here // ID needs to be a content item ID that you can get e.g. from the URL when you open an item to edit from the // admin (it looks something like "4da2sme18cc2k2rpdgwx3d4cwj" which is NOT made by a cat walking across the // keyboard!). [Route("CrossTenantServices")] public async Task<string> Index(string contentItemId) { // Even if you don't create tenants, there will still be a single tenant in an Orchard app, the Default // tenant. For all other tenants you create you can provide the technical name. // In this example, we'll access content items from the Default tenant but this works for any tenant of // course. Create a tenant in your app (enable the Tenants feature and then create it from under // Configuration / Tenants), enable the Training Demo on it too and check out how this works there! // First you have to retrieve the tenant's shell scope that contains the shell's Service Provider. Note // that there is also an IShellSettingsManager service that you can use to access the just shell settings // for all tenants (shell settings are a tenant's basic settings, like its technical name and its URL). var shellScope = await _shellHost.GetScopeAsync("Default"); // We'll just return the title of the content item from this action but you can do anything else with the // item too, like displaying it. string title = null; // With UsingAsync() we'll create a block where everything is executed within the context of that other // tenant. It's a bit similar to being inside a controller action, but remember that all of this is running // on the Default tenant, even if you're looking at it from another tenant you've created. await shellScope.UsingAsync(async scope => { // You can resolve any service from the shell's Service Provider. This serves instead of injecting // services in the constructor. var contentManager = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IContentManager>(); // We can use IContentManager as usual, it'll just work. // Note that for the sake of simplicity there is no error handling for missing content items here, or // any authorization. It's up to you to add those :). var contentItem = await contentManager.GetAsync(contentItemId); // DisplayText is what you've already learned about in PersonPartHandler. title = contentItem.DisplayText; }); return title; } } Pretty neat, right? If you'd like to play with the code and see it in action check it out in our Training Demo module! Note that a shortcut to achieving this is now part of our Helpful Libraries too! Did you like this post? It's part of our Orchard Core Nuggets series where we answer common Orchard questions, be it about user-facing features or developer-level issues. Check out the other posts for more such bite-sized Orchard Core tips and let us know if you have another question!