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Spatial Search, 5000+ Stargazers - This week in Orchard (02/05/2021)

This week you could see a demo about an upcoming Spatial Search feature for Orchard Core! Do you know that Orchard Core's repository now has more than 5000+ stargazers? Check out our post for more! Orchard Core updates Map Shape's public properties You could not do stuff like Shape.Classes, Shape.TagName, etc. in your Liquid templates. It was broken by the upgrade to Fluid 2.0. In Fluid, Shape, and ZoneHoldings uses ShapeAccessor which didn't map all properties (ie: Id, TagName, HasItems, Attributes, and Classes). Now it's fixed. Workflow CommitTransaction in a separate Workflow Feature Head to the admin UI of Orchard Core then navigate to Configuration -> Features. If you type the Workflows word in the search bar, you will get all the features that are related to Workflows. Now you will find a new one here called Session Workflows Activities. But there isn't anything new here really, it's just about having the Commit Transaction task in a new feature, because for some security reasons and usually, we don't need to use it quite often. If you miss that activity, now you will know where you can find it. :) Fix notification locale when the site is restarted There could be scenarios where there are multiple notifications in the same controller. But if we are restarting the shell meanwhile in the controller, we could face some issues. This fixes an old localization bug, especially when the default culture is set, some of the notifications are localized with the culture before the new culture is taking a place. Demos Spatial Search Let's set up a site using the Blog recipe. Now go to the admin UI of Orchard Core and first, enable the feature called Spatial. This feature provides the ability to add spatial locations to content items. Let's try that out now! For the sake of demonstration, we will create a new content type called Venue. Let's say that our goal, for now, is to be able to query nearby venues. The Venue content type will have a Title Part and an Html Body Part. But that doesn't really matter right now. Apart from that, we will add a new field to our content type, which will be a Geo Point Field. The Geo Point field can have a Leaflet editor type. Let's keep the other content type settings as default. Now let's see what kind of editor we will have if we open up the editor of our content type. As you can see, you can use a nice editor for the Geo Point Field to set up the Latitude and Latitude coordinates. This means you can simply enter them in the text boxes with these labels or you can just click on the map which will place a marker there with the given coordinates. Of course, you can zoom in and out using the plus or minus icons on the top-left of the map or just by simply scrolling. When you persist this content item, the position will be indexed in Lucene. Lucene now has some spatial search features which this PR implements. Now let's navigate to Search -> Queries -> All queries and add a new query. Select Lucene from the available query types. In the following example, we have just created a query that returns Venue content items based on a given location. You can see a geo_bounding_box filter here, which is about to return Venues where the location is within the boundaries of the given box. You can set the top, left, bottom, and right parameters of the box by using a JSON object. And that object contains parameter values for this query, which will be the parameters of the box in this case. But we are just scratching the surface of the upcoming Spatial Search feature of Orchard Core here. If you would like to know more, check out this recording on YouTube! News from the community Orchard Core repository: 5000+ stargazers and almost 200 contributors If you have visited the Orchard Core repository nowadays, you may notice that Orchard Core has almost gained 200 contributors! Right now the project has 197 contributors! Users on the GitHub website are able to "star" other people's repositories, thereby saving them in their list of Starred Repos. Some people use "stars" to indicate that they like a project, other people use them as bookmarks so they can follow what's going on with the repo later. And if you check out the number of Stargazers you will see that Orchard Core now has more than 5000 stargazers! Decoupled CMS Orchard Core tutorial for the Dojo Course After a long wait, last December we released the new Orchard Core version of our legendary Dojo Course tutorial series, the Dojo Course 3! Are you a newcomer and want to learn Orchard Core from the ground up, both from a user's and a developer's perspective? Are you somewhat familiar with Orchard Core but would like to get up to speed and become an Orchard pro? Look no further, check out Dojo Course 3! Dojo Course 3 guides you from the very basics of Orchard Core all up to be able to write your own themes and modules, utilizing various APIs of Orchard. Here you can check out the Dojo Course 3 YouTube playlist. All the video tutorials are here, in the recommended viewing order. Note that the video descriptions contain links if any were mentioned in the video. And now we are thinking about making a decoupled CMS Orchard Core tutorial for the Dojo Course to extend it a little bit. Orchard for the admin and content store, Razor Pages for the frontend. What do you think about this one? Are you interested? If yes, please tell us your opinion under this Tweet to be able to create that kind of tutorial in the future that you would love to see! Consultant needed for scalable TeamCity+Azure setup Do you have a lot of experience in configuring and operating TeamCity, hosting apps in Azure, and building a scalable Continous Integration environment? We're looking for you! Check the details here! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 197 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Monaco Editor, Introduce ResourcePosition - This week in Orchard (13/03/2021)

The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. And from now you can use it in Orchard Core too! Check out our post for the latest improvements of Orchard Core and don't forget to take a look at our Orchard Ambassadors Toolbox! Orchard Core updates Add some comments to DataMigration class It can happen that you don't remember the correct syntax of the methods that you need to implement when you are adding your migration classes. It's useful to have it actually written down somewhere where you don't have to search. Now if you open up the DataMigration class in the OrchardCore.Data.Abstractions project you will find some comments about the correct syntax. Introduce ResourcePosition Imagine you have multiple resources (CSS or script files) to add in the footer and they don't have any dependencies. But maybe you want one of them to be at the end because it has to happen at the end. Then you can say now I want to be this resource to be the last one. But how can you do that? You can find a RequireDependencies method in the ResourceManagerTest that is about to test this new feature. Let's take a look! Here you can see that we defined a resource with the name first-resource and used the SetPosition method to set the position. The first-resource has one dependency: the first-dependency one that we have already defined in line 127. The code should inject the first-resource first but because it has a dependency to the first-dependency, the logic will inject the first-dependency resource first, then it will inject the first-resource resource. The same applies when you use the ResourcePosition.Last enum. We said that we want to define two resources as the last ones: the last-dependency and the last-resource. But the last-resource has a dependency on the last-dependency, and the last-dependency has a dependency on the another-dependency, so the correct order will be: another-dependency, last-dependency, and last-resource. Provide AdminUserId and other properties to recipes People are using recipe migrations (like the RecipeMigrator) to create content items because they can. But when you run them from setup or when you run a setup on a site, this doesn't set up some properties, like the owner of the content item. Now there is a new interface called IRecipeEnvironmentProvider that you can implement to provide different things to the recipes. The RecipeEnvironmentFeatureProvider is used to populate the environment with the AdminUserId, AdminUsername, and SiteName values that you can use when you are executing your recipes. Fix Active Directory logs an unnecessary warning during setup Let's say you activated the OrchardCore.Microsoft.Authentication.AzureAD feature during setup and configured it from the same recipe in the next step. You will see that the site is up and running but there is a warning in the log: OrchardCore.Microsoft.Authentication.Configuration.AzureADOptionsConfiguration|WARN|The AzureAD Authentication is not correctly configured. This has been fixed now by using LoadSettings() in place of GetSettings() for updating the settings in the related recipe steps. The authentication settings being entities held by the SiteSettings document, so as done in other places and for all shared documents. Demos Monaco Editor Monaco Editor is a new editor mode that is available for the Html Field. The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. A good page describing the code editor's features is here. Now let's see this editor in action! Let's say you set up your site using the Blog recipe. The Blog recipe contains an Article content type that will be perfect for us to play with. Head to the admin UI of Orchard Core and modify the content definition of the Article content type (Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types -> Article). Let's add a new Html Field to this content type and name it Monaco for example. Don't forget to Edit that Html Field and set the editor mode of that field to Monaco editor. You will see that there is a text area that you can use to configure the options of the editor. If you click on the Documentation for options link below you will be navigated to a page that explains which kind of options you can use in the configuration. Leave it on the default that means the editor will use the HTML language. Now if you save the content definition of the Article content type and edit the predefined Article content item, you will see the new field that you can use. You can see that it's the same editor as you can use in Visual Studio code. In this GIF we just showed you some minor functions of the editor by using the default options. But as we mentioned you can configure your editor as you want. Let's say you would like to change the theme of the editor. Modify the editor options and set the value of the theme string that is the initial theme to be used for rendering. The current out-of-the-box available themes are vs (default), vs-dark, hc-black. Let's try out the last one. There is a playground where you can find several examples to see how to use the different kinds of options. If you would like to know more about the Monaco Editor for Orchard Core, head to YouTube for a recording! Use custom settings to customize your theme In Orchard Core, you have the option to add as many settings to your site as you want. By using these settings you can set up some basic stuff like the name of the site, the default time zone, or the page title format. Some modules can provide their own settings. For example, if you enable the Facebook module, you can set the AppId, the AppSecret parameters that are necessary to make the connection between your site and a Facebook App. You can create a theme that can be easily customized just by using settings from the admin UI. To do that you need to implement your theme to support customization. But if you do that you can easily say what kind of navbar, header, logo, etc. you would like to use. Check out the following recording to see what you can achieve if you already have a theme like that. News from the community Orchard Ambassadors Toolbox Let us introduce the Orchard Ambassadors Toolbox! This repository contains a package of useful tools and content for those who want to evangelize Orchard Core. Check out the Readme.md file of the repository for a detailed description of what you can find in the repository. And if you followed us on YouTube, you may have seen our Showcasing Orchard Core CMS video that is also based on this template. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 192 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Dynamic user permissions, Multi Text Field - This week in Orchard (14/02/2021)

We also have two demos this week! One is about the Multi Text Field, a new field that can be used to define multiple selectable options to a given list, the other is about the new dynamic user permissions, which can be useful if you would like to restrict user management by their allocated roles. Read our post for more! Orchard Core updates Fix autoroute trailing slash Let's say we have a site using Orchard Core, like https://www.orchardcore.net. Here if you select the Legacy Orchard option from the menu, you will be redirected to https://www.orchardcore.net/orchardcms. But if you add a trailing slash after the URL, like https://www.orchardcore.net/orchardcms/, you will get a 404 message. The autoroute entry, in this case, is the orchardcms. Now let's see what was the fix exactly. The logic in the old code wasn't find anything that ends with a trailing slash. The new implementation now find the autoroute because it will trim the / sign from the end of the string. Document that all shells can use a single connection string Orchard Core extends ASP.NET Core IConfiguration with IShellConfiguration to allow tenant-specific configuration on top of the application-wide one. To learn more about ASP.NET Core IConfiguration visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/configuration. But what if you want all tenants to access the same database? The corresponding configuration can be kept in a single place, as opposed to setting up the same connection string for all tenants one by one. Check out the updated page on the Orchard Core documentation for more details! Add shortcode resolver to HTML Field GraphQL exposes data but if it contains shortcodes, we need to be able to evaluate them also in GraphQL. Check out the new HtmlFieldQueryObjectType that is about to render the content of the HTML Field. The code also takes into account that we need to sanitize the HTML before rendering or not. Demos Dynamic user permissions We have a permission called Managing Roles that can be used to assign roles to a user but this permission is kind of unused. The goal of this new feature is to split this permission into multiple permissions. Here comes the idea of dynamic permissions, which means the delegation of which users you can manage on the Users page. If you have several users in your system you may want to only allow managing a given group of users. Let's see what it means in practice! We set up the site using the Blog recipe and headed to Security -> Users and added several users with different roles. We just using the predefined roles now and added two users for each role. Now let's imagine the following scenario: we would like to allow users with the Editor role to be able to manage the users with the Author role. It can be done right now, but we want to restrict the users with the Editor role to be able to manage ONLY the users with the Author role. To do that, navigate to Security -> Roles, hit Edit near the Editor role, and find the OrchardCore.Users Feature section. Here you will see several new permissions. The View Users permission is about to be able to see the content of the Users page or not, the Manage own user information is about to be able to edit the own information. And we put a tick in the checkbox near the Manage Users in Role - Author text. Now let's try out the new permissions by logging in with the editor user. Head to the admin UI, navigate to Security -> Users (we can see that option because we say that users with the Editor role have the View Users permission), and hit Edit near a moderator user. Users with the Editor role cannot manage users with the Moderator role, which means we will see only disabled editors here, we cannot really edit anything on this page. But if you would like to edit a user with the Author role, you will be able to do that because we allowed that on the Roles page for the Editor users. If you would like to know more about this feature, don't forget to head to YouTube to check out the recording! Multi Text Field Set up your site using the Blog recipe. To try out the new Multi Text Field we will edit the content definition of the predefined Article content type. To do that, head to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types and hit the Edit button near the Article. Here choose the Add Field button and select the Multi Text Field as the Field Type. When you add a Multi Text Field, you can provide options to your predefined list that can be used when working with the given instances of this content type. You can set the labels and the values and also select the default one(s). You can also have several editor types for the Multi Text Field, like Standard, Picker, or Checkbox List. You can see the different editor types in the following GIF. You can also see a short demo on YouTube about this new field. Check it out now! News from the community Work with us! You've completed the Dojo Course, congratulations! You’re now officially an Orchard Core developer. Would you like to work on a variety of challenging Orchard Core projects with the biggest Orchard team in the world? Work with us! Just send us an e-mail to crew at lombiq.com. Please include what you’re most interested in professionally and attach around 100 lines of any kind of code that you’re especially proud of or just link to the favorite open-source project of your own on GitHub or else. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 192 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Cypress Tests, Media Profiles background color - This week in Orchard (13/12/2020)

Have you ever wondered how to write end-to-end tests for your Orchard Core application? Check out our current post to read about Cypress, which is a next generation front end testing tool built for the modern web. But first, let's start with the other exciting improvements! Orchard Core updates Specify background color Media Profiles feature in Orchard Core is a powerful feature allowing you to specify image resizing options and much other stuff. A profile can then be called with the profile name resize_url: profile: 'banner' rather than having to specify all the resizing options that may apply. We showed you a great demo in this This week in Orchard post about the Media Profiles feature. And here we mentioned the media crop picker and the alt text editor features with YouTube videos too. If you haven't heard about these features, you should check out those posts and videos, especially if you are dealing with several images on your website. The new feature is that now you can specify the background color for the processed image. Let's try this out! Set up your site using the Blog recipe, then navigate to the admin UI of Orchard Core. Head to Configuration -> Media -> Media Profiles and edit the predefined banner Media Profile. Set the resize mode to Pad or BoxPad. If you do that, you will see a new option here called Background Color. Using that property you can select the background color for the processed image. The hint shows you the example values, let's just put red there. Save this setting and open the predefined blog post. And in the screen below you will see our beautiful header with the red background color. If you check out the documentation of Orchard Core, you will find some examples of how you can use the bgcolor argument to set the background color of the image using Liquid Filters or by using the Orchard.AssetUrl Razor Tag Helper. Fix NRE in feature recipe step Let's say you have a recipe and in your recipe, you have a Feature step. The Feature step can be used to say which module you would like to be enabled or disabled if you are running the given recipe, like "steps": [ { "name": "feature", "disable": [], "enable": [ "OrchardCore.HomeRoute", "OrchardCore.Admin", "OrchardCore.Diagnostics", "OrchardCore.DynamicCache", "OrchardCore.Features", "OrchardCore.Navigation", "OrchardCore.Recipes", "OrchardCore.Resources", "OrchardCore.Roles", "OrchardCore.Settings", "OrchardCore.Themes", "OrchardCore.Users" ] }] Here we enabled several modules, but the disable step is empty. That's because, in this recipe, we just want to enable some modules, don't want to disable any of them. But if you define a feature step in your recipe without a disable or an enable step, you will get an NRE when executing the recipe. It's worth to mention the fix because it's very instructive. Let's see the FetaureStep IRecipeStepHandler, where you can see the ExecuteAsync method, which is responsible to process a given recipe step. The assumption is that the Contains() method returns with true or false and therefore you don't need to add the == true. And it's true. But in this case, the Disable string array can be null and if it's null, it will return null. And null equals true will be false. So, without == true the answer can be null which did not compile: "Cannot implicitly convert type bool? to bool". And now if you don't have the enable or the disable step in your recipe, the execution of the recipe won't fail. Now if you check the built-in recipes, like the blog.reicpe.json file, you will not find the disable step there because it's unnecessary. Improve sending emails from Orchard Core Email sending in Orchard Core has got several improvements lately. You can use the SendAsync method from the SmtpService to send emails from Orchard Core. The MailMessage class represents a class that contains information about the mail message. First, now your message can have multiple authors seperated by the ',' or the ';' chars. The other is according to the following MailKit docs: "When the list of addresses in the Reply-To header is empty, replies should be sent to the mailbox(es) specified in the From header". See the related changes from line 116. Upgrade YesSql and fix multiple taxonomy filter issues The goal is to be able to filter on multiple taxonomies. The All method in the IQuery means, that all the predicates inside need to be true. And inside the All, you can call Any if you would like to. And actually, you can't have the same record with two different properties. But now you can do that multiple times and that would work, you can do an AND, it will work to have two predicates on the same index. GraphQL is building SQL queries dynamically, because in GraphQL you can have complex expressions, like ANDs, ORs, INCLUDEs, STARTSWITHs, and all the things you want on different properties. We parse that thing and convert it to a dynamic SQL. The generated SQL would have to do INNER JOINs on the index table. And it broke GraphQL. Nakamura understood how YesSql was building the query after the change by looking at the code of YesSql. And he changed the code to react to these changes by creating new kinds of dynamic SQL queries by using private reflection to get the dynamic names of the dynamic aliases. Demos Cypress Functional Tests Clone the Orchard Core repository then navigate to the tests/functional folder using Windows PowerShell and type npm install to install the packages among with the package of Cypress OrchardCore that is a collection of Cypress commands for interacting with Orchard Core. Make sure you deleted your App_Data folder inside the OrchardCore.Cms.Web folder and type npm run cms:host to build the application and run it. Check out the package.json file in the OrchardCore.Tests.Functional project to see the built-in scripts that you can use and type in the PowerShell window. Now you have a running instance of Orchard Core, time to do some testing! Open a new PowerShell instance and navigate to the same tests/functional folder. Type npm run cms:cypress, which will open the Cypress UI. After some seconds a new window will open with the Cypress test runner. Here you can run all the tests or just pick one by simply clicking on it. Since the tests generate a GUID for the site name and the URL prefix, you can rerun them over and over again. If you run a test, you can visually see what it's doing in the browser. Cypress verifies the JavaScripts too, so if there is any JavaScipt error on the page you visit using the tests, it will show you. If you hover over with your mouse in the steps on the left side of the browser, you can see what was the highlighted step actually did. Like you could see it was getting the textbox with the UserName ID and typed admin there. If you run the agency-test, you will see the following in your browser. But how can I add tests like these and where are these tests in the solution? Well, navigate to the cms-tests/cypress/integration folder of the OrchardCore.Tests.Functional folder, where you can see the exact same files as you can see in the Cypress UI. As you can see, the blog-test.js files just open the given tenant and after logging in to the site, navigates to the admin UI of Orchard Core. If the HTML element with the ta-content class contains the Welcome text, it means that the login was successful. And that's not all of it! If you would like to know more about Cypress testing, check out this recording on YouTube! News from the community Our full Orchard Core tutorial series, the Dojo Course 3 is here! After a long wait, the new Orchard Core version of our legendary Dojo Course tutorial series is here, the Dojo Course 3! Are you a newcomer and want to learn Orchard Core from the ground up, both from a user's and a developer's perspective? Are you somewhat familiar with Orchard Core but would like to get up to speed and become an Orchard pro? Look no further, check out Dojo Course 3! Dojo Course 3 guides you from the very basics of Orchard Core all up to be able to write your own themes and modules, utilizing various APIs of Orchard. We're publishing a tutorial video every day for 40 days starting on 1 December. So, this is your 40 days of Orchard :). If you're looking for our previous Orchard 1.x tutorial series check out Dojo Course 2. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 174 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

User Picker Field, the new user ID - This week in Orchard (06/12/2020)

This time we will do a little deep dive and check out some important changes in the code base of Orchard Core. But don't be scared, we promise you will like these changes, especially the demo about the new User Picker Field! Orchard Core updates Allow media width and height values without a token You could see a demo a few weeks ago in this post about the new options for Media Field where you can set the alt text of your image and you can also crop your images using a nice media crop picker. The way it was working is it's putting different kinds of options to the query string that allows you to manipulate your image. Let's see the following URL for an example: https://localhost:44300/media/post-bg.jpg?width=1&height=600&rmode=crop&rxy=0.2,0.5. Here you can see we set the width and height of the image from the media library. We also set the resize mode for the processed image with other parameters as well. A few days later the community introduced a new bool option added to the MediaOptions called UseTokenizedQueryString to encrypt the image processing query string to prevent disc filling, that is true by default. And now here comes another great stuff that allows values for width and height to be provided via the query string even when tokens are enabled. What does it mean? Let's see an example of it! Set up your site using the Blog recipe then open the default banner image URL of the predefined blog post with the following query string parameters: https://localhost:44300/media/post-bg.jpg?width=1024&height=600. Note that the tokens are enabled by default, but you can still set the width and the height of the image now. Don't forget that this will only work if the height and width values match the supported sizes array values. Introduce Culture Scope There is a new CultureScope class that you can use if you want to locally set the current culture (the current user interface culture and the culture used by the current thread). You can find several unit tests to see how you can use it, but check out this one for now. Here you can see that the culture is set to French, but that setting only applies inside the using statement. Implement UserId All the user profiles that you have locally, now have a new property called UserId, which is unique. We used to use a name, the user name as the way to identify a user. But now the community decided to use a unique ID such that you can't guess user ID or you can't recover another set or permission or ownership by mistake, because an account has been deleted and someone created a new account using the old name and somehow the logical references are still kept based on this name and you would inherit something from that. So, to prevent that, Orchard Core is using now a user ID. If you take the latest version of the dev branch and just run your code there will be a migration that copies the user names of the existing users as the user ID. This way you don't have any change in your content, it will still work the same and be careful that your user ID equals a string like 4gq8jagmrtxrwvg21csa0b6y4y, which is safe, because the next time someone creates a new user, they can't impersonate anyone else like recovering an old account, because it will be a newly generated unique identifier that can't match something like that. And how can you find the currently logged in user? Check out the code in the DefaultContentsAdminListFilter where you can see that now, instead of using the user.Identity.Name, you can use the FindFirstValue extension method from ASP.NET Core to return the value of the first instance of the specified claim type, or null if the claim is not present. And then you can set that value as the Owner of the content item. Demos User Picker Field Let's say you would like to create a blog where multiple users can create blog posts and you want to connect the user account of the author user with the given blog post by showing the name of the user somewhere in the detail view of the post. It's easy because the users can log in to the admin UI of Orchard Core and publish their own posts. In this case, they will be the authors of the given content items. But let's say we don't want to give them access to the site. We just want them to send the content of the blog post to a given email address and the site editors will edit and publish the posts. Is there an easy way to connect content with user accounts in Orchard Core? Set up your site using the Blog recipe. This recipe comes with a predefined blog where you can create new blog posts. The posts can have several properties: the title, the banner image, tags, the category, and so on. We will modify the content definition of the Blog Post to do some tricks. Navigate to the admin UI of Orchard Core and head to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types and edit the Blog Post one. Click on the Add Field button and find the recently added one, called User Picker Field. This field allows you to connect users with a content item. Here you can say that you want to allow multiple users to be selected, allow the picker to display users from all roles, and many more. If you put a tick on the Display All Users checkbox, every user will be in the list that you can choose from, if you remove the tick, the available roles in the system will be listed and you can choose from them. Now if you edit the predefined blog post, you will see the User Picker Field in action. In this case, we have two users in the system named admin and editor. The admin is the superuser with the Administrator role and the editor user has the Editor role. We can see both of them because we said we would like to allow the picker to display users from all roles. If you save your content item, the field will show you the user names of the selected users seperated by a comma (if you selected multiple ones). And you will see a No users. message is you haven't selected any users. You can find some lines about the User Picker Field in the documentation of Orchard Core and a nice presentation of this feature on YouTube! News from the community Our full Orchard Core tutorial series, the Dojo Course 3 is here! After a long wait, the new Orchard Core version of our legendary Dojo Course tutorial series is here, the Dojo Course 3! Are you a newcomer and want to learn Orchard Core from the ground up, both from a user's and a developer's perspective? Are you somewhat familiar with Orchard Core but would like to get up to speed and become an Orchard pro? Look no further, check out Dojo Course 3! Dojo Course 3 guides you from the very basics of Orchard Core all up to be able to write your own themes and modules, utilizing various APIs of Orchard. We're publishing a tutorial video every day for 40 days starting on 1 December. So, this is your 40 days of Orchard :). In the first few videos, we gave you an introduction to Orchard Core and showed you a way about how to set up your first Orchard Core website. After we started to talk about the content model of Orchard Core, checking out the basics of content management. We will stay in the admin UI for a little in the upcoming days and check out the other basic features of the CMS like how to add widgets with layers, managing the menus, and the media files. After we will see how can you search and index content items, and build forms using the Forms and Workflows feature. But we will not spoil the topics of the upcoming videos. :) If you're looking for our previous Orchard 1.x tutorial series check out Dojo Course 2. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 172 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Why is my content part not recognized in Orchard Core? - Orchard Core Nuggets

You have implemented your MyAwesomePart but you cannot attach it to your content type using the dashboard because it's not showing in the Content Parts list (Content -> Content Definition -> Content Parts)?The most possible reason for this that you haven't registered your implementation in the service container. To register your class in the service container head to the Startup.cs file of your module and in the ConfigureServices method add the following line: services.AddSingleton<ContentPart, MyAwesomePart>();But if you are using the RC1 version of Orchard Core or newer you can use the AddContentPart extension method, where you just only need to provide your content part: services.AddContentPart<MyAwesomePart>();. The AddContentPart and the AddContentField (that you can use to register your fields) can be found in the OrchardCore.ContentManagement namespace.Another recommendation is to use the Part suffix when naming your class or cs file that contains your custom part. Don't forget to put it in a Models folder to follow the recommendation of the MVC (model-view-controller) software design pattern.For more information about registering your Part check out the Startup.cs file of our Orchard Core Training Demo module, where we registered the PersonPart in the service container. We also mentioned the new way of registering ContentParts and ContentFields in this post of our This week in Orchard series. Did you like this post? It's part of our Orchard Core Nuggets series where we answer common Orchard questions, be it about user-facing features or developer-level issues. Check out the other posts for more such bite-sized Orchard Core tips and let us know if you have another question!

Advanced content management and starting with theme development - Dojo Course

UPDATE (2017-11-22): Dojo Course 2 is released with new, updated videos! Forms, tokens, projections? Command line scaffolding for themes and shapes? This is what the third Dojo Course tutorial is about. Continuously updated source code for the Course (you can upload the latest source in a zip from here) Using Custom Forms: Creating a content type for using as a form, with fields Creating a custom form with the newly created content type Using Workflows to run custom activities like sending an e-mail when a form is submitted Using tokens to create dynamic texts Using the Projector module to list content items: Creating queries to define which content items to list, in what order and how to display them Creating Projection Pages or Projection Widgets to display the result of the query Using Query Links in Navigation Starting with developing extensions: themes Using the command line tool, help Command line scaffolding: generating a theme with a separate project and adding it to our custom solution Basic settings for your theme with Theme.txt: Name, BaseTheme (inheritance) Using the Shape Tracing feature to reveal how the layout is built up, notion of shapes Remember: if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them by creating a new issue in the Orchard issue tracker with the "discussion" label. Make sure to prefix your thread's title with "Dojo Course - "! We keep an eye on these issues. Haven't you enrolled yet? Why not do it some time in the near future like right now?

Forum favourites: model editors with shapes, accessing a shape's generated html and accessing content fields programmatically

Forum topics from the Orchard discussion board that we found interesting: "Passing my own data types to a view": using form field html helpers with dynamic models and in alternates defined with the shape attribute "Dynamically built html with Clay": capturing the generated html coming from a shape "How to access fields of a content item again?": ways of accessing a content field's value by using dynamic or statically typed extension methods