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New Notify Specific Users Task, benchmarking documentation - This week in Orchard (14/06/2024)

New Notify Specific Users Tasks and the new Benchmarking documentation are the topics for this week. You can still apply to speak at Harvest 2024 and share your insights on Orchard Core's future, CMS roles, AI tools, cloud integrations, and more! Don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session, where we'll run through using Blazor as a decoupled front end for Orchard Core! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Benchmarking documentation There's a new page in the documentation of Orchard Core about benchmarking. To measure how fast Orchard Core is, we employ some benchmarking. Here, you can read some lines about the OrchardCore.Benchmarks project, where we have several benchmarks created with BenchMarkDotNet. You can also read about how to run benchmarks and how to check the performance of Orchard Core using ASP.NET Core Benchmarks. New Notify Specific Users Task In the past, we had a task called Notify User Task. By using this task, you could send a notification to the user who is available in the WorkflowExecutionContext when executing a workflow. Recently, the community modified this Notify User Task and renamed it to Notify Specific Users Task. The goal of this change was to be able to specify a user or a comma-separated list of user names (Liquid is also supported) who will be the recipient of the notification. Let's see how you can use this task in your workflow! First of all, you need to enable the Notifications and the Workflows features, which you can do under Configuration -> Features by using the admin UI of Orchard Core. The Notifications feature is needed because this will provide a way to notify users and to have the Notification Center. Now navigate to the Workflows option where we will create a simple workflow that will send a notification to a user when a Blog Post content item is created. The startup task of this workflow will be the Content Created event, where we filter on the Blog Post content type. The next one will be the Notify Specific Users Task. Here, we typed the AuthorUser text into the User names textbox. We previously created a user with the user name AuthorUser, which means that this user will get the notification. We also provided a subject and a summary. This means we are ready with our workflow, it's time to try it out. To do that, just create a new blog post. We used the admin UI of Orchard Core to do that. To be able to make sure that our workflow is executed successfully, we need to log in with the AuthorUser. To be able to navigate to the Notification Center, we need to click on the little bell icon at the top-right corner of the screen. Here, you can see that we have one unread notification with the subject and the summary that we provided when we constructed our Nofify Specific Users Task. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. We've extended the sign-up period by another 2 weeks, so if you haven't signed up yet, you can still sign up now! Apply to be a speaker until the 29th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest in 1 or 2 weeks after the application period. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Blazor and Orchard Core with Peter Matthews - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the seventh session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 17th! Peter Matthews joins us this time. We'll run through using Blazor (.NET 8) as a decoupled frontend for Orchard Core. From File → New Project to production, with instructions on project setup, and a walkthrough of a fully fleshed-out site. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán Lehóczky from Lombiq. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 472 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add Autocomplete to the Stereotype text box, Lucene Search in practice - This week in Orchard (07/06/2024)

Add Autocomplete to the Stereotype text box, add Content Item ApiController.cs endpoints documentation, and a demo about Lucene Search in practice are the topics for this week. Don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session, where we'll continue building a decoupled CMS project! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Add Autocomplete to the Stereotype text box Now, the Stereotype is a text box, that is not user-friendly when making changes. For example, you may enter UserCustomSettings instead of CustomUserSettings. The goal here is to have some way to get all the Stereotypes that are currently supported by the system, and then list them, for example, by adding a dropdown menu to the Stereotype text box where you can still type what you want. Let's see this quickly in action! First of all, head to the admin UI of Orchard Core and edit the Content Definition of the predefined Blog Post content type by navigating to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types (assuming you set up your site using the Blog recipe). Here, find the Stereotype text box and simply click on it. Once you do it, you will find a list showing you all of the stereotypes that are currently available on your site. Adding Content Item ApiController.cs endpoints documentation The OrchardCore.Contents module provides RESTful API endpoints via minimal API featuring endpoints to manage content items. These endpoints allow for operations such as retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting single content item instances. Access to these endpoints requires authentication and appropriate user role permissions. The documentation of the Contents module has been updated by adding Useful modules and libraries Activating the "OpenId Authorization Server" and "OpenId Token Validation" Features, and setting User Roles Contents API Controller Endpoints Demos Lucene Search in practice This is the Brittany All Cases management platform of Bethany built on top of Orchard Core CMS, using the full CMS, not just the framework. In this demo, you can see the search pages, where you can do the obvious search using queries. But you can also filter by different fields and properties on all added fields by marking a field as indexable. You can also do sorting by multiple things. Another feature is the different layout types. There is the normal summary view and the summary small, which is just the title and metadata. There is also a grid display type where you can add different fields that you want to display in the grid. You can also rename and remove the columns. The reason why column renaming is allowed is for the export. You can export all the search results into a CSV containing the renamed columns. And it's just the top of everything this site offers. If you are curious about what you can achieve using Orchard Core, check out this demo video on YouTube for more! News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. Apply to be a speaker until the 15th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest until the end of June. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Continued decoupled Orchard Core CMS for QTA with Hisham Bin Ateya - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the sixth session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 11th! Hisham Bin Ateya, a core contributor of Orchard Core, joins us again with a follow-up to the previous stream. We'll see a decoupled CMS project he was building for the Quality Training Academy for Health Training from Saudi Arabia. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán Lehóczky from Lombiq. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 472 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add GraphQL support to User Picker Field, add Azure and AWS-specific Image Caches of ImageSharp - This week in Orchard (31/05/2024)

Add Azure and AWS-specific Image Caches of ImageSharp, and adding GraphQL support to the User Picker Field are the topics for this week. And don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session where we'll look into the basics first, how you'd start with decoupled Orchard Core! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Add Azure and AWS-specific Image Caches of ImageSharp When caching images resized with ImageSharp, we use PhysicalFileSystemCache. This can cause an IO bottleneck like it happens on Azure App Services. The Microsoft Azure Media and Amazon S3 Media modules have new features for replacing the default PhysicalFileSystemCache of ImageSharp that stores resized images in the local App_Data folder. Instead, you can now use Azure Blob Storage with the Azure Media ImageSharp Image Cache feature (that utilizes AzureBlobStorageImageCache), and AWS S3 with the Amazon Media ImageSharp Image Cache feature (that utilizes AWSS3StorageCache). Depending on your use case, this can provide various advantages. Check out the Azure Media and the Amazon S3 Media docs for details. Add GraphQL support to the User Picker Field You attach a User Picker Field to your content type and want to retrieve the selected user via GraphQL. To try this out, we use a site set up with the Blog recipe and head to the Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types menu to edit the content definition of the predefined Blog Post content type by adding a new User Picker Field to it. For demonstration purposes, we also created a new user on the site using the AuthorUser as the user's name. Now, we can edit the predefined blog post content item and pick the newly created AuthorUser via the recently attached User Picker Field. To try out this newly added GraphQL feature easily, we need to enable the GraphQL feature under Configuration -> Features. After that, you will find the new GraphiQL option under the Configuration menu. Here, we say that we want to retrieve the email, phoneNumber, userId, and userName properties of the user who is attached to our blog post via the User Picker Field. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. Apply to be a speaker until the 15th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest until the end of June. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Decoupled Orchard Core CMS for QTA with Hisham Bin Ateya - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the fifth session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 3rd! Hisham Bin Ateya, a core contributor of Orchard Core, joins us with a decoupled CMS project he built for the Quality Training Academy for Health Training from Saudi Arabia. We'll look into the basics first, how you'd start with decoupled Orchard Core. Next, we'll check out more of it in action: Decoupled CMS using Razor Pages/MVC Modularity We could explore some other features like import content, taxonomies, etc. We'll see! Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán István Lehóczky. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 470 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Collapsed fields collision in GraphQL, Building a Content Warning Module - This week in Orchard (24/05/2024)

Add a possibility to open a selected content item in a Content Picker Field in a new tab, and fixing collapsed fields collision in GraphQL are the topics for this week. And don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session where we continue building a Content Warning Module! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Collapsed fields collision in GraphQL When you add a Named Part to a Content Type and also check the Collapse checkbox, data is not returned using GraphQL. You can reproduce this issue just by creating a new Content Part and adding at least one Content Field to it. It will be a Named Part, so put a tick into the Reusable checkbox when creating it to allow this part to be attached multiple times. Now, create a new Content Type and add our newly created Content Part as a Named Part. After, we can create a new Content Item based on the new Content Type. And it's time to enable the GraphQL feature by navigating to Configuration -> Features. The GraphiQL option will display under the Configuration menu, where you can query the data. Also, there is an issue when you try to add many parts with the same field names, if those parts are also "collapsed". To solve this problem, you will find a new checkbox if you edit the content definition of the Content Part, which is visible only when the Collapse checkbox is checked. So, you can decide, whether to prevent collisions or not. Add a possibility to open a selected content item in a Content Picker Field in a new tab Let's say that you are using a lot of Content Picker Fields in your solution, and sometimes you lose track of what exactly one item contains versus another one. To know this now, you would need to navigate to the item list of the type, view it, and then navigate back to where you were before. This can be tedious if done a lot of times. It would be nice to be able to open the selected item in a Content Picker Field via having links in the Content Picker Field. This change is about making the rendered title of the selected content item in the content picker clickable which allows to open the selected content item in a separate tab. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. Apply to be a speaker until the 15th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest until the end of June. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Continuing a Content Warning Module with Drew Brasher - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the fourth session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 28th! Drew Brasher will join us again with a Content Warning Module project that she started in the previous stream. Here you can find the source code. We implemented a shortcode provider last time; now, we'll develop a content part to display a content warning for a whole content item. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán István Lehóczky. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 469 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location, Playwright Testing - This week in Orchard (17/05/2024)

Configure the Token provider from the corresponding provider, release notes about SectionDisplayDriver breaking changes, demo about Playwright Testing, and the registration for the Orchard Harvest 2024 conference is now open! Oh, and don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Configure the Token provider from the corresponding provider Enhanced functionality has been implemented, allowing developers to control the expiration time of different tokens, such as those for password reset, email confirmation, and email change, which are sent through the email service. You may change the default values of these options by using the services.Configure<> method. For instance, to change the EmailConfirmationTokenProviderOptions you can add the following code to your project: services.Configure<EmailConfirmationTokenProviderOptions>(options => options.TokenLifespan = TimeSpan.FromDays(7)); Here you can see the EmailConfirmationIdentityOptionsConfigurations class that utilizes the EmailConfirmationTokenProviderOptions. Release notes about SectionDisplayDriver breaking changes In the past, we had a Display Drivers validation issue, which means that the drivers should always return an updated model for displaying proper data even if the model has failed to validate. As you can read in the release notes of the upcoming version, in the upcoming release, the signatures of the UpdateAsync() method within the SectionDisplayDriver base class have undergone modifications. Previously, these signatures accepted the BuildEditorContext parameter. However, with this update, all signatures now require the UpdateEditorContext instead. This alteration necessitates that every driver inheriting from this class adjusts their contexts accordingly. On this screen, you can also see the updated signatures. Demos Playwright Testing The OrchardCoreContrib.Testing repository provides a set of APIs to test the Orchard Core applications. The goal of this repository is to test out the integration with Playwright. Playwright Test was created specifically to accommodate the needs of end-to-end testing. Playwright supports all modern rendering engines including Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox. Test on Windows, Linux, and macOS, locally or on CI, headless or headed with native mobile emulation of Google Chrome for Android and Mobile Safari. If you head to YouTube, you can see a video with some sample tests as well, like how we can open a web page by creating a Playwright instance and choosing the browser, which could be Chromium, Firefox, or Webkit. After that, we must launch the browser to get the instance. Now, we can create a new page and go to this page. Here, we can check the title of the page or the inner HTML, etc. Head to the demo video mentioned to see how you can implement more complex tests using Playwright! News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. Apply to be a speaker until the 15th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest until the end of June. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Building a Content Warning Module with Drew Brasher - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the third session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 21st! (On a Tuesday due to Whit Monday in Europe.) This time, Drew Brasher will join us with a Content Warning Module project that she started in this discussion. We'll start with at least a scaffolding of the module, take the following blog post as a guideline, and then build it from there. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán István Lehóczky. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 471 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Resource Manifest source generator, Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq - This week in Orchard (10/05/2024)

Add extensions to register conditions in the Rules module, add Redis Health Check, demo about the Resource Manifest source generator, and don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Add extensions to register conditions in the Rules module Here is a summary of the changes: Added new OrchardCore.Rules.Core project. Added the new AddRule<> extensions in the Core project. Cleaned up the OrchardCore.Rules project by using the new extensions. And it means that now, you can simplify your code by using the newly added extensions to register custom conditions. For example, services.AddRule<HomepageCondition, HomepageConditionEvaluator, HomepageConditionDisplayDriver>(); Add Redis Health Check This new feature provides the Redis health check to report the status of the Redis server if Redis is enabled. The health check endpoint is available at /health/live for each tenant that needs to be checked. More information about health checks in ASP.NET Core can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/health-checks Demos Resource Manifest source generator If we look at the ResorceManagementOptionsConfiguration today, it has a lot of resources including styles and scripts, and all are hard-coded. The big problem here is the URLs, a lot of times we find bugs for outdated or wrong CDN URLs. Instead of hard-coding all the resources, this PR's goal is to create a JSON file that contains the references for all the scripts and styles. If we go to the ResorceManagementOptionsConfiguration, you can see the usage of the ResourceManifestGenerator, which will get all the data from the resources.json file and add them to the resources directly. So, in a nutshell, just have a JSON file that contains the references for all the scripts and styles, and the ResourceManifestGenerator will get all the data from that resources.json file and add them to the resources directly. And if you are curious about this concept, head to YouTube for a demo! News from the community Theme development with Zig - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq Last Monday, we had the very first session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! This time, Ermir Pellumbi aka Zig joined us with a theme project. If you missed the session, you can find the recording here. And we will have the next session of Orchard Core pair programming next Monday! Ermir Pellumbi (Zig) joins us with a theme project again. We learn a lot, share best practices, and write good code. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán Lehóczky from Lombiq. All this is live, you can join us too! Check it out here. Remember: 5 PM UTC on the 13th! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 470 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add HTML support to notification summary; how to change the idle logout time in Orchard Core? - This week in Orchard (03/05/2024)

Add HTML support to the notification summary, implement local storage emulator support for the Amazon S3 Media module, and in our newest Orchard Core Nuggets post, we discover how to change the idle logout time in Orchard Core! Without further ado, let's get started! Orchard Core updates Add HTML support to the notification summary Let's say you need a way to be able to make notifications clickable on the UI. For example, you want to create a notification for when a content is published. When the user clicks on the notification, you want them to get redirected to the published content item. Currently, there is no way of doing that since we use the property Summary as an email subject which can't contain HTML. The INotificationMessage interface was updated to include the addition of a Subject field, which facilitates the rendering of notification titles. Moreover, the existing Summary field has been transitioned to HTML format. This adjustment enables the rendering of HTML notifications in both the navigation bar and the notification center. Consequently, HTML notifications can now be created, affording functionalities such as clickable notifications. Furthermore, the introduction of the NotificationOptions provides configuration capabilities for the notifications module. This structure comprises the following attributes: TotalUnreadNotifications: This property determines the maximum number of unread notifications displayed in the navigation bar, with a default setting of 10. DisableNotificationHtmlBodySanitizer: By default, the HtmlBody of notifications generated from workflows undergoes a sanitization process. However, this property grants the option to bypass this sanitization process. Implement local storage emulator support for the Amazon S3 Media module Following the docs, you can only use the Amazon S3 Media module with a real, online S3 resource. For daily development, especially in a team, using a storage emulator is better though. This is currently an issue only for the Amazon Media Storage feature. With the AWS SDK version we use currently, and due to us using virtual host addressing for buckets (i.e., mybucket.localhost, as opposed to path-style addressing with localhost/mybucket) this wasn't actually possible, so we needed to implement support for it too. If you open up the Orchard Core docs page, you will find a section that helps you configure a local emulator by setting up a ServiceURL. The page also mentions two tools known to work with the mentioned settings. News from the community Orchard Core Nuggets: How to change the idle logout time in Orchard Core In our latest post in the Orchard Core Nuggets series, we discover how we can constrain how long people can remain logged in: If they share a device, especially a public one, then it's better to be on the safe side and automatically log them out after some time of inactivity. Check out the other posts for more such bite-sized Orchard tips, and let us know if you have another question! Theme development with Zig - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq This is the very first session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! This time, Ermir Pellumbi aka Zig will join us with a theme project. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán Lehóczky from Lombiq. Check it out here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RdE6Io 5 PM UTC on the 6th! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 470 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Convert Themes views to shapes, Orchard Core Commerce 2.0 - This week in Orchard (26/04/2024)

Convert Themes views to shapes, improving notification filter performance, and announcing the 2.0 release of the Orchard Core Commerce project are the topics for this week! Without further ado, let's get started! Orchard Core updates Convert Themes views to shapes Before this change, there was no flexible way to contribute to the output of the Themes views. For example, there was no way to inject a "Customize" button next to the Enable/Disable button to allow customizing the appearance. The goal of this change is to convert the concrete view of the Themes view to shapes so we can inject shapes into the output. As you can see, the outcome is the same. The only difference is that people can inject shapes into variance zones now. Improve notification filter performance After the move to System.Text.Json some metrics went up. This fixed the lock contentions and large object heaps. Plus, some other GC stats are also better. The creation of JsonSerializerOptions uses a weak reference and locks internally so they shouldn't be created too often. The NotifyFilter was created then eagerly while not necessary. Now it's only on demand with some extra caching. The NotifyFilter class is a filter, meaning it will be invoked in every request. Orchard Core will invoke its OnHandlerExecuting method. And on every request, it was creating a new filter instance and it was then creating a new JsonSerializerOptions. It's creating a new one because it needs to set a dynamic converter, a converter that needs something that the DI resolves. And creating a JsonSerializerOptions object is expensive. Now you can just resolve the IOptions<NotifyJsonSerializerOptions> which class contains the JsonSerializerOptions to improve the performance. News from the community Orchard Core Commerce 2.0 Orchard Core Commerce is an Orchard Core port and partial rewrite of the open-source Nwazet Commerce module that was built for Orchard CMS 1.x. Nwazet Commerce was initially built in 2012 by Bertrand Le Roy, loosely based on a commerce sample by Sipke Shoorstra. The initial goal of Nwazet Commerce was to power the website of the hardware startup Nwazet. While Nwazet is no longer operating, the Nwazet Commerce project went on and was further developed by a group of passionate contributors who are using the platform for their own, and their customer's websites. Like Orchard, Nwazet Commerce was built with extensibility in mind, and as such, it has its own extensions (typical examples include local tax and shipping modules). It's also a pure, idiomatic Orchard. Orchard Core represents a major evolution of the Orchard design principles and is sufficiently different that running Nwazet Commerce on it will necessitate significant work. As such, the community decided that starting from a blank slate was the best way to go, so they will port Nwazet Commerce piece by piece, being careful to accurately apply Orchard Core's new design principles. The community also decided to adopt a new name that gets rid of the now obsolete origins and establishes our ambition for the module to become the go-to commerce module for Orchard Core. Back in 2022, we published a demo where you could see the current state of the module. A few months later, we reached another milestone when we finished with the basic implementation of Stripe Payment integration (without taxation, shipping, etc.). Stripe is a payment service provider that business owners can use to accept dozens of payment methods, from credit cards to buy now, pay later services. Stripe Payments handles the steps between a customer providing their card information and learning that their payment has been accepted. As you may know, Lombiq provides stewardship for the Orchard Core Commerce module. That means that we do code reviews and work on features and fixes. At the beginning of 2023, we released the 1.0 version of the Orchard Core Commerce module! You can read some of the key features of the release in this post. You can easily try it out by cloning this repo and building and running the OrchardCore.Commerce.Web project. Thanks to Auto Setup, the site will be set up with the OrchardCore Commerce - Development recipe. After you can go to the dashboard, using the credentials admin and Password1!, and go to Content -> Content Items to create your first Product. And one month ago, we released the 2.0 version of the Orchard Core Commerce module! This is a major version increment because there are some breaking changes, so watch out! We have upgraded to the latest Orchard Core 1.8 packages too. One of the breaking changes is that the built-in Stripe payment provider support has been separated into a standalone package. For now, it's still the only payment processor we support out-of-the-box but we plan to expand that in the near future. You can also implement your custom payment providers. We've also added product listing with filter, search and paging support, the ability to resume payment from the order page, more documentation including a guide, and many other improvements, bug fixes, and quality of life improvements. Check out the full list of changes here. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 470 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

How to change the idle logout time in Orchard Core - Orchard Core Nuggets

Keeping user accounts secure is important. One aspect of this is to constrain how long people can remain logged in: If they share a device, especially a public one, then it's better to be on the safe side and automatically log them out after some time of inactivity. Here is how you can do it in Orchard Core! Since an Orchard Core-using app is in the end just an ASP.NET Core app, you can use the standard Identity options to configure how user sessions work. What governs how long users remain logged in is mostly the cookie settings. This is how you can set it from the Program file of your web app: builder.Services .AddOrchardCms() .ConfigureServices(services => services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(options => options.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30))); This logs users out after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can also set options.SlidingExpiration = false if you'd like this to be counted from the time they logged in, as opposed to the last time they did something in the app. While the above example shows how to do this in the root web app, you can similarly set this from the Startup class of a module or theme. That's it! It's worth checking out the official Orchard Core docs on configuring other Identity options too. Did you like this post? It's part of our Orchard Core Nuggets series where we answer common Orchard questions, be it about user-facing features or developer-level issues. Check out the other posts for more such bite-sized Orchard Core tips and let us know if you have another question!

Secure Media feature, add a way to hide ContentTypeDefinitionSettings - This week in Orchard (19/04/2024)

Consolidate admin required fields, add a way to hide ContentTypeDefinitionSettings, and a demo about the brand-new Secure Media feature! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Consolidate admin required fields Content fields and some parts added to a content type can be set as required, but there is no visualization before submitting changes. The validation error messages for required fields have inconsistent text messages (some contain a dot at the end, some don't, some are using '' for value, and some have explicit value names in the text. Also, validation error messages are included in the validation summary only, and not under the required field, but for example, in TitlePart everything is correct. All error messages should be written in the same format and text, for example: Please add value for '{0}'. At least some CSS class should be added on all required field labels to be able to identify required fields in the content item form and required validation messages should be displayed under each validated field. As you can see in the screen below, the community consolidated the admin required fields by making the following steps: Add star char for all required fields. Add validation message for required input field like in TitlePart. Consolidated color for start and validation error messages. Consolidated error message texts. Removed client validation from inputs because of inconsistent form behavior dependent on the used browser, selected locale, etc. Add a way to hide ContentTypeDefinitionSettings The intention behind this change was to add a configuration to show/hide the creatable, listable, draftable, versionable, and securable flags. We have a new ContentTypeDefinitionDriverOptions class which contains boolean values that you can use to show or hide the creatable, listable, draftable, versionable, and securable options when editing the content definition of a content type on the admin UI. The ContentTypeDefinitionOptions class offers a method for configuring content type definitions to either display or conceal global settings from appearing on the UI. In certain cases, like when creating CustomSettings or CustomUserSettings, these options are useless. So, it would be nice to hide them instead since they do nothing. So, to quickly demonstrate this change, we enabled the Custom User Settings feature under Configuration -> Features. After, we navigated to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types and created a new content type called UserProfile. We added some fields to it and set the stereotype to CustomUserSettings to be able to use this content type as a custom user setting. As you can see, only the Securable checkbox is here, we can't set the other content type definitions like creatable, listable, etc. And the reason for that is in the Startup.cs file of the OrchardCore.Users module, we set up the boolean values of the ContentTypeDefinitionDriverOptions class where the stereotype is CustomUserSettings. But we haven't touched the value of the ShowSecurable, so it can be kept its true value. Demos Secure Media feature This demo is about the brand-new Secure Media feature for additional control over who can access media files. The key features include: Restricted Access to Media Folders: A view permission is created for the root media folder and each first-level folder within the media root, allowing administrators to restrict access based on user roles. Enhanced Viewing Permissions: Introduces permissions to view one's own media files and/or those of others, expanding upon the existing ManageOwnMedia permission. Consistent Access Rules for Media and Content Items: Media attached to content items will adhere to the ViewContent permission of the respective content item. This alignment ensures consistent access rules between media and content items. Protection for Temporary Attached Media Files: Secures temporary attached media files in a manner similar to personal user files. Improved Management Permissions in Admin: Refines the manage media permissions to allow media management only when viewing permissions are also granted. This prevents users from managing media they cannot view. Additionally, the creation and deletion buttons in the admin interface are disabled for folders that are not accessible post-creation or for special folders like "_Users" and "mediafields". Handling Unauthorized Access: Introduces a middleware that returns a 404 NotFound response for unauthenticated access attempts to secured media files. This approach not only restricts access but also conceals the existence of the file. Configurable Cache-Control for Secured Files: Sets the Cache-Control header of secured files to no-store by default, preventing their caching. This setting is configurable to suit different needs. Bearer Token Authentication for API Access: Enables bearer token authentication for media files, aligning with Orchard Core's API capabilities. This feature is particularly useful for headless CMS scenarios and external application integrations. We will not do a deep dive here but will try to demonstrate some of the mentioned features. First of all, you need to enable the feature itself by heading to Configuration -> Features where you will find the Secure Media feature. After enabling it, let's add a new folder to the root of the media library under Content -> Media Library. We named it secure and placed a file into this library. Now, let's navigate to Security -> Roles, and find a section called Secure Media. By default, everyone can see everything, so nothing will change if you enable the feature. It's currently only using the root folder and the first folder level; this means you can only have one tier of secured media folder. And as you can see here, you can define who can view media content in our newly created folder, called secure. Now let's play a little bit with the permissions and say that Anonymous users and Editor users don't have permission to view media content inside the secure folder. To test this out, we created a new user with the Editor role and logged in with this user. Head to the admin UI of Orchard Core and open up the Media Library. As you can see, this user can't see the folder called secure and can't access the files inside the folder. As always, if you want to see more about this new feature, head to YouTube for a recording! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 471 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!