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Orchard Harvest 2024 Program, expose Content Fields Indexing via GraphQL for content field filtering - This week in Orchard (26/07/2024)

Fix Liquid script tag does not render custom attributes, and exposing Content Fields Indexing via GraphQL for content field filtering are the topics for this week. The full program of the Orchard Harvest conference, with all the speaker and talk details, is out! Without further ado, let's dive in! Orchard Core updates Fix Liquid script tag does not render custom attributes The following Liquid template line {% script name:"pdf.js", src:"/Vendor/pdfjs/build/pdf.js", type:"module", defer:"defer", at:"head", depends_on:"jQuery" %} renders in <head> as: <script src="/t4h/OrchardCore.Resources/Scripts/jquery.min.js"></script><script src="/Vendor/pdfjs/build/pdf.js"></script> As you can see, the defer and type attributes are missing. The issue was a missing clause in the ScriptTag.cs file. Expose Content Fields Indexing via GraphQL for content field filtering If you want to filter (with where) the value of content fields, you must implement a WhereInputObjectGraphType for it. There's no built-in way to filter content field values from GraphQL. We already have Content Fields Indexing to be able to run SQL queries for field values. The goal of this change is to build on that and expose such SQL indices in GraphQL too. The GraphQL module now allows for filtering content fields, making it easier to query specific content fields using GraphQL. This enhancement relies on having the OrchardCore.ContentFields.Indexing.SQL module enabled. Additionally, the GetAliases method in the IIndexAliasProvider interface is now asynchronous and has been renamed to GetAliasesAsync. Implementations of this interface should be modified by updating the method signature and ensuring they handle asynchronous operations correctly. To see this in action, we need to enable the mentioned Content Fields Indexing (SQL) module under Configuration -> Features. We also enabled the GraphQL feature to have the GraphiQL option under the Configuration menu for easier testing. The following example demonstrates filtering Product content types based on a numeric content field named Amount, which is attached to a content part named Price Part, where the Amount is greater than 10. Note that in our example the Price Part is collapsed with the prevent field name collision option enabled. You can set these if you edit the content part settings of the attached Price Part. As you can see, we have two products where the value of the Amount numeric field is greater than 10. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 Program The full Orchard Harvest program has finally arrived. This year’s program is packed with insightful sessions, engaging panels, and ample opportunities to connect with the Orchard community and to make Orchard Harvest the biggest Orchard Core event of the year. All sessions will be recorded and published on the Orchard YouTube channel after the event, so even if you can't make it live, you can see the sessions. However, being there live will allow you to ask the speakers, meet other community members, and have a lot of fun! All indicated times are local time in Las Vegas. After each session, you'll have a chance to ask questions, and we'll have a short break too. Here is a detailed schedule to help you prepare for the conference. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on this YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 467 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting! The recordings of the latest meetings will be uploaded in the first half of August, stay tuned for videos!

Orchard Harvest 2024 Program, Liquid syntax support for Correlate Task - This week in Orchard (19/07/2024)

Add target attribute to Menu, and Liquid syntax support for Correlate Task are the topics for this week. The full program of our Orchard Harvest conference, with all the speaker and talk details, is now out! Without further ado, let's dive in! Orchard Core updates Add target attribute to Menu In some cases, you may need to always open external links in new pages by adding optional target='_blank' to the Menus and AdminMenus. This change allows the user to specify the target property on both the Menus and the AdminMenus. Let's see how you can do that! Here, we have a site set up with the Blog recipe that adds a Main Menu option to the admin UI of Orchard Core. If you click on that and edit one of the Link Menu Items, you will find a new Target textbox, where you can specify the target attribute of the A tag. To be able to check out this for the Admin Menus as well, we need to head to Configuration -> Admin Menus and edit the nodes of the predefined admin menu called Admin menus. Just click Edit near any Link Admin Node and click inside the Target textbox. A context menu will appear that helps you to provide a valid value for the target. Liquid syntax support for Correlate Task The Correlate Task now uses the Monaco editor but only supports Script parsing. It would be nice to have an option to parse Liquid by selecting the syntax of the Correlate Task. This should default to Script parsing to be backward compatible. To check it out in action, we have to make sure that the Workflows feature is enabled under Configuration -> Features. We also enabled the HTTP Workflows Activities feature to be able to demonstrate this new addition to the Correlate Task more easily. After that, we can navigate to the Workflows option and create a new workflow. First of all, the startup event of our workflow will be an HTTP Request Event, which means if we invoke the generated URL, we can easily trigger our workflow. This is followed by a Set Property Task, where we set the value of the test property to "Hello Orchard Core!". And here comes the Correlate Task, where we set the Syntax to Liquid and the Value to {{ Workflow.Properties['test'] }}. And we close our workflow with the HTTP Response Task where we print the value of the CorrelationId in the following way: { "CorrelationId": "{{ Workflow.CorrelationId }}" }. Now it's time to trigger the workflow and see what will happen. As you can see, the CorrelationId property contains the value of our test property which we defined in our Correlate Task using Liquid syntax. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 Program The full Orchard Harvest program has finally arrived. This year’s program is packed with insightful sessions, engaging panels, and ample opportunities to connect with the Orchard community and to make Orchard Harvest the biggest Orchard Core event of the year. All sessions will be recorded and published on the Orchard YouTube channel after the event, so even if you can't make it live, you can see the sessions. However, being there live will allow you to ask the speakers, meet other community members, and have a lot of fun! All indicated times are local time in Las Vegas. After each session, you'll have a chance to ask questions, and we'll have a short break too. Here is a detailed schedule to help you prepare for the conference. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on this YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 468 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add Autocomplete to the Stereotype text box, Lucene Search in practice - This week in Orchard (07/06/2024)

Add Autocomplete to the Stereotype text box, add Content Item ApiController.cs endpoints documentation, and a demo about Lucene Search in practice are the topics for this week. Don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session, where we'll continue building a decoupled CMS project! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Add Autocomplete to the Stereotype text box Now, the Stereotype is a text box, that is not user-friendly when making changes. For example, you may enter UserCustomSettings instead of CustomUserSettings. The goal here is to have some way to get all the Stereotypes that are currently supported by the system, and then list them, for example, by adding a dropdown menu to the Stereotype text box where you can still type what you want. Let's see this quickly in action! First of all, head to the admin UI of Orchard Core and edit the Content Definition of the predefined Blog Post content type by navigating to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types (assuming you set up your site using the Blog recipe). Here, find the Stereotype text box and simply click on it. Once you do it, you will find a list showing you all of the stereotypes that are currently available on your site. Adding Content Item ApiController.cs endpoints documentation The OrchardCore.Contents module provides RESTful API endpoints via minimal API featuring endpoints to manage content items. These endpoints allow for operations such as retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting single content item instances. Access to these endpoints requires authentication and appropriate user role permissions. The documentation of the Contents module has been updated by adding Useful modules and libraries Activating the "OpenId Authorization Server" and "OpenId Token Validation" Features, and setting User Roles Contents API Controller Endpoints Demos Lucene Search in practice This is the Brittany All Cases management platform of Bethany built on top of Orchard Core CMS, using the full CMS, not just the framework. In this demo, you can see the search pages, where you can do the obvious search using queries. But you can also filter by different fields and properties on all added fields by marking a field as indexable. You can also do sorting by multiple things. Another feature is the different layout types. There is the normal summary view and the summary small, which is just the title and metadata. There is also a grid display type where you can add different fields that you want to display in the grid. You can also rename and remove the columns. The reason why column renaming is allowed is for the export. You can export all the search results into a CSV containing the renamed columns. And it's just the top of everything this site offers. If you are curious about what you can achieve using Orchard Core, check out this demo video on YouTube for more! News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. Apply to be a speaker until the 15th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest until the end of June. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Continued decoupled Orchard Core CMS for QTA with Hisham Bin Ateya - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the sixth session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 11th! Hisham Bin Ateya, a core contributor of Orchard Core, joins us again with a follow-up to the previous stream. We'll see a decoupled CMS project he was building for the Quality Training Academy for Health Training from Saudi Arabia. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán Lehóczky from Lombiq. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 472 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add GraphQL support to User Picker Field, add Azure and AWS-specific Image Caches of ImageSharp - This week in Orchard (31/05/2024)

Add Azure and AWS-specific Image Caches of ImageSharp, and adding GraphQL support to the User Picker Field are the topics for this week. And don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session where we'll look into the basics first, how you'd start with decoupled Orchard Core! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Add Azure and AWS-specific Image Caches of ImageSharp When caching images resized with ImageSharp, we use PhysicalFileSystemCache. This can cause an IO bottleneck like it happens on Azure App Services. The Microsoft Azure Media and Amazon S3 Media modules have new features for replacing the default PhysicalFileSystemCache of ImageSharp that stores resized images in the local App_Data folder. Instead, you can now use Azure Blob Storage with the Azure Media ImageSharp Image Cache feature (that utilizes AzureBlobStorageImageCache), and AWS S3 with the Amazon Media ImageSharp Image Cache feature (that utilizes AWSS3StorageCache). Depending on your use case, this can provide various advantages. Check out the Azure Media and the Amazon S3 Media docs for details. Add GraphQL support to the User Picker Field You attach a User Picker Field to your content type and want to retrieve the selected user via GraphQL. To try this out, we use a site set up with the Blog recipe and head to the Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types menu to edit the content definition of the predefined Blog Post content type by adding a new User Picker Field to it. For demonstration purposes, we also created a new user on the site using the AuthorUser as the user's name. Now, we can edit the predefined blog post content item and pick the newly created AuthorUser via the recently attached User Picker Field. To try out this newly added GraphQL feature easily, we need to enable the GraphQL feature under Configuration -> Features. After that, you will find the new GraphiQL option under the Configuration menu. Here, we say that we want to retrieve the email, phoneNumber, userId, and userName properties of the user who is attached to our blog post via the User Picker Field. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. Apply to be a speaker until the 15th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest until the end of June. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Decoupled Orchard Core CMS for QTA with Hisham Bin Ateya - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the fifth session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 3rd! Hisham Bin Ateya, a core contributor of Orchard Core, joins us with a decoupled CMS project he built for the Quality Training Academy for Health Training from Saudi Arabia. We'll look into the basics first, how you'd start with decoupled Orchard Core. Next, we'll check out more of it in action: Decoupled CMS using Razor Pages/MVC Modularity We could explore some other features like import content, taxonomies, etc. We'll see! Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán István Lehóczky. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 470 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Collapsed fields collision in GraphQL, Building a Content Warning Module - This week in Orchard (24/05/2024)

Add a possibility to open a selected content item in a Content Picker Field in a new tab, and fixing collapsed fields collision in GraphQL are the topics for this week. And don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session where we continue building a Content Warning Module! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Collapsed fields collision in GraphQL When you add a Named Part to a Content Type and also check the Collapse checkbox, data is not returned using GraphQL. You can reproduce this issue just by creating a new Content Part and adding at least one Content Field to it. It will be a Named Part, so put a tick into the Reusable checkbox when creating it to allow this part to be attached multiple times. Now, create a new Content Type and add our newly created Content Part as a Named Part. After, we can create a new Content Item based on the new Content Type. And it's time to enable the GraphQL feature by navigating to Configuration -> Features. The GraphiQL option will display under the Configuration menu, where you can query the data. Also, there is an issue when you try to add many parts with the same field names, if those parts are also "collapsed". To solve this problem, you will find a new checkbox if you edit the content definition of the Content Part, which is visible only when the Collapse checkbox is checked. So, you can decide, whether to prevent collisions or not. Add a possibility to open a selected content item in a Content Picker Field in a new tab Let's say that you are using a lot of Content Picker Fields in your solution, and sometimes you lose track of what exactly one item contains versus another one. To know this now, you would need to navigate to the item list of the type, view it, and then navigate back to where you were before. This can be tedious if done a lot of times. It would be nice to be able to open the selected item in a Content Picker Field via having links in the Content Picker Field. This change is about making the rendered title of the selected content item in the content picker clickable which allows to open the selected content item in a separate tab. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. Apply to be a speaker until the 15th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest until the end of June. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Continuing a Content Warning Module with Drew Brasher - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the fourth session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 28th! Drew Brasher will join us again with a Content Warning Module project that she started in the previous stream. Here you can find the source code. We implemented a shortcode provider last time; now, we'll develop a content part to display a content warning for a whole content item. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán István Lehóczky. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 469 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location, Playwright Testing - This week in Orchard (17/05/2024)

Configure the Token provider from the corresponding provider, release notes about SectionDisplayDriver breaking changes, demo about Playwright Testing, and the registration for the Orchard Harvest 2024 conference is now open! Oh, and don't forget to join our next Orchard Core Pair Programming session! Let's see the details! Orchard Core updates Configure the Token provider from the corresponding provider Enhanced functionality has been implemented, allowing developers to control the expiration time of different tokens, such as those for password reset, email confirmation, and email change, which are sent through the email service. You may change the default values of these options by using the services.Configure<> method. For instance, to change the EmailConfirmationTokenProviderOptions you can add the following code to your project: services.Configure<EmailConfirmationTokenProviderOptions>(options => options.TokenLifespan = TimeSpan.FromDays(7)); Here you can see the EmailConfirmationIdentityOptionsConfigurations class that utilizes the EmailConfirmationTokenProviderOptions. Release notes about SectionDisplayDriver breaking changes In the past, we had a Display Drivers validation issue, which means that the drivers should always return an updated model for displaying proper data even if the model has failed to validate. As you can read in the release notes of the upcoming version, in the upcoming release, the signatures of the UpdateAsync() method within the SectionDisplayDriver base class have undergone modifications. Previously, these signatures accepted the BuildEditorContext parameter. However, with this update, all signatures now require the UpdateEditorContext instead. This alteration necessitates that every driver inheriting from this class adjusts their contexts accordingly. On this screen, you can also see the updated signatures. Demos Playwright Testing The OrchardCoreContrib.Testing repository provides a set of APIs to test the Orchard Core applications. The goal of this repository is to test out the integration with Playwright. Playwright Test was created specifically to accommodate the needs of end-to-end testing. Playwright supports all modern rendering engines including Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox. Test on Windows, Linux, and macOS, locally or on CI, headless or headed with native mobile emulation of Google Chrome for Android and Mobile Safari. If you head to YouTube, you can see a video with some sample tests as well, like how we can open a web page by creating a Playwright instance and choosing the browser, which could be Chromium, Firefox, or Webkit. After that, we must launch the browser to get the instance. Now, we can create a new page and go to this page. Here, we can check the title of the page or the inner HTML, etc. Head to the demo video mentioned to see how you can implement more complex tests using Playwright! News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 date and location Get ready to power up your Orchard skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! Join us on September 12th-13th at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in lively Las Vegas for two days packed with learning, coding, and community fun. What can you expect at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024? Hands-On Workshops: Elevate your coding game with interactive sessions led by industry experts. Insider Insights: Learn best practices, advanced techniques, and real-world insights from qualified developers. Global Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships within the Orchard community. Special Perks: Participants get exclusive discounts on accommodations at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. Can't wait until September? Check out recordings from last year's special online Orchard Harvest on our YouTube channel here. Ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Reserve your spot today and take advantage of early-bird pricing at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024. We also opened the registration form for the speakers: https://forms.office.com/e/fewh7hh20d This year's leading themes: Leading up to a v3.0, what will the future Orchard Core look like? What's the role of a CMS nowadays (with the decoupled/headless operating models, and AI development tools) Explore some advanced topics such as Shapes, Placements, Cloud Integrations, Performance, module extensibility, etc. Showcases on implementing Orchard Core in action. Apply to be a speaker until the 15th of June, midnight Anywhere on Earth! We'll notify you whether your talk is selected for Harvest until the end of June. The chosen speakers will receive complimentary tickets for the event. Want to support our mission? Become a sponsor! Reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] to explore sponsorship opportunities. Secure your spot today and get ready to level up your skills at Orchard Harvest Conference 2024! See you there! Building a Content Warning Module with Drew Brasher - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq We'll have the third session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions! Here, you can find the previous pair programming sessions, and here, you can find the stream for the upcoming one! See you at 5 PM UTC on the 21st! (On a Tuesday due to Whit Monday in Europe.) This time, Drew Brasher will join us with a Content Warning Module project that she started in this discussion. We'll start with at least a scaffolding of the module, take the following blog post as a guideline, and then build it from there. Your host and the "navigator" of the pair programming session will be Zoltán István Lehóczky. Would you like to be our guest? Just let us know! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 471 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Harvest 2024, log file path based on orchard_app_data environment variable - This week in Orchard (12/04/2024)

Add cache busting parameter to media thumbnails and links in Media Library, the log file path now based on the orchard_app_data environment variable, and the latest news about this year's Orchard Harvest conference! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Add cache busting parameter to media thumbnails and links in Media Library It's recommended to send long far-future client cache TTLs in HTTP response headers for static resources like images, documents, and CSS files, and this is what Orchard Core also does. However, in the Media Library admin, this causes an issue if you change files since thumbnails and View links will now load the old files. This is especially a problem with CDNs, since then it's not just your browser caching these files but the CDN too, which for an ordinary user is impossible to purge, and thus they won't see the updated files. The solution here is to make Media Library admin thumbnails and View links use the usual cache-busting parameter mechanism. Log file path based on orchard_app_data environment variable As described in the document here, setting the environment variable orchard_app_data doesn't change the log location, and logs are still placed under the App_Data folder. So, if you created an environment variable orchard_app_data with value C:\\orchard_data, and ran the application with the Default tenant, you noticed that the Sites folder created at C:\\orchard_data but logs are generated under App_Data. But because the orchard_app_data environment variable has a value C:\\orchard_data, logs should also be created under C:\\orchard_data. The goal of this change was to fix this behavior. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 We had the first online Orchard Harvest last year, and it was so great to see that we had 188 sign-ups for the conference! It was an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, talk about development plans and ideas, and foremost, meet the rest of the worldwide community. And of course, we recorded every session, which means they are available on YouTube! Click the link to rewatch all the inspiring talks and discussions! So, after last year, the Orchard Harvest Conference will be held again in 2024. Last year it was held online due to economic reasons. This year the organizing team has decided to finally organize the Orchard Harvest 2024 Conference in person. Each year, we try to attract as many people as possible, and a face-to-face event helps to build truly productive relationships. Last year, we started organizing the event in Las Vegas, so that's one of the reasons we're going to do it here again this year! Also, most of the active people in the community are either from the US or can reach the US. According to the questionnaire, most people wanted the event to take place in September. With the organizers, we agreed that a Thursday and Friday would be best, so it wouldn't take so many working days away from people. They could even stay for the weekend on an individual basis. Finally, we chose the 12th and 13th of September. It's not right after the summer holidays, people don't travel as much then. There are fewer things that could come up for potential participants that would prevent them from participating. Also important is that it does not interfere with any national holiday. We are currently working with the organizers on a contract with the venue. We are also thinking about what themes the event should be based on. Furthermore, we are trying to put together a set of goals that we will try to follow through. Do you have any ideas that you would like us to consider? Please tell us under this GitHub Discussion! There is a possibility of sponsoring the Orchard Harvest conference, and we are currently in the planning stage. We would be open to it if you would like to sponsor our event. If you are interested, you can contact us using [email protected] or the [email protected] email addresses, and you can also write under the mentioned GitHub Discussion page. If you would like to be kept informed about the events around the conference sign up here to receive our announcements about Orchard Harvest. As we move forward, we will keep community members informed of the details, and you will also find every detail in this newsletter too! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 471 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

User Localization settings, Orchard Harvest survey results - This week in Orchard (15/03/2024)

Updating GraphQL for .NET to the latest version, new User Localization settings, and announcing the results of the Orchard Harvest 2024 survey! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Update GraphQL for .NET to latest GraphQL for .NET is an implementation of Facebook's GraphQL in .NET. This library is currently on v7.8.0 while Orchard Core used v4.8.0. While this is not hugely old (released in March 2022), it still is, and we were too much behind. This huge update involved many API changes and a lot of work from the contributors. Thanks to them, now you can use the latest version of GraphQL for .NET if you are using the nightly build of Orchard Core! User Localization settings This feature adds the ability to configure the culture per user from the admin UI. It also adds a RequestCultureProvider based on claims. This provider will take precedence over any existing ones allowing to override browser settings and always displaying a unique culture for that user. This is not a User Culture Picker for the front end but a way to set the culture to a preferred one for each user. A User Culture Picker is another RequestCultureProvider with a higher priority than this one. Let's see how it works! First of all, head to Configuration -> Features and enable the User Localization feature. As we mentioned, this feature adds a RequestCultureProvider to retrieve the current user culture from its claims. This feature will set a new user claim with a CultureClaimType named culture. It also has a culture option to fall back to other ASP.NET Request Culture Providers by simply setting the user culture to "Use site's culture" which will also be the selected default value. Now head to Security -> Users and hit Edit near one of the users. You can see the new drop-down here called Default User Culture which contains the cultures which are supported by the site. News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 survey results For those too young to remember, we had Orchard conferences, called Orchard Harvest. And the conference website was available under orchardharvest.org, but unfortunately, it's not anymore. The last offline was in 2017 in New York. So, having another get-together is very much overdue. If you would like to see or get a feeling of how this looked like before, we have a couple of mood videos on the Orchard YouTube channel, like this one from the first conference. We had the first online Orchard Harvest last year, and it was so great to see that we had 188 sign-ups for the conference! It was an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, talk about development plans and ideas, and foremost, meet the rest of the worldwide community. And of course, we recorded every session, which means they are available on YouTube! Click the link to rewatch all the inspiring talks and discussions! The point is that we should think about organizing the next one, and we at Lombiq can take part in that or provide an organizing role with anybody who wants to take part. We created a survey, and now we have the results! Thank you for your feedback so far regarding Orchard Harvest! We have received a significant number of responses so far which has helped us to get a better idea of the right place and time. As we move forward, we will keep community members informed of the details, and you will also find every detail in this newsletter too! Here you can see the results but if you are interested in a discussion where the community shared their ideas regarding the results, you can watch a video about it on YouTube! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 475 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Harvest 2024 survey, Lombiq Login as Anybody for Orchard Core - This week in Orchard (09/02/2024)

Use the file name instead of the technical name in the Media Field, add Environment accessor in Liquid, a demo about our Login as Anybody module, and a survey about the upcoming Harvest conference! We have a lot to cover today, so let's get started! Orchard Core updates Use the file name instead of the technical name in the Media Field When selecting a file using the attached Media Field, it shows the technical name, which is not user-friendly. With this change, we use the uploaded file name if it exists. Let's try it out quickly! If you set up your site using the Blog recipe, it will create a predefined Blog Post content type. That content type has one Media Field called, Banner Image. We uploaded a new image to the Media Library (Content -> Media Library) and will use that for the predefined Blog Post content item. Once we select our file and click on it, you can see the Media Field displays the file name (Loki.jpg) instead of its technical name. Add Environment accessor in Liquid Currently, you can't check if you are in the Development or the Production environment in Liquid. This change introduces a new environment accessor in Liquid which represents the current hosting environment. The following properties are available on the Environment object as mentioned in the docs: IsDevelopment: Checks if the current hosting environment name is Development. IsStaging: Checks if the current hosting environment name is Staging. IsProduction: Checks if the current hosting environment name is Production. Name: Gets hosting environment name. Here, we have created a new template under Design -> Templates with the name Content__BlogPost. This template is called when displaying the Blog Post content item with the Detail display type, for instance, when accessed from its URL. We have one predefined Blog Post content item so we will use that one for testing purposes. The template itself is straightforward, we just print the name of the environment and two boolean values, as you can see in the screen below. Demos Lombiq Login as Anybody for Orchard Core This demo is about the Lombiq Login as Anybody module for administrators to be able to log in as any user. This feature is only available to site owners, thus it's no way to get around security. It's time to see this feature in action! The easiest way is to clone Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions solution. This Orchard Core Visual Studio solution contains most of Lombiq's open-source Orchard modules and themes, as well as related utilities and libraries, containing the Lombiq Login as Anybody module too. Let's run the Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions solution and head to Configuration -> Features to enable the Lombiq Login as Anybody feature. After enabling the module you'll see a new button on the Security -> Users page. You can log in as any registered user there. This is useful if you want to see how your Orchard Core app behaves for certain users. Here you can see that we are logged in with the admin user, and the Log in as user button appears near the two other users on the list. Once you hit that button, you will be logged in as the selected user and will be redirected to the homepage of the site with a notification "Successfully logged in as {UserName}." If you want to see a short demo of this feature, don't forget to head to YouTube for a recording! News from the community Orchard Harvest 2024 survey For those too young to remember, we had Orchard conferences, called Orchard Harvest. And the conference website was available under orchardharvest.org, but unfortunately, it's not anymore. The last in-person one was in 2017 in New York. So, having another get-together is very much overdue. If you would like to see or get a feeling of how this looked like before, we have a couple of mood videos on the Orchard YouTube channel, like this one from the first conference. The point is that we should think about organizing the next in-person one, and we at Lombiq can take part in that or provide an organizing role with anybody who wants to take part. After last year, the Orchard Harvest Conference will be held again in 2024. Last year it was held online due to economic reasons. But first, we would like to assess the potential interest and what would be needed. You can fill in the questionnaire here, which should take about 5 minutes. Share your thoughts with us in the survey. We are curious about who we will meet in 2024! :) Work with Lombiq! Do you like developing apps with Orchard Core? Would you like to apply your skills to some of the most challenging Orchard Core apps out there, working with other OC experts? Then come work with us at Lombiq, the biggest Orchard Core team in the world! We've been contributors, supporters, and users of Orchard Core and Orchard 1 for more than a decade (Benedek Farkas and Zoltán Lehóczky, the two founders, for even more), with a huge open-source portfolio. There you can also check out the code we write, and some of the projects you could take part in. We do a lot. Ready for keywords? Open-source, Orchard Core CMS, .NET software development, ASP.NET Core MVC, distributed team, cloud-first, Microsoft Azure, self-funded R&D, Vue.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, SASS, training, hosting and operations, GitHub Actions, TeamCity, support, SaaS (the only Orchard CMS SaaS, DotNest), Selenium UI testing, xUnit, university courses. And also, greenfield experimental projects like Hastlayer, turning software into computer chips. Write to us at [email protected], and let's talk! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 479 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Full-Text Search for Admin UI, Orchard Harvest recordings - This week in Orchard (04/08/2023)

Adding an option to allow the user to change the full-text search behavior in the admin UI, new Helpful Shell Extensions, and announcing that the recordings of the Orchard Harvest Conference 2023 are available on YouTube! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Full-Text Search for Admin UI Currently, when searching for content we search the DisplayText property. It can happen that we want to search content items for other fields like a stock number or serial number. Currently, the only way to do this is by adding any info we want to search for to the title. This may be acceptable in some cases, but not all cases. From now on, additional options have been introduced to enable control over the behavior of the full-text search in the administration user interface for content items. Check out this documentation for details about how you can do that by implementing the IContentsAdminListFilterProvider interface and registering the custom default term name as a search option by adding it to the ContentsAdminListFilterOptions. Helpful Shell Extensions The goal of this change is to introduce various extensions related to tenant management that the contributors can utilize in the future to improve the code quality of Orchard Core instead of doing the same checks repeatedly. And of course, you can use these extensions in the future in your own custom code as well! We have three new classes (ShellContextExtensions, ShellSettingsExtensions, and ShellStringExtensions) with extension methods that tell you whether the tenant is running or not, whether or not the tenant has one of the provided URL hosts, whether or not the tenant is in use in at least one active scope, and so on. News from the community Orchard Harvest Online Recordings We had the first online Orchard Harvest, and it was great to see that we had 188 sign-ups for the conference! It was an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, talk about development plans and ideas, and foremost, meet the rest of the worldwide community. And of course, we recorded every session, which means they are now available on YouTube! Click the link to rewatch all the inspiring talks and discussions! That was a blast! Thank you again, everyone, for taking part, and thanks to the presenters for their great presentations! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 497 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!