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Google Service improvements, Lombiq Content Editors for Orchard Core - This week in Orchard (07/07/2023)

Fix Google Service dependencies and include Google Analytics and Tag Manager when the user consents. This week's demo is about the new Lombiq Content Editors for the Orchard Core module! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Fix Google Service dependencies Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a bridge/middle-man service, that would allow you to enable other services like Google Analytics on your website. So, if you have GTM installed on your website, you can use the GTM portal to enable Google Analytics using the Measurement ID. You can also enable Google Analytics without the use of GMT if you want. The two features OrchardCore.Google.TagManager and OrchardCore.Google.Analytics should not depend on each other as one should enable either. If you enable the Google Tag Manager feature by navigating to Configuration -> Features, you will find a new option under Configuration -> Settings. It is called Google Tag Manager, where you can specify the container ID defined in your Google Tag Manager account. Include Google Analytics and Tag Manager when the user consents And while we are talking about Google-related services, let's check out another improvement regarding Google-related services! The Google Analytics feature always includes the Google Analytics tracking script in GoogleAnalyticsFilter. Instead, it should only include this if the user gave consent to tracking otherwise, it's a legal risk under GDPR for EU companies. Potentially something similar for websites run by other entities around the world too. Fortunately, the built-in ASP.NET Core feature can be used for this, just by adding the below check to GoogleAnalyticsFilter. Demos Lombiq Content Editors for Orchard Core This time we will check out the Lombiq Content Editors for Orchard Core module. This feature was originally built for Orchard 1 a couple of years ago, and it contained a lot of interesting features for advanced content editing, including async editors, which we will focus on today. It was a closed-source module of Lombiq, and this is the rewritten version of that for Orchard Core. As we mentioned, the primary feature of this module is the Async Editor feature, which we already used when we built the License Request form for Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. We wrote a blog post about how we upgraded that site to Orchard Core, and you can also check out a demo video of the app and our experiences developing it here. So, the Async Editor feature of this module provides an infrastructure for creating editors that can load and save content asynchronously. The editor can optionally render multiple pages where each page can load and save data independently. To demonstrate this feature, we will utilize our Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions solution that contains most of Lombiq's open-source Orchard modules and themes, as well as related utilities and libraries. Last week we mentioned that this solution has been updated to the latest and greatest 1.6 Orchard Core version. If you clone this repository and set up your site using the TEST: Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions recipe, the Lombiq Content Editors - Samples feature will be enabled by default which - of course - contains samples for Lombiq Content Editors. Meaning that if you click on the Employee (admin) option from the Content Editors Samples drop-down menu after your site has been set up, you will be redirected to the admin UI of Orchard Core, where you will see an editor of the Employee content item. To be more precise, this is the first editor group (PersonalDetails) of this content item. If you fill out the first group and click Save and Next, it will post the form to the API and won't reload the page. The backend will validate the form, and then if everything goes right, it will show you the HTML code of the next editor group and load it to the editor. Once you click on the Submit button on the second editor group, the editor will publish the content item. You can see the editor groups with a nice name (Personal Details, Employment Details), which provides some pagination to you as well, so you can go back and forth by clicking on these. And of course, you can utilize the async editors on the front end as well, and a good example of that is the License Request form for Smithsonian Folkways Recordings that we have just mentioned. If you would like to know more about this feature, check out this video on YouTube where you can see some code as well. And don't forget to check out the samples module too, where you can find the code of the previously mentioned editor with tons of comments about how you can utilize this async editor in your own Orchard Core site! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 471 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add stereotype as a filter for the contents UI, Updated Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions - This week in Orchard (30/06/2023)

Add stereotype as a filter for the contents UI, fix OpenID Configuration initialization and our Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions solution is updated to Orchard Core 1.6! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Add stereotype as a filter for the contents UI In some cases, we want to create a menu item that would allow the user to manage content items of a specific stereotype. Currently, we only support single content the type but not the stereotype. The goal of this change was to add a query parameter stereotype that would allow us to manage only content items that share the same given stereotype. To try this out, we have to have some content where the stereotype is defined. We will go the lazy way and edit the existing content definitions of the built-in content types defined by the Blog recipe. We can do that under Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types. We edited the definition of the Blog and the Article content type and set the stereotype value to Test. Now to be able to filter all the content items with the Test stereotype, let's navigate to Content -> Content Items and add the following query string to the URL: stereotype=Test, so the full URL in our case will be the following https://localhost:44300/Admin/Contents/ContentItems?stereotype=Test&admin=-327987887 And as you can see, Orchard Core shows us the content items of the content types where we set the stereotype to "Test". You can read more about this feature in the release notes of the 1.7 release of Orchard Core. Fix OpenId Configuration initialization When using the OpenId Server feature along with OpenId Validation and using a custom Authority value, the following exception was thrown: InvalidOperationException: The issuer attached to the static configuration must be the same as the one configured in the validation options. You can reproduce the issue by following these steps: Enable the OpenId Server and the Validation features. Set a new value in the Authority settings in server settings. The site becomes useless, and you'll get the above exception. And as you can see, the fix for this issue is quite interesting. But why would it work by applying these changes? Well, it's due to the fact the issuer comes from potentially multiple places: - The issuer configured in the validation options (options.Issuer).- The issuer attached to a static configuration (options.Configuration.Issuer).- The issuer attached to a dynamic configuration, retrieved using OIDC discovery (accessed via options.ConfigurationManager). Recent versions of OpenIddict use options.Issuer as the source of truth and now require that the issuer attached to a static configuration - which is the case when you target a "local" server - match the global value, options.Issuer. News from the community Updated Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions This is an Orchard Core Visual Studio solution that contains most of Lombiq's open-source Orchard modules and themes, as well as related utilities and libraries. Please keep in mind that only those extensions included that use the latest released version of Orchard (i.e., the very cutting-edge ones depending on a nightly build are not yet here). And now, this solution has been updated to the latest and greatest 1.6 Orchard Core version. Check them out here, and install them from NuGet or from the source! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 468 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

How to migrate an Orchard 1 application to Orchard Core

How long have you been using Orchard 1 for your website? How satisfied are you with its features and performance? Have you encountered any limitations or challenges with Orchard 1 that you hope to address? If you are looking for a modern and improved version of Orchard 1, you might want to consider migrating to Orchard Core which is a better version of Orchard 1 in many aspects. Orchard Core is not just a port of Orchard 1, but a new and improved system that offers many benefits over its predecessor. What are the benefits of migrating to Orchard Core? You can enjoy numerous remarkable benefits by migrating to Orchard Core. First of all: Performance. As the saying goes: “The faster the better.” Orchard Core is so fast that an output cache module like for Orchard 1 is not required. For example, you can set up a site with the blog recipe in less than half the time that Orchard 1 needs for the same task. It is portable: it can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS, as well as on Docker containers. It has a more flexible and extensible modular framework that allows building modular and multi-tenant applications more easily. Orchard Core also supports NuGet packages for modules and themes, thus creating a new website with it is actually as simple as referencing a single meta package from the NuGet gallery. It is built on ASP.NET Core. This means that it can use any C# language version without any limitations, while Orchard 1 uses .NET Framework 4.8 which means it’s restricted to C# 7.3. It has new features that are not available in Orchard 1, such as GraphQL API, OpenID Connect, Liquid templates support, and more. It supports all major site building strategies: Full CMS, Decupled CMS, Headless CMS. This is just the tip of the iceberg, to read more about Orchard Core check out its documentation. Preparations The first thing to know is that there is no easy or fully automated way to migrate your website and content. The two systems are different in terms of data schema, modules, themes, and features. However, in general, we can say, that proficiency in Orchard 1 puts you in a good position to develop in Orchard Core too. There are a lot of similarities for example menu points on the admin UI, or how migrations work, etc. A good first step would be to take a look at your current application. Do you want to replicate what you have there, or do you also want to improve it? Migration is a good opportunity to renew your site, change design, and functionality, get rid of obsolete elements on the site, etc. You'll also need to know Orchard Core before attempting a migration. If you are new to Orchard Core development, we recommend that you start with our Dojo Course 3 - the full Orchard Core tutorial. This course covers the fundamentals of Orchard Core for both users and developers. New CMS, familiar features Before starting the migration, it is recommended to check your most used, most important features in Orchard 1 and list them. There is a good chance that there is an equivalent feature in Orchard Core, but it changed and has been upgraded, so you will need to do some research. For example, if you want to migrate your custom form, instead of Orchard.DynamicForms you can use OrchardCore.Forms to achieve the same result. Or instead of Orchard.Taxonomies you can use OrchardCore.Taxonomies. The Workflows and Audit Trail modules were ported to Orchard Core and improved too. Migrating content types Content types are composed of content parts and fields, which provide different functionalities and data types for your content. If you want to migrate your content types, you will need to recreate them in the new system. Luckily, as with features most of Orchard 1 content parts and fields have their equivalent in Orchard Core. Some examples are BooleanField, NumericField, TitlePart, or CommonPart. In this case, you can recreate your content type from the admin UI, from a recipe, or with a migration. Let’s say you have a BlogPost content type in Orchard 1, which has the following parts and fields: TitlePart: Provides a title for the blog post. AutoroutePart: Provides a URL for the blog post. BodyPart: Provides a rich text editor for the blog post content. MediaLibraryPickerField: Provides a way to select an index image for the blog post. Now take a look at what we have in Orchard Core. We have TitlePart and AutoroutePart in Orchard Core too, so that is handy, but there is no BodyPart and MediaLibraryPickerField. But after some research, we can find the equivalent of them: HtmlBodyPart and MediaField. We have all the parts and fields in the new CMS to recreate the BlogPost content type. In this example, we are creating it with the help of a migration file BlogPostMigration.cs: using OrchardCore.Autoroute.Models; using OrchardCore.ContentManagement.Metadata; using OrchardCore.ContentManagement.Metadata.Settings; using OrchardCore.Data.Migration; using OrchardCore.Html.Models; using OrchardCore.Media.Settings; using OrchardCore.Title.Models; namespace MyProject.Migrations; public class BlogPostMigration : DataMigration { private readonly IContentDefinitionManager _contentDefinitionManager; public BlogPostMigration(IContentDefinitionManager contentDefinitionManager) => _contentDefinitionManager = contentDefinitionManager; public int Create() { // Define a part called BlogPost with some fields. _contentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("BlogPost", part => part .WithField("Image", field => field .WithDisplayName("Index Image") .WithPosition("0") .WithSettings(new MediaFieldSettings { Multiple = false, })) ); // Define a type called BlogPost with some parts. _contentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("BlogPost", type => type .DisplayedAs("Blog Post") .Creatable() .Listable() .Draftable() .Versionable() .Securable() // Add the Title part to provide a title for the blog post. .WithPart(nameof(TitlePart), part => part .WithPosition("0")) // Add the BlogPost part to provide some fields for the blog post. .WithPart("BlogPost", part => part .WithPosition("1")) // Add Autoroute part and configure it to use a pattern based on the title. .WithPart(nameof(AutoroutePart), part => part .WithPosition("2") .WithSettings(new AutoroutePartSettings { Pattern = "{{ ContentItem | display_text | slugify }}", })) // Add the HTMLBody part to provide a rich text editor for the blog post content. .WithPart(nameof(HtmlBodyPart), part => part .WithPosition("3") .WithEditor("Wysiwyg")) ); return 1; } } …and don’t forget to add your migration to the Startup.cs file to register it. However, if you have a content type with custom fields and parts, with custom functionality, and features, you will also have to recreate those fields and parts by reimplementing your custom code in the new project. Migrating content items The best way to add numerous content items is with a recipe. To migrate the content items, first, make sure that you have the content type created in the new system. After that, you will need to export your content items. The file formats of the recipes are different in the new CMS: Orchard 1 uses XML, while Orchard Core uses JSON, however, their functionality and use cases are similar. You will need to create an Orchard Core recipe: This can be done either manually, or Lombiq has a feature for this in the open-source Helpful Extensions module called Lombiq Helpful Extensions - Orchard 1 Recipe Migration. It has built-in functionality for content items with the most used content parts, but you can extend the built-in functionality to support more parts. Conclusion Migrating from Orchard 1 to Orchard Core is a challenging but rewarding process that can bring many benefits to your site. However, it requires careful planning, preparation, and testing to ensure a smooth transition. We have extensive experience and expertise in migrating sites from Orchard 1 to Orchard Core, and we can help you migrate your project. Lombiq has recently renewed and migrated its main site http://lombiq.com to Orchard Core too, and we are very happy with the results. You can check out our site and see how Orchard Core can power your site too. Happy migrating!

FeatureEventHandler base class, settings to create robots.txt file from site settings - This week in Orchard (23/06/2023)

Checking ListContent permission instead of IsListable in the Admin Menu, new FeatureEventHandler base class, demo about new settings to create robots.txt file from site settings, and announcing our brand new Lombiq.com site! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Check ListContent permission instead of IsListable in the Admin Menu Currently, if you want to add a content type to an admin menu, the content type would have to be listable in order to be visible. Sometimes, we want to show a content type item on the admin menu even when it is not listable. The Admin UI does not care if the content type is listable or not. All it checks for is whether the user has permission to ListContent. The logic in the admin menu should be the same as the UI. And you can easily try this out if the Admin Menu feature is enabled on your site under Configuration -> Features. But if you set up your site using the Blog recipe, you will get a predefined admin menu which you can configure from under Configuration -> Admin Menus. Here, click the Edit Nodes button near the predefined admin menu and select the Add Node button after. This will show you a modal window with the available Admin Nodes. Let's select the Content Types one, which will add a link for each one of the selected content types. And this Create Node page now will list all of the content types defined by the Blog recipe (because we logged in with the admin user), not just the ones, which are listable. FeatureEventHandler base class This addition is about adding a new FeatureEventHandler base class which implements the IFeatureEventHandler interface. The goal here was to not have to define all methods when implementing IFeatureEventHandler as we already have with ModularTenantEvents and IModularTenantEvents. This PR also applies this change to the current implementations, like for the MediaTokenSettingsUpdater and for the RoleUpdater. Demos Settings to create robots.txt file from site settings One of the challenges that we had was that the only way we can expose the robots.txt for the tenants is by placing the robots.txt file on the file system of each site or globally. There was no easy way to modify that file per tenant. This feature is about adding an ability to drive the content of the robots.txt file through settings by using a middleware allowing website owners to easily define the directives for search engine crawlers and other web robots accessing their site. Now it's time to try this one out! Let's use the nightly build packages of Orchard Core and set up your site using the Blog recipe, for example. Now, head to Configuration -> Features and enable the SEO module, which provides SEO meta-features. After that, you will see a new option under Configuration -> Settings, called SEO. If you navigate to this page, you will see some things set by default, which is to add a rule to allow web robots and then add a rule to disallow web robots to the admin routes. And those are on by default if you do not have a robots.txt file. In the Additional rules editor, you can specify your custom rules. If you have special rules, you can define them here. Now if we check out the content of the robots.txt file, we can simply navigate to https://localhost:44300/robots.txt, because we only have the default tenant right now. But of course, if we would create a tenant called the agency, you will be able to check out the content of the robots.txt file for that tenant as well under https://localhost:44300/agency/robots.txt, for example. And as you can see, the file is generated based on our settings. However, people might already be using the robots.txt file. So, we can't really override what they have. So, if they have this file in the file system and the Static File Provider feature is enabled, we're going to take that file and ignore our settings. Because otherwise, this would be a breaking change. Another thing is the added rules for the sitemaps. If you go to the Features page, enable the Sitemaps feature, and navigate back to the SEO settings page, you will see a checkbox here called Include all sitemaps. What this does is it checks all the sitemaps that you might have; if any exist, it will automatically include them. And that's not all of it! If you would like to know more about this feature, check out the documentation and head to YouTube for a recording! News from the community Renewed Lombiq.com website We launched our website when we started Lombiq, no less than 10 years ago. It was simple, clean, and functional, but it didn’t age well with upcoming trends and looks of modern websites. But now we can showcase our expertise and services in a more modern and user-friendly way. To reach our goal, we migrated from our old Orchard 1 website to Orchard Core and modernized our site's look. Our new site turned out great, and we are very happy with it. It represents who we are and what we do as a company. We hope you like it too! For our case study on building the renewed Lombiq.com, including migrating it from Orchard 1, check out "How We Renewed and Migrated lombiq.com from Orchard 1 to Orchard Core" in the Lombiq blog. And we also added our site to Show Orchard, which is an Orchard CMS showcase, displaying Orchard CMS (including Orchard 1 and Orchard Core) powered sites from around the web. If you are interested in more websites using Orchard and Orchard Core, don't forget to visit Show Orchard. Show Orchard is a website for showing representative Orchard CMS (and now Orchard Core) websites all around the internet. Ryan Drew Burnett started it, but since he doesn't work with Orchard anymore, as announced earlier, it is now maintained by our team at Lombiq Technologies. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 467 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add a script to clean up the lib/bin and/or node_modules folders, Tenants Environment Robots for Orchard Core - This week in Orchard (16/06/2023)

Fix that GroupId check should be case insensitive, add a script to clean up the lib/bin and/or node_modules folders, and a demo about the Tenants Environment Robots feature! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Fixing that GroupId check should be case insensitive If you go to a settings page in the Orchard Core admin panel that has a corresponding DisplayDriver, the URL of the page is not case-sensitive, but the if (context.GroupId == GroupId) check in the override of DisplayDriver.UpdateAsync is case-sensitive. This means that you can enter two different URLs for a settings page, both of which will work, but only one of which will actually cause any updates to be applied when the form is submitted. When you searched for that line of code across the Orchard Core 1.5 solution, you find it in 16 drivers, so you would expect this issue affects all of them. The fix here is the GroupId comparison in DisplayDriver.UpdateAsync should be case-insensitive. If the page loads correctly for a given URL, submitting the page should work as expected rather than mysteriously failing to update the settings. Here you can see the changes in updating the checks on the drivers. Add a script to clean up the lib/bin and/or node_modules folders Sometimes it is useful to be able to use the command line to remove all lib and bin folders from every project using the command line. It's even more useful to be able to remove all node_modules from every project using the command line. From now on, if you want to remove the bin and lib folder from all the projects, you can run npm run cleanup. If you want to remove all node_modules folders from all the projects, you can run npm run cleanup node_modules. If you want to clean up bin, lib, and node_modules, you can run npm run cleanup all. Demos Lombiq Hosting - Tenants Environment Robots for Orchard Core The feature that we will check out today is called Lombiq Hosting - Tenants Environment Robots, which is a module that prevents search bots from indexing non-production environments. Let's say you are hosting sites on a staging environment, and we usually want to prevent search bots from indexing the staging environment. And if we enable this feature, this will exactly do that. Let's quickly see it in action! This module is included in Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions solution so we will build this solution. Now we can navigate to Configuration -> Features and find the feature called Lombiq Hosting - Tenants - Environment Robots to enable it. Now let's see how it works! The module works by adding an X-Robots-Tag header with the value noindex, nofollow to the HTTP response of non-production apps. This instructs search engines not to index or follow the links on these pages. Additionally, the module also adds a <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> tag to the HTML head of non-production apps for the same purpose. To try this out, let's navigate and open up the homepage of our site, for example, and open up the DevTools window of Google Chrome (or use any other browser, of course). You will notice two things here. First of all, you will find the new meta tag if you click on the Elements tab, which contains the noindex, nofollow values. Now, let's navigate to the Network tab of the DevTools window and find the Response Headers section of the currently loaded page. Here you will notice that we have a header with the following value: X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow. And you can also override this option by setting it to true or false in the appsettings.json file under the Lombiq_Hosting_Tenants_EnvironmentRobots:EnvironmentRobotsOptions:IsProduction section, as the readme file of the module mentions. And as always, if you would like to know more about this feature head to YouTube for a recording! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 465 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Core is in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog, Top-level Multi-Tenancy menu - This week in Orchard (09/06/2023)

New top-level Multi-Tenancy menu; adding docs about Common Part; and Orchard Core is now listed in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Add top-level Multi-Tenancy menu Let's say you have an Orchard Core site where you already enabled the Tenants and the Tenant Feature Profiles features. By doing that you will have a set of functionalities that provides you with a way to manage tenants and their available features from the admin. These features are all related to multi-tenancy, related to tenants, and not to the other settings of the site where you can execute recipes, manage features or admin menus, and so on. So, this addition is about adding a new top-level menu called Multi-Tenancy and moving Tenants and Feature Profiles under the Multi-Tenancy menu. Add Common Part docs If you are not a newcomer to Orchard Core, you may know that the Common Part gives you the basics, like the owner and date-created fields. But in the past few days, someone asked a question on Twitter about how to do something, and the solution for the problem is to use the Common Part, which has some options that you can set to display the owner and the creation time, and so on. From now on, the Orchard Core Documentation site will contain a few lines about the Common Part. Orchard Core is in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog The Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog was built on Red Hat platforms and technologies with certified, enterprise-grade products you need to achieve your business outcomes. The developers of this catalog make it easy for you to explore and find certified products from this ample and robust ecosystem of enterprise hardware, software, and cloud and service providers. So, this is a catalog of software that is placed along their platforms. If you go there, you will find a lot of stuff here, but for .NET developers, there isn't much familiar here. These are like lower-level hosting/cloud/server-management applications mostly. There are some blogs and CMS systems, and the goal was to include Orchard Core in this catalog. Orchard should be compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux at least, and well, if we have it here, that's one more channel people can find Orchard. And that was the purpose of this GitHub issue, to improve Orchard's visibility in a circle where it's probably unknown, outside of the .NET community. And now we have Orchard Core listed in this catalog! And we also have a new page on the Orchard Core Documentation site about how you can manage the Orchard Core Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog certification! And if you would like to know more about this topic, check out this part of the community meeting! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 465 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Elsa Workflows, Orchard Harvest Online - This week in Orchard (02/06/2023)

Thank you, everyone, for taking part in Orchard Harvest Online, and thanks to the presenters for their great presentations! Check out our current post for a short summary of the conference; a demo about Elsa Workflows and many more! Orchard Core updates Admin Dashboard widgets are not scrollable when the content is long Last week we mentioned several improvements regarding the Admin Dashboard and the Admin Dashboard widgets. And we have another improvement for this week too! Currently, the Admin Dashboard widgets are set to hide any horizontal and vertical overflow. This works well when you can control the content of your widget based on specifying the best height/width of each widget. Sometimes you may want to create a widget without being able to control the length. For example, recent contents/posts, most viewed contents, etc. All these examples of a widget with uncontrollable content. In that case, it does not make sense to hide the overflow content vertically. We can still hide the horizontal overflow and the widget since that is something each widget can design for. But the vertical overflow should be set to auto. You can reproduce this behavior easily by creating a widget that lists the last 10 content items and making the size and the width of the widget 1 x 1. That's what you can see on the left side of the screen. And as you can see, when setting the vertical overflow to auto, we get a scroll bar for the widgets when the content is larger than expected. Fix the notifier cookie path Let's say we have an Orchard Core site installed as an application under the default website in IIS. What this means is that we access the site with the following URL: https://localhost/orchard. The problem is that the notifier cookie uses the tenant prefix as the cookie path. For example: For the default tenant, https://localhost/orchard, the notifier cookie path is set to / when it should be set to /orchard. For another tenant, let's call it tenantA at https://localhost/orchard/tenantA, the notifier cookie path is set to /tenantA when it should be set to /orchard/tenantA. Technically, scenario 1 still works, since cookies with a path of / can still be seen by /orchard. Even though the path isn't exactly what it should be, the notification still appears. The problem is in scenario 2, since the cookie path is being set to /tenantA but /orchard/tenantA can't see that cookie, and the notification doesn't appear. After applying this fix, the notification works for tenantA using /orchard/tenantA. Demos Elsa Workflows Elsa Core is a workflow library that enables workflow execution in any .NET Core application. Workflows can be defined using code and using the visual workflow designer. We mention Else here because Elsa is an innovative workflow engine derived from Orchard Core's Workflows module. It was born from a requirement of a project where they didn't want to base it on Orchard Core, but they did want to have Workflows. So, the goal here was to create a reusable designer that you can host/use in your own dashboard application. In this demo, Sipke Schoorstra, one of the main contributors of Elsa shows you everything that you need to know about Elsa Workflows. Head to YouTube for this exciting demo! News from the community Orchard Harvest Online We had the first online Orchard Harvest last Wednesday, and it was so great to see that we had 188 sign-ups for the conference! It was an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, talk about development plans and ideas, and foremost, meet the rest of the worldwide community. The conference was started by a Keynote from Sébastien Ros and followed by a talk from Andrii Chebukin about how you can use Orchard Core Framework for multi-tenancy apps. After that, Zoltán Lehóczky showed us how you can use open-source tools in the following areas: CI builds, static code analysis, unit and UI testing, and telemetry collection. And just before the breakout sessions, you can see a great session by Peyton McManus about why they selected Orchard for their new application. How his team has leveraged Orchard to rebuild and re-imagine the application, and how they will continue to leverage Orchard for their set of features. In the breakout sessions, the attendees had a chance to meet the speakers and other community members. Each speaker had a breakout room where the attendees asked questions and discussed the topic of their talk, or anything else Orchard Core related. After the break, we could see a talk from Hisham Bin Ateya about exploring different parts of localization stuff in Orchard Core. After that, Dávid El-Saig described the Orchard Core Commerce project's state and showed the current features. And the last talk was from Sipke Schoorstra where he provided an overview of Elsa Workflows' features, compared it to Orchard Core Workflows, and discussed integration possibilities. And of course, we recorded every session, which means they will be available on YouTube soon! Don't forget to follow our This week in Orchard newsletter to be informed about the recordings! That was a blast! Thank you everyone for taking part and thanks to the presenters for their great presentations! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 464 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Admin Dashboard improvements, Two-factor Authentication - This week in Orchard (26/05/2023)

Check out our current post to read about the latest Admin Dashboard improvements and to see a demo about supporting two-factor authentication in Orchard Core! And don't forget that Orchard Harvest is just right around the corner! Orchard Core updates Show Admin Dashboard shape when Access Admin Dashboard permission is not granted Currently, when the Admin Dashboard feature is enabled, the /admin route is handled by the Index action in the DashboardController controller. This works great when the user has the Access Admin Dashboard permission. However, when they don't, they get the generic forbid error message. In some cases, we don't want to give the user access to the admin widgets but want them to still access the admin dashboard. In this case, they will not be able to see the dashboard unless they type the exact path they want to access in the browser. The solution here was the following: If the user does not have Access Admin Dashboard permission, instead of showing 401, we now render the AdminDashboard shape. When a Dashboard Widget is secured, we check the permission to ensure the user is able to view it before rendering it. This will give us the ability to control who gets to see which widget. To test this out, first of all, we need to enable the Admin Dashboard feature. After that, we modify the permissions of the Editor role by saying users with this role have no permission to access the Admin Dashboard. After that, we added an Html Dashboard Widget to be able to see something instead of the empty dashboard. On the left side of the screen, you can see what the admin user can see. They have the Access Admin Dashboard permission, and the previously created Html Dashboard Widget is visible to them. However, on the right side of the screen, we logged in with a user who has the Editor role. As you can see, Orchard renders the "Welcome to Orchard Core" alert to them, but they can't see the Dashboard Widget or the Dashboard itself. Do not auto-create a dummy content item when the Admin Dashboard feature is enabled When the Admin Dashboard feature is enabled for the first time, for some reason, we create a dummy dashboard item. There is no way to avoid this for new tenants currently. Maybe adding a content item by default is not a good idea because the admin will almost always have to remove it. This change is about removing the sample Orchard Core Admin Widget from the recipe. But if you are curious about this sample widget, you can still use it. If you navigate to Configuration -> Recipes you will find a recipe called Admin Dashboard Widget Sample. And if you execute this recipe, you will be able to see the sample widget in the dashboard again. And this change was also added to the change logs of the next upcoming release to notify everyone about this change. Demos Two-factor Authentication Now you can have new settings that allow you to enable two-factor authentication. To see how this works, navigate to Security -> Settings -> User Login, where you can see a new tab, called Two-factor Authentication. If you put a tick into the Enable two-factor authentication checkbox, you will see the related settings. You can enable 2FA for everyone, you can enable 2FA for users with specific roles, or you can say to remember the client, so you don't have to keep typing the code every single time on the same computer. The Show email address in the authenticator app allows you to display the email address on the authentication app, otherwise, we will show your username. And the Require two-factor authentication option allows you to force authentication. If you log in, you will be forced to use 2FA. Right now, let's enable 2FA just for the users with the Administrator role. This means you will have a new option in the dropdown menu if you click on the user icon in the top-right corner called Security. Here, you can set up your authenticator app by clicking on the Add authenticator app button. Here you can set up your authenticator app by following the steps mentioned. Pull up your phone, open up the authenticator app, scan the QR code, and provide the verification code. On the next screen, you can see your recovery codes which you can use to log in in case you lose your device. But of course, you can reset your recovery codes and also the authenticator app itself under the Security dropdown menu. Now if we log out and log back in, Orchard Core will ask us to provide that code after we typed the correct username and password. And as always, if you would like to know more about this feature (which you can try out right now if you are using the nightly builds of Orchard Core) head to YouTube for a recording! News from the community Orchard Harvest Online Program As many of you know, we have been working hard over the past months to organize the next Orchard Harvest in Las Vegas after the last Harvest in 2017. Unfortunately, based on the current economic situation and personal feedback, Las Vegas won’t work this year. Not to mention that unfortunately Microsoft Build, announced after we decided on our dates, also falls in line with the original dates we chose. So, a date change was also necessary. However, we did not want to let go of this opportunity to meet completely. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that we will be holding our first online Orchard Harvest starting on the 31st of May at 13:00 UTC. Start your registration for the event right now. You can find the program of the conference on the official site of Orchard Core. See you next week! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 462 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Harvest Program, Tenant Clusters - This week in Orchard (19/05/2023)

Allow displaying an icon for Custom Settings, add Admin Culture Picker docs, demo about Tenant Clusters, and most importantly, the program of the Orchard Harvest is now available! Let's get started! Orchard Core updates Allow displaying an icon for Custom Settings You can create a setting using Custom Settings and set the item icon in the menu that came with it. It wasn't really possible before this change because the .Id(type.Name.HtmlClassify()) and .AddClass(type.Name.HtmlClassify()) weren't applied in the AdminMenu of the CustomSettings module meaning it was not possible to override this menu item with a shape named NavigationItemText-NAME_OF_SETTINGS.Id. From now on, the CustomSettings module allows us to set the icon of the newly added menu item. Add Admin Culture Picker docs A few weeks ago, we mentioned that you have the option to add an admin culture picker for the admin site and have a dropdown in the admin panel header to switch languages. And of course, when adding new features to Orchard Core, we always keep in mind the flexibility and the reusability that Orchard Core can provide to the developers. Meaning, you can override and customize the shapes which are responsible to display the admin culture picker. Now we have some lines in the documentation about the two shapes that are responsible for displaying the admin culture. Demos Tenant Clusters This demo is about a work-in-progress feature for Orchard Core that distributes requests across tenant clusters using Microsoft Yarp.ReverseProxy. If you check out the following recording, you can easily get up to speed with the current state of this upcoming feature. Here we want to highlight some of the more exciting parts of this addition: We first use the Yarp Configuration to define Routes and Clusters with many options. Each Route is tied to a Cluster composed of Destination(s) on which load balancing can be applied. We only need one catch-all RouteTemplate and multiple Clusters on which we can configure a custom SlotRange[min, max] property (up to 16384 slots). Each tenant has a unique slot hash, so a unique Slot then belongs to the Cluster having the slot in its SlotRange. The Cluster can have multiple Destination(s). We could have used a Cluster having Nodes, but we follow the Yarp Config having a Clusters list of Cluster type. The same application can run as a proxy or behind it (we check the headers), the advantage with our distributed services is when as a proxy we are still aware of all tenant's data. So, on a request, we can use the same RunningShellTable to know the tenant, then select the right Cluster based on the tenant slot hash (in a custom middleware), and let Yarp selects one of its Destination(s). To compute a tenant slot hash, we use the CRC-16/XMODEM algorithm (same as Redis uses for clustering keys) applied on the new TenantId property, which allows us to automatically spread out new tenants on the slots and then on the configured Clusters. This knowing that the CRC-16 is fast to compute and always returns the same number for the same TenantId, so a tenant stays on the same Cluster. News from the community Orchard Harvest Online Program As many of you know, we have been working hard over the past months to organize the next Orchard Harvest in Las Vegas after the last Harvest in 2017. Unfortunately, based on the current economic situation and personal feedback, Las Vegas won’t work this year. Not to mention that unfortunately Microsoft Build, announced after we decided on our dates, also falls in line with the original dates we chose. So, a date change was also necessary. However, we did not want to let go of this opportunity to meet completely. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that we will be holding our first online Orchard Harvest starting on the 31st of May at 13:00 UTC. You can start your registration for the event right now. And in the meantime, the program of the conference is available on the official site of Orchard Core! Please welcome the below selection of awesome talks by community members! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 458 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Fix for parsing plural entries in PO files with multi-line strings, Health Checks UI feature - This week in Orchard (12/05/2023)

Add post-install/update scripts to simplify package management, fix for parsing plural entries in PO files with multi-line strings, and a demo about the Health Checks UI Feature! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Add post-install/update scripts to simplify package management This simplifies the package process. Instead of defining a command to install each project, we use node script to find all projects/themes containing package.json and install/update it. With this addition, we no longer need to update the root package.json to add a command for every project we want to build. The new command node .scripts/install.js will be executed every time the npm install is executed. It'll apply the same command on every project in the solution that contains the package.json file. If you want to execute npm update on all projects, you can run npm run update-projects. If you want to run npm install on a specific project, you may execute npm run install-project {ProjectName}. For example, to install app packages in the TheAdmin theme only, you would run npm run install-project TheAdmin. Similarly, to update a project, you can run npm run update-project TheAdmin. Fix for parsing plural entries in PO files with multi-line strings When parsing a PO file with a plural message which also contains multi-line strings, the PoParser class incorrectly parses the message key as the concatenation of msgid and msgid_plural values. Example: msgid """Here is an example of how one might continue a very long string\n""for the common case the string represents multi-line output."msgid_plural """Here are examples of how one might continue a very long string\n""for the common case the string represents multi-line output."msgstr[0] """Here is an example of how one might continue a very long translation\n""for the common case the string represents multi-line output."msgstr[1] """Here are examples of how one might continue a very long translation\n""for the common case the string represents multi-line output." Parses as a single entry with a key: Here is an example of how one might continue a very long string\nfor the common case the string represents multi-line output. Here are examples of how one might continue a very long string\nfor the common case the string represents multi-line output. But the key to the translation should be the value of msgid: Here is an example of how one might continue a very long string\nfor the common case the string represents multi-line output. So, this fix is about adding a test for the PoParser class and fixing the bug in PoParser for plural entries with multi-line strings. Demos Health Checks UI feature A few weeks ago, we mentioned a module called the Health Checks module, which provides health checks for your website by displaying the status of some services by navigating to the given endpoint. Now, let's check out a new feature, called the Health Checks UI feature, which displays the statuses of the tenants and the statuses of some enabled features with a nice UI. When you enable it and navigate to the /health-ui endpoint, you will see this screen. It's the default tenant, meaning you can see the health checks of the current default tenant but also there is another option that allows you to see the health check of all of the available tenants by clicking on the Show Tenants Service Health button. And as always, if you would like to learn more about this feature, don't forget to check out this recording on YouTube! News from the community Orchard Harvest Online As many of you know, we have been working hard over the past months to organize the next Orchard Harvest in Las Vegas after the last Harvest in 2017. Unfortunately, based on the current economic situation and personal feedback, Las Vegas won’t work this year. Not to mention that unfortunately Microsoft Build, announced after we decided on our dates, also falls in line with the original dates we chose. So, a date change was also necessary. However, we did not want to let go of this opportunity to meet completely. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that we will be holding our first online Orchard Harvest starting on the 31st of May at 13:00 UTC. You can start your registration for the event right now. Of course, we are still looking for speakers. You can apply to present by 12 May at the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/pfiExtEUuZ. Check out the details on the official site of Orchard Core! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 456 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!