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Admin Culture Picker, Enhance BagPart to honor permissions - This week in Orchard (12/08/2022)

Enhance BagPart to honor permissions, add permissions for the Amazon S3 module, improve the workflow function description in the document, and a demo about the Admin Culture Picker! Let's get started! Orchard Core updates Enhance BagPart to honor permissions Let's say you want some users to be able to add content items to a specific bag while others to only be able to view only existing items. Currently, any content item contained in a BagPart is always editable regardless if the contained item is securable or not. In most cases, this is fine. However, this function should also be extended to honor the security rules when the contained item is securable. This means a user with EditContent permission can add/edit items to the BagPart whereas a user with ViewContent permission only should see the content item as a read-only version "like preview" but should not be able to make any change to it. So, this addition is about enhancing the BagPart to honor permissions for the contained content types. To try this one out, set up a site using the Agency recipe which contains the Landing Page content type which has several BagParts attached. Now, let's say that users with the Editor role will not be able to edit the services section of the Landing Page. Meaning the Editor role will not have Edit permission for the Service content items. We have to do things to achieve this: Edit the Service Content Type and put a tick to the Securable check box. This means this content type can have custom permissions. Edit the permissions of the Editor role. First, revoke the Edit content for others permission. Now, make sure that the Editor has no Edit Service for others permission regarding the Service Content Type. Now we set up that users with the Editor role will not be able to edit securable content types. Let's create a user with this role and log in as this new user. Now, we need to find the predefined Landing Page content item and edit it. As you can see, this user cannot add or edit an existing Service content item by using the editor of the BagPart. They can view the content of these items, but that's all. Notice that they can edit the Portfolio content items under the Services one. Add permissions for the Amazon S3 module A few weeks ago, we mentioned the new Amazon S3 module. The Amazon Media Storage feature enables support for storing assets in Amazon S3 Bucket. The feature replaces the default App_Data file-based media store with an Amazon Media Storage Provider. And now, you will see new permissions for that module called View Amazon S3 Media Options. If you have this permission, you can access the page under Configuration -> Media -> Amazon S3 Options which lists the Amazon S3 storage options. Improve the workflow function description in the document The Workflows module provides a way for users to visually implement business rules using flowchart diagrams. Many activities have settings that can contain either JavaScript or Liquid syntax. The fields of these activities allow you to enter Liquid markup, enabling access to system-wide variables and filters, as well as variables from the workflow execution context. And several JavaScript functions are available by default to any activity that supports script expressions. This page of the documentation lists these functions. And now, this table has been updated with some lines about the setProperty, executeQuery, and log functions. Demos Admin Culture Picker Unless you have a language switcher on website pages, you could not switch a language in the admin panel. This demo is about showing you a dropdown button in the admin panel header to switch languages. First of all, open up the admin UI of Orchard and head to Configuration -> Features, and enable the Admin Culture Picker one, which provides a culture picker shape for the admin. Don't forget to enable the Localization feature too, to be able to try out this culture picker. Now you can say that your site supports multiple cultures. Head to Configuration -> Settings -> Localization -> Cultures and have at least two supported cultures. And as you can see, the dropdown now contains all the cultures that the site supports. You can switch between them, and if you choose a given language, the UI of the admin will be shown by using the words of the given language. If you would like to see this picker in action, head to YouTube for a short demo! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 315 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Support a read-only behavior in the content management screen, visual verification testing in the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox - This week in Orchard (05/08/2022)

Add password to the user creation form, support a read-only behavior in the content management screen, and a demo about adding visual verification testing in the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox! Let's get started! Orchard Core updates Add a password to the user creation form By default, apps use basic authentication to authenticate users into their site including Microsoft Identity-based apps. No user is able to authenticate/login without providing a "username" and "password". Alternatively, an admin could enable some sort of external authentication providers like Azure AD or any other providers to avoid the need to manage the authentication by the app directly. These external providers are optional and not enabled by default in Orchard Core, so creating a user with no password by default adds no value since no the user can't log in without one. Currently, when adding a new user using the admin UI, the admin has to create a user and then go to a second view to set/reset their password. This is a very awkward workflow, especially if you want to add many users. Since username/password are required by default for a user to log in, the admin should be required to provide a password rather than creating a useless user with no password. Note, the point here is that password is required to log in by default without having to enable optional additional authentication providers. Let's try it out quickly! Head to the admin UI of Orchard Core and navigate to Security -> Users. Here you will find the Add User button. Click on it! This will navigate you to the create user page, where you can find some new goodies. First of all, you can provide a password for the newly created user here. But you have the option to generate a random secure password or copy the password to the clipboard. Support a read-only behavior in the content management screen The idea here is that both Admin Menu and Content management screens should be viewable if the user has View own X, View X by others, Preview X by others, or List X content item(s) owner by all users permission. Any of these permissions should be enough to display content. View rules should be implied if one has edit, delete or publish permission; you can't delete, edit or publish if you can't view something. Making this change will easily add view-only support to the contents in the admin. Meaning, that if the user has permission to View Blog, we should list the Blog content items in the Manage Content screen, for example. To try this out, we will modify the permissions of the built-in Editor role (Security -> Roles -> Editor -> Edit). As you can see, the Editor now has no Edit content for others and Edit own content permissions, but we set these edit permissions for the Blog Content Type. Meaning the Editor can only edit the Blog content items but can view every other content item. Now, let's log in with a user with the Editor role and navigate to the Manage content screen. As you can see, this user now can see every content item in this list, but the Edit button is only available near the Blog content items. Meaning this list now shows every content item which can be viewed by this user. Demos Visual verification testing in the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox Maybe you have already heard about the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox, our web UI testing toolbox mostly for Orchard Core applications. Everything you need to do UI testing with Selenium for an Orchard app is here. We wrote about it several times here as well, first when we open-sourced it, when we added some Orchard Core Features tests to it, and when we added the automated monkey testing feature to it. This time we will introduce the Basic Visual verification testing in the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox for Orchard Core. Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions is an Orchard Core CMS Visual Studio solution that contains most of Lombiq's open-source Orchard modules and themes, as well as related utilities and libraries. Please keep in mind that only those extensions included that use the latest released version of Orchard (i.e., the very cutting-edge ones depending on a nightly build are not yet here). This solution contains the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox as well, so we will use this one for the demo. The BasicVisualVerificationTests.cs contains three different samples about how you can verify the content displayed on your page visually. The first one is about checking the content of the element that has the field-name-blog-image class. The second one is about checking the content of the navbar (the element that has the navbar-brand class), and the third one will check the whole content of the home page. Here you can see the page that we will test. The red texts show you the Navbar and Blog image elements. Let's verify the content of the Navbar! The Navbar contains the site name which we can provide when we set up our site. Let's try to set up our site using a different name than the Lombiq's OSOCE - UI Testing and run the test. Here you can see that the test set up the site using the Lombiq's OSOCE - UI Testing Demo site name, and our visual verification failed since the asserted element looks different from the baseline image. The baseline image was loaded from an embedded resource which you can find in the repository here. If you want a new baseline image, simply delete the existing one, and a new one will be generated on the next run. And that's not all of it! Do you want to know more about this new addition to the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox for Orchard Core? Then check out the comments of the BasicVisualVerificationTests.cs file and this recording on YouTube! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 309 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add UsersFolder for media assets, Liquid IntelliSense for Monaco editor - This week in Orchard (18/08/2021)

Updating Monaco editor to have Liquid IntelliSense, new UsersFolder for media assets, a brand new Orchard Core website, and many more in our upcoming post! Orchard Core updates Add UsersFolder for media assets Open up the admin UI of Orchard Core and head to Content -> Media Library. Here you will find a folder called _Users. Under this folder, you can find three different ones where each folder has the name by an ID of a given user. The reason for that is, we have three users in the system right now who have access to manage the content of the media folder and the content of their own media folder. If you check the permissions page for one of the roles you will see some new permissions come from the OrchardCore.Media feature: Manage All Media Folders Manage Media For Others Manage Own Media These permissions allow administrator users to be able to manage the content of other user's media folders but can restrict others to manage just their folders. Users with the Editor role can only see and manage their own media folder. Note that this is just about managing media assets not hiding the files of the folder. Every user can see the image served under the https://localhost:44300/media/_Users/4dsckq969tr2czhkskgg9nw3mj/image.jpg but they cannot delete this file and cannot modify the content of the 4dsckq969tr2czhkskgg9nw3mj folder. On the left window, the administrator user can see all of the folders, but on the right window, an editor user can only see their folder. If you don't like the naming _Users for the folder under AssetsPath, you can easily use another name for that just by using the appsettings.json file to configure media. If you navigate to Configuration -> Media -> Media Options you will find the name for the Assets user folder as well. Liquid IntelliSense for Monaco editor We have several custom Liquid filters and tags in Orchard Core and when you would like to use these from the admin UI of Orchard Core, (like editing a template or an Html Field using the Monaco editor) that would be nice to have some help with the registered filters and tags. This feature is about adding IntelliSense for Liquid in the Monaco editor. Let's see how we can try it out! Here we have a site installed with the Agency recipe. That recipe contains a Content__LandingPage template for the Landing Page content type by default. If we start to type the {% shape %} expression, we will see a list that contains all the registered filters with the word shape in it. Flow alignment icon always render as left aligned Let's say we have a content type with a Flow Part attached. If you are using Flow Part, you have the option to put several widgets to it. You can also set the alignments of the widgets and the width of the widgets meaning you can put two widgets near each other and you can say that I want to put this widget on the left side of the row and fill the 66% of the row with it and I want to put this widget on the right side of the row and fill the 33% of the row with it. You can do that using a nice UI but there was a minor bug which was about the little icon of the editor wasn't reflect the alignment of the given widget. You can see that now the icon here shows that the second Html widget inside the Container widget is right-aligned. News from the community A new website using Orchard Core: City of Santa Monica Santa Monica is a beachside city of 8.3 square miles on the westside of Los Angeles County. Offering an environment of unparalleled natural beauty, the city is home to a mix of residential communities, commercial districts, and recreational venues. And now the website of the City of Santa Monica is here, built by using Orchard Core! Check out this brand new, amazing-looking Orchard Core site here! If you are interested in more websites using Orchard and Orchard Core, don't forget to visit Show Orchard. Show Orchard is a website for showing representative Orchard CMS (and now Orchard Core) websites all around the internet. It was started by Ryan Drew Burnett, but since he doesn't work with Orchard anymore, as announced earlier it is now maintained by our team at Lombiq Technologies. DotNest Core DotNest Core is a complete redevelopment of the DotNest platform, all on the latest version of Orchard Core. We've been running it with a couple of select few customers for a while now, and it's time to open it up a bit more. While you can't yet just simply create an Orchard Core-based DotNest site, you can sign up for our limited beta here. You'll soon be able to get a fully functional, reliably hosted Orchard Core site on DotNest where you can build your personal website or something to showcase your Orchard skills with. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 216 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

GrahQL Queries queries, Negative role condition evaluator - This week in Orchard (07/06/2021)

We start this week by showing the ability to export templates as files, the negative role condition evaluator, and the brand new alternates for widget parts and for dynamic parts with great examples in the documentation. After, we will see a great demo about using templated GraphQL queries with Liquid. Check out our post for more! Orchard Core updates Add ability to export templates as files The idea here is in the exported ZIP file, the templates are now files instead of being embedded in the JSON recipe. Let's check it out quickly! Let's say you have the Templates module enabled (the Templates module provides a way to write custom shape templates from the admin) and have a defined template. If you set up your site using the Agency recipe, you will have one template, called Content__LandingPage, which is a template for the Landing Page content type, and the homepage of that installation is a Landing Page content item. Now, head to Configuration -> Import/Export and create a new Deployment Plan under the Deployment Plans option. Let's name the plan as Templates and add one Deployment Step to it, the All Templates one. Here you will see a new option: Export templates as files. Let's just put a tick in this checkbox to see what will happen. Now we have only one thing left to do, to execute the deployment plan. Let's just download the deployment plan locally and check the content of the Templates.zip file. Here you will see a Recipe.json file and a Templates folder. The Recipe.json file contains the Templates step with our only one Content__LandingPage template, and the content of that template can be found in the Content-LandingPage.liquid file in the Templates folder. Negative Role Condition Evaluator The way a role condition with a negative operator is evaluated right now doesn't take multiple roles into account. If we have 2 users: -- roleA roleB UserA X UserB X X The evaluator uses .Any() when evaluating the value against every role of the user. If we pick the operator "Equals" with the value "roleB", it will only be true for UserB, which has roleB. If we were now to just change the operator to "NotEquals" logically, it should be the opposite result of "Equals" but since the value gets compare against every role and roleA != roleB it will return true as well. .Any() (Current) Operator Value UserA UserB Equals roleB false true Not Equals roleB true true Contains roleB false true Not Contains roleB true true Using .All() with the negative operators which would give opposite results as intended. .All() Operator Value UserA UserB Equals roleB false true Not Equals roleB true false Contains roleB false true Not Contains roleB true false We have many negate operators, like StringNotContainsOperator, StringNotEndsWithOperator, StringNotStartsWithOperator, StringNotStartsWithOperator. Now, if you use them, the code execution will return with using the .All() instead of using the .Any(). If you don't know what are the rules and how to use them, check out the demo about the Rules module in this post! Validate content type and part names There was an unhandled exception during content item creation if you have a part named like property on ContentItem. The reason was that we have some reserved names that you cannot use when you are naming your content parts or content types. The _reservedNames HashSet here contains the names, that you cannot use. Use ZStringWriter ZString is a library that provides StringBuilder and StringWriter with zero allocation, meaning it's allocating an array on the stack for small buffers, instead of creating new StringBuilders and StringWriters every time. All ZString methods only allocate the final string. Also, ZString has enabled to access the inner buffer, so if the output target has stringless API, you can achieve completely zero allocation. Now we can use the new ZStringWriter instead of the existing StringWriter one. Alternates for Widget Parts This change contains several new alternates for widget parts and dynamic parts. And the documentation has also been updated with the new alternates. And when we are saying that the documentation has been updated, we mean that it's really got a huge update with many examples, like Display mode with Part Type and Shape without Display type Examples, Display mode with Part Type and Shape with Display type Examples, Display mode with Part Name and Custom Shape with Display type Examples and many more. Demos GraphQL Queries queries Let's meet with the new GraphQL Query type that basically allows you to use a GraphQL query in the admin interface and Liquid. It's using the same principle as the SQL query or the Lucene query. For example, let's say we have a GraphQL query created called ContactRequests, which is just about getting the Contact Request content items from the site. This query returns the contentItemID, the createdUtc, and the display text values of the Contact Request content items. But by using this experimental feature, you have the availability to use a templated GraphQL with Liquid. What do we mean? Well, first let's find the new Run GraphQL Query under Search -> Queries. Here let's add a template that contains Liquid code. By using Liquid, you can add output parameters to your query. In this case, we would like to get the email and the message fields too of the Content Request content items by using parameters. As you can see, we used the contactRequestEmail parameter to get the email and the contactRequestMessage parameter to get the message. If you open up the StatCan Orchard Core repository, you will find a collection of custom Orchard Core resources, modules, and themes that support various web applications and software-as-a-service (SaaS) products. One of the modules here is the VueForms module, which provides a form ContentType that simplifies using VueJs forms in the frontend. We had a demo about that one too, way back in 2020. If you don't remember about that, you can check out that in this post! And as always, if you want to know more about this feature, don't forget to check out the following recording on YouTube! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 203 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here!

YesSql 3, Liquid Widget guide - This week in Orchard (17/05/2021)

YesSql 3 is here! Check out our current post to see what's new in YesSql, but first, read the new Liquid Widget guide and get to know why do the community needed to delete the Liquid Page and the Liquid Widget from the Blog and Agency recipes! Orchard Core updates Remove liquid type from recipes This is from a security report that if you have access to the admin, you can use and write in the LiquidPart. By using LiquidPart you can write HTML and JavaScript. It sounds obvious, but some sites don't expect users to be able to edit JavaScript on their pages, and it might have an issue. Because if you can write JavaScript, you can write XSS. The solution here is to remove the Liquid Page content type and Liquid Widget from the Blog and the Agency recipe. But the part is still there, and you can use it. And the Edit content types permission is marked as Security Critical. Meaning that, if you allow this permission to users, you let them be able to also use the LiquidPart and create some custom types that are about to render JavaScript in the frontend. Liquid widget guide As we mentioned previously, the Liquid Widgets from the default recipes were just removed. But that content type served as a very good example of how you can work with Liquid in Orchard Core. To have an example for working with Liquid, you will now find a new guide in the documentation about how to build a new Liquid Widget. Sometimes not having a feature but documenting how to use something is better than having a feature and no documentation about it. Did you know that our Helpful Extensions module for Orchard Core contains a Liquid Widget too, that adds Liquid code editing and rendering capabilities? Check out that repository for more goodies like the content definition code generation or the flows helpful extensions and many more! Use nameof for action name whenever it's possible Any controller action name that doesn't change can be called by using the nameof expression of C#. Now you won't break anything if you change the name of a method during some refactoring. Contents GetAsync: Recall published items Calls to IContentManager.GetAsync(string contentItemId, VersionOptions options) use IContentManagerSession.RecallPublishedItemId() to retrieve an already loaded content item if the request is to get a published item. The same could be used in GetAsync(IEnumerable<string> contentItemIds, bool latest = false) (i.e., the overload accepting multiple IDs). And the fix is here! When you do some loads with the content manager and if the content items are already have been loaded previously in the same request, there is no query that needs to be issued or just for the items that are missing. Demos YesSql 3 In the previous version of YesSql, every session created a new transaction automatically by default. Every session means even if your session is only doing reads. But when you are doing reads, you don't need a transaction because every read will be using the same transaction resolution. When you start a session in YesSql 3 and it's just about doing reads (like SELECTs) then it won't create a transaction. But the first time when you do a change on an object, the transaction will be created automatically (like when you would like to update a content item). Now it lazily creates a transaction if there are UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT statements. The second change is that if you really want to decide when the transaction should be created and not to wait for it to be automatically created. You can now call BeginTransaction and that will create a transaction or return the existing one if one is still open. And then there is another property (CurrentTransaction) that gives you either the existing transaction or NULL if there is no transaction. Everything has been renamed from CommitAsync to SaveChangesAsync. It's like in Entity Framework and now it's more obvious to know what it does (saves the changes). And what it means is that at that point if there is a transaction it will be committed and then released. If there is no transaction, it's just do nothing. And there is still the AutoFlush, meaning if you do some updates and then do a query to get some data, it will flush the changes from the database without committing a transaction, but your next request will be able to read the values that aren't in the database. Something that you can't do with YesSql before is let's say you start creating a session and there is an exception in the middle. If you didn't do a try-catch, and call CANCEL on the catch, it would commit the transaction because disposing of the session was committing the changes. In ASP.NET we don't have this issue because there is a rule that catches any exception that happens anywhere in the pipeline. But in some other apps, if you forget a try-catch, it would commit the changes even if it didn't go over the full list of commands that you want to execute. That was a big issue in YesSql. So, now that's actually changed. Meaning that if you don't call SaveChangesAsync now, it won't save anything. You have to call SaveChangesAsync at some point to commit the transaction. And if you disposing the session before calling SaveChangesAsync, it will cancel the transaction if it exists and closes the connection. So, SaveChangesAsync is now mandatory to mimic the EF behavior. So, if you have modules that use the session, you need now to call SaveChangesAsync, otherwise, nothing will be saved. But you should not have any module that calls SaveChangesAsync. And that's not all! If you would like to know every new feature and performance improvement included in YesSql 3, don't forget to check out the following recording on YouTube! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 199 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Orchard branding, Assign Role permissions - This week in Orchard (28/03/2021)

Check out our current post for many interesting topics and demos like updating the branding of Orchard; introducing Noayo, a new Orchard Core hosting platform; a new Orchard Core site, and many more! Orchard Core updates Update branding The issue is that we don't really have concise branding guidelines or even proper branding assets, just what's left over from a long time ago: https://docs.orchardcore.net/projects/O1/en/latest/Documentation/Walkthroughs/#orchard-branding The goal would be to possibly retouch the existing design a bit: E.g. the current logo's outer circle is strangely uneven, and to use a different branding color than the green there or just use those but then we should settle with the same main brand colors everywhere. Let us introduce you Paris Noble, brand strategist and co-founder of Elevate Strategy & Design. For the past 2 years, they've been working closely together with us on many Orchard-related projects that either needed something to do with strategy and/or design. So why do we want to start rebranding Orchard? Branding is super important to make Orchard a widely known, competitive product, to truly make it an industry sensation. And now you can see some logo proposals with a poll on Twitter too! If you haven't voted, please choose the logo that you are like the most. And don't forget to follow this issue on GitHub where you can freely add your opinion about the new logo to make Orchard Core even better! Add .NET 5.0 and netcoreapp3.1 target framework multi-targeting This is about changing all of the target frameworks, all the props files, and targets files to support .NET 5.0 as default. So, now every module is compiled on both, and right now the only target is 5.0, but anyone can define 3.1 because it will work with that. If you want 3.1 by default you can set it. Now you have all the new features of 5.0, but for now, we only used it for performance improvements. When we publish, we need to define what we want to publish for, so again, the Docker files are by default deployed with 5.0 and it's not breaking your existing site. It will still work, there is no breaking change here. Demos Dynamic user permissions - Assign Role We had a demo a few weeks ago where you could see how you can use the new Manage Users in Role permissions which means you can restrict which users you can manage by the name of the role. That means you can delete them, disable them, change their email address, and so on. The new permissions here are the Assign Role permissions in the OrchardCore.Roles feature. Let's see this new addition in a simple example! Let's say we have a user with the Editor role assigned. And we say that users in this role will have the permission named Assign Role - Author. You can set that in the admin UI under Security -> Roles. What does it mean in practice? To see that let's log in with that user who has the Editor role assigned. Navigate to the admin UI of Orchard Core and head to Security -> Users. Here let's hit the Edit button near the admin user for example. As you can see, the Roles list contains every role in the system and you can see that this user has the Administrator role. But all of the checkboxes here are disabled, except the Author one. This user can only assign the Author role to this user because we said that the users with the Editor role can only assign the Author role to users. Head to YouTube to see a short demonstration about this feature! Noayo Noayo is a fictional word that comes from noyau, which is a French word that means core in English. Noayo is an Orchard Core hosting platform and it allows you to create your own Orchard Core instance online. You can use a Bootstrap template for that site. You have two plans: the first one is 5$/month, you have 14 trial days, you will get 300Mb storage, you can have a maximum of 300 content items and 1$ is redistributed to contributors. The 10$ plan has more storage, you can have more content items and that also allows you to use your custom domain. If you would like to request a new account, just hit the Request an account button. In the following demo, you could see the Site management feature of Noayo and a presentation of a given site that runs on Noayo. Head to YouTube now to learn more about Noayo! News from the community A new website using Orchard Core Musica Pristina's purpose is to connect people with a breathtaking musical experience in their home. One where selecting what to play is nearly as enjoyable as listening to it. If you are interested in more websites using Orchard and Orchard Core, don't forget to visit Show Orchard. Show Orchard is a website for showing representative Orchard CMS (and now Orchard Core) websites all around the internet. It was started by Ryan Drew Burnett, but since he doesn't work with Orchard anymore, as announced earlier it is now maintained by our team at Lombiq Technologies. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 192 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Dynamic user permissions, Multi Text Field - This week in Orchard (14/02/2021)

We also have two demos this week! One is about the Multi Text Field, a new field that can be used to define multiple selectable options to a given list, the other is about the new dynamic user permissions, which can be useful if you would like to restrict user management by their allocated roles. Read our post for more! Orchard Core updates Fix autoroute trailing slash Let's say we have a site using Orchard Core, like https://www.orchardcore.net. Here if you select the Legacy Orchard option from the menu, you will be redirected to https://www.orchardcore.net/orchardcms. But if you add a trailing slash after the URL, like https://www.orchardcore.net/orchardcms/, you will get a 404 message. The autoroute entry, in this case, is the orchardcms. Now let's see what was the fix exactly. The logic in the old code wasn't find anything that ends with a trailing slash. The new implementation now find the autoroute because it will trim the / sign from the end of the string. Document that all shells can use a single connection string Orchard Core extends ASP.NET Core IConfiguration with IShellConfiguration to allow tenant-specific configuration on top of the application-wide one. To learn more about ASP.NET Core IConfiguration visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/configuration. But what if you want all tenants to access the same database? The corresponding configuration can be kept in a single place, as opposed to setting up the same connection string for all tenants one by one. Check out the updated page on the Orchard Core documentation for more details! Add shortcode resolver to HTML Field GraphQL exposes data but if it contains shortcodes, we need to be able to evaluate them also in GraphQL. Check out the new HtmlFieldQueryObjectType that is about to render the content of the HTML Field. The code also takes into account that we need to sanitize the HTML before rendering or not. Demos Dynamic user permissions We have a permission called Managing Roles that can be used to assign roles to a user but this permission is kind of unused. The goal of this new feature is to split this permission into multiple permissions. Here comes the idea of dynamic permissions, which means the delegation of which users you can manage on the Users page. If you have several users in your system you may want to only allow managing a given group of users. Let's see what it means in practice! We set up the site using the Blog recipe and headed to Security -> Users and added several users with different roles. We just using the predefined roles now and added two users for each role. Now let's imagine the following scenario: we would like to allow users with the Editor role to be able to manage the users with the Author role. It can be done right now, but we want to restrict the users with the Editor role to be able to manage ONLY the users with the Author role. To do that, navigate to Security -> Roles, hit Edit near the Editor role, and find the OrchardCore.Users Feature section. Here you will see several new permissions. The View Users permission is about to be able to see the content of the Users page or not, the Manage own user information is about to be able to edit the own information. And we put a tick in the checkbox near the Manage Users in Role - Author text. Now let's try out the new permissions by logging in with the editor user. Head to the admin UI, navigate to Security -> Users (we can see that option because we say that users with the Editor role have the View Users permission), and hit Edit near a moderator user. Users with the Editor role cannot manage users with the Moderator role, which means we will see only disabled editors here, we cannot really edit anything on this page. But if you would like to edit a user with the Author role, you will be able to do that because we allowed that on the Roles page for the Editor users. If you would like to know more about this feature, don't forget to head to YouTube to check out the recording! Multi Text Field Set up your site using the Blog recipe. To try out the new Multi Text Field we will edit the content definition of the predefined Article content type. To do that, head to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types and hit the Edit button near the Article. Here choose the Add Field button and select the Multi Text Field as the Field Type. When you add a Multi Text Field, you can provide options to your predefined list that can be used when working with the given instances of this content type. You can set the labels and the values and also select the default one(s). You can also have several editor types for the Multi Text Field, like Standard, Picker, or Checkbox List. You can see the different editor types in the following GIF. You can also see a short demo on YouTube about this new field. Check it out now! News from the community Work with us! You've completed the Dojo Course, congratulations! You’re now officially an Orchard Core developer. Would you like to work on a variety of challenging Orchard Core projects with the biggest Orchard team in the world? Work with us! Just send us an e-mail to crew at lombiq.com. Please include what you’re most interested in professionally and attach around 100 lines of any kind of code that you’re especially proud of or just link to the favorite open-source project of your own on GitHub or else. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 192 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

User Picker Field, the new user ID - This week in Orchard (06/12/2020)

This time we will do a little deep dive and check out some important changes in the code base of Orchard Core. But don't be scared, we promise you will like these changes, especially the demo about the new User Picker Field! Orchard Core updates Allow media width and height values without a token You could see a demo a few weeks ago in this post about the new options for Media Field where you can set the alt text of your image and you can also crop your images using a nice media crop picker. The way it was working is it's putting different kinds of options to the query string that allows you to manipulate your image. Let's see the following URL for an example: https://localhost:44300/media/post-bg.jpg?width=1&height=600&rmode=crop&rxy=0.2,0.5. Here you can see we set the width and height of the image from the media library. We also set the resize mode for the processed image with other parameters as well. A few days later the community introduced a new bool option added to the MediaOptions called UseTokenizedQueryString to encrypt the image processing query string to prevent disc filling, that is true by default. And now here comes another great stuff that allows values for width and height to be provided via the query string even when tokens are enabled. What does it mean? Let's see an example of it! Set up your site using the Blog recipe then open the default banner image URL of the predefined blog post with the following query string parameters: https://localhost:44300/media/post-bg.jpg?width=1024&height=600. Note that the tokens are enabled by default, but you can still set the width and the height of the image now. Don't forget that this will only work if the height and width values match the supported sizes array values. Introduce Culture Scope There is a new CultureScope class that you can use if you want to locally set the current culture (the current user interface culture and the culture used by the current thread). You can find several unit tests to see how you can use it, but check out this one for now. Here you can see that the culture is set to French, but that setting only applies inside the using statement. Implement UserId All the user profiles that you have locally, now have a new property called UserId, which is unique. We used to use a name, the user name as the way to identify a user. But now the community decided to use a unique ID such that you can't guess user ID or you can't recover another set or permission or ownership by mistake, because an account has been deleted and someone created a new account using the old name and somehow the logical references are still kept based on this name and you would inherit something from that. So, to prevent that, Orchard Core is using now a user ID. If you take the latest version of the dev branch and just run your code there will be a migration that copies the user names of the existing users as the user ID. This way you don't have any change in your content, it will still work the same and be careful that your user ID equals a string like 4gq8jagmrtxrwvg21csa0b6y4y, which is safe, because the next time someone creates a new user, they can't impersonate anyone else like recovering an old account, because it will be a newly generated unique identifier that can't match something like that. And how can you find the currently logged in user? Check out the code in the DefaultContentsAdminListFilter where you can see that now, instead of using the user.Identity.Name, you can use the FindFirstValue extension method from ASP.NET Core to return the value of the first instance of the specified claim type, or null if the claim is not present. And then you can set that value as the Owner of the content item. Demos User Picker Field Let's say you would like to create a blog where multiple users can create blog posts and you want to connect the user account of the author user with the given blog post by showing the name of the user somewhere in the detail view of the post. It's easy because the users can log in to the admin UI of Orchard Core and publish their own posts. In this case, they will be the authors of the given content items. But let's say we don't want to give them access to the site. We just want them to send the content of the blog post to a given email address and the site editors will edit and publish the posts. Is there an easy way to connect content with user accounts in Orchard Core? Set up your site using the Blog recipe. This recipe comes with a predefined blog where you can create new blog posts. The posts can have several properties: the title, the banner image, tags, the category, and so on. We will modify the content definition of the Blog Post to do some tricks. Navigate to the admin UI of Orchard Core and head to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types and edit the Blog Post one. Click on the Add Field button and find the recently added one, called User Picker Field. This field allows you to connect users with a content item. Here you can say that you want to allow multiple users to be selected, allow the picker to display users from all roles, and many more. If you put a tick on the Display All Users checkbox, every user will be in the list that you can choose from, if you remove the tick, the available roles in the system will be listed and you can choose from them. Now if you edit the predefined blog post, you will see the User Picker Field in action. In this case, we have two users in the system named admin and editor. The admin is the superuser with the Administrator role and the editor user has the Editor role. We can see both of them because we said we would like to allow the picker to display users from all roles. If you save your content item, the field will show you the user names of the selected users seperated by a comma (if you selected multiple ones). And you will see a No users. message is you haven't selected any users. You can find some lines about the User Picker Field in the documentation of Orchard Core and a nice presentation of this feature on YouTube! News from the community Our full Orchard Core tutorial series, the Dojo Course 3 is here! After a long wait, the new Orchard Core version of our legendary Dojo Course tutorial series is here, the Dojo Course 3! Are you a newcomer and want to learn Orchard Core from the ground up, both from a user's and a developer's perspective? Are you somewhat familiar with Orchard Core but would like to get up to speed and become an Orchard pro? Look no further, check out Dojo Course 3! Dojo Course 3 guides you from the very basics of Orchard Core all up to be able to write your own themes and modules, utilizing various APIs of Orchard. We're publishing a tutorial video every day for 40 days starting on 1 December. So, this is your 40 days of Orchard :). In the first few videos, we gave you an introduction to Orchard Core and showed you a way about how to set up your first Orchard Core website. After we started to talk about the content model of Orchard Core, checking out the basics of content management. We will stay in the admin UI for a little in the upcoming days and check out the other basic features of the CMS like how to add widgets with layers, managing the menus, and the media files. After we will see how can you search and index content items, and build forms using the Forms and Workflows feature. But we will not spoil the topics of the upcoming videos. :) If you're looking for our previous Orchard 1.x tutorial series check out Dojo Course 2. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 172 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Custom User Settings, Advanced Markdown Extensions - This week in Orchard (27/11/2020)

Now it's easier to extend the user setting than ever thanks to the new custom user settings feature! Create advanced Markdown with the new extensions, use the new isInRole layer rule, and many other great things in Orchard Core! Check out our current post for more! Orchard Core updates Use Advanced Markdown extensions Set up your site using the Blog recipe and navigate to the admin UI to edit the predefined blog post. You can use a Markdown editor to edit the body of your blog post. To convert the Markdown string to HTML, Orchard Core using Markdig, which is a fast, powerful, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET. This processor has a great extensible architecture with more than 20 built-in extensions to allow footnotes, support emojis, and smileys, adding figures, enable Bootstrap classes, and so on. You can check out the features section of the readme.md file to know more about these extensions. And the good news is now you can select which extension you want to enable by just setting different configuration values in your appsettings.json file. The default option is to turn on the nohtml extension (that disables HTML support) and the one called advanced, which enables advanced Markdown extensions. By turning on the advanced extension, Markdig will use every extension except the BootStrap, Emoji, SmartyPants and soft-line as hard-line breaks extensions. On the screen above you can see we also turn on the emoji extension. Let's try this out quickly! Here you can see we added some Emoji shortcodes and smileys to the blog post and they are converted to their respective Unicode characters. And we also added a task list at the end of the blog post that comes from the TaskLists extension that is enabled by default because the TaskList extension will be enabled if you say you want to use the Advanced Markdown extension. You can read more about Markdown configuration in the Orchard Core documentation too! Add isInRole layer rule Let's say we would like to create a layer that contains widgets that are only available for users who are in the Editor role. We cannot do that easily until now, so let's try out the newly added isInRole layer rule! Set up your site using the Blog recipe then head to Design -> Widgets in the admin UI. Here you can see the two predefined layers: Always and Homepage. Click on the Add button to create a new layer. The only thing we have to do here is to set the Rule to isInRole("editor"). Now put a widget to this layer and create a new user with the editor role. If you log in with that user you can see the widget in the Content zone of the theme. Add CloneContent Permission as Content Type dynamic permission Navigate to the admin UI of your site then head to Security -> Roles and hit the Edit button near an arbitrary role. Now type the clone word in the search box that will list the new clone content permissions. This means now you can set the clone content permission for every securable content type (a content type that can have custom permissions). Improves Document Options and Compression MessagePack for C# is an extremely fast MessagePack serializer for C#. It is 10x faster than MsgPack-Cli and outperforms other C# serializers. MessagePack for C# also ships with built-in support for LZ4 compression - an extremely fast compression algorithm. Performance is important, particularly in applications like games, distributed computing, microservices, or data caches. And now this package is part of Orchard Core. Orchard Core using MessagePack to GZIP content, because there is an option in MessagePack to also compress it. There is a new IDocumentSerialiser to say how to serialize into a sequence of bytes or deserialize from a byte array. JSON.NET can serialize anything, but if there is an issue with a custom document, we can use MessagePack to customize the way how to serialize content from the distributed cache. Demos Custom User Settings Set up your site using the Blog recipe. Now navigate to the admin UI and head to Configuration -> Features to enable the new Custom User Settings feature that allows content types to become custom user settings. After we can create a new content type that will be responsible to store the custom user settings. To do that, head to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types and create a new content type. The most important thing to do here is to make the stereotype CustomUserSettings and remove the ticks from the Creatable, Listable, Draftable, etc, checkboxes. We named our content type as User Profile and attached three fields to it: a media field to store the avatar of the user and two text fields to store the first name and the last name of the user. We haven't added any content parts to this content type. Let's navigate to Security -> Users and edit one of the users in the system. Here you will notice a new tab near the Content one with the name User Profile. That's because we named our content type User Profile. Here we specified the first and the last name of the user and attached an image to it. If you hit Save, you can persist your changes for this given user. Now it's time to use our custom user settings from code. The Orchard Core documentation has a great detailed page about how you can get the custom user settings using Liquid, how to adjust the placement, and many more. Notice the brand new users_by_id Liquid Filter that you can use to get the User object from the database by a user ID. But how can you get your custom user settings in C#? Well, that's also quite simple! The User class in Orchard Core implements the Entity class, which has a JObject property called Properties. And inside the Properties, you can find the whole UserProfile content type with it's attached content parts and fields. { "Email": "[email protected]", "EmailConfirmed": true, "Id": 18, "IsEnabled": true, "LoginInfos": [], "NormalizedEmail": "[email protected]", "NormalizedUserName": "ADMIN", "PasswordHash": "AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAECfRTVdPZm1meRWrxja3vzbJlslet72QzrqSsPKxOeeGKQs7bcMVeTYRSNrhc2yjpw==", "Properties": { "UserProfile": { "Author": "admin", "ContentItemId": "4k7hmhyywz1ettg2hkv5xpcfxz", "ContentItemVersionId": null, "ContentType": "UserProfile", "CreatedUtc": null, "DisplayText": null, "Latest": false, "ModifiedUtc": "2020-11-24T14:36:36.8629171Z", "Owner": null, "Published": false, "PublishedUtc": null, "UserProfile": { "Firstname": { "Text": "Admin" }, "Image": { "MediaTexts": [ "" ], "Paths": [ "c827782e12851cd2cf4c5161c4f5445a.jpg" ] }, "Lastname": { "Text": "Orchard" } } } }, "ResetToken": null, "RoleNames": [ "Administrator" ], "SecurityStamp": "FAALQXTJCDTD5EOVTLCW6N75CW3BOVYU", "UserClaims": [], "UserId": "4gq8jagmrtxrwvg21csa0b6y4y", "UserName": "admin", "UserTokens": []} Navigate to the CustomUserSettingsDisplayDriver and check out the GetUserSettingsAsync private method. Here you can see the way about getting the custom user settings content item from the Properties array. And after you can easily work with the properties of your content item. And that's not all of it! Check out this recording on YouTube to know more about this great, useful feature! News from the community Introducing 40 days of Orchard Core: Dojo Course 3 is here! We've been hard at work to bring you the updated, Orchard Core version of our legendary Dojo Course tutorial series, Dojo Course 3! If you want to become an Orchard Core developer, Dojo Course 3 is for you! Starting with the 1st of December we'll publish a new Orchard Core tutorial every day for 40 days on our YouTube channel. Be sure to set a reminder for the premiere video and subscribe if you want to see them just as they come out! If you're looking for our previous Orchard 1.x tutorial series check out Dojo Course 2. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 169 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Media Profiles, Renamed SummaryAdmin shapes - This week in Orchard (16/10/2020)

Media profiles feature to Orchard Core that allows you to defined preset image resizing and formatting commands! Renamed SummaryAdmin shapes, and new routes to avoid features URL blocking by IIS, and a lot more in our current post! Orchard Core updates Prevent disabling or removing administrator role Let's say you set up your Orchard Core site using the admin as the user name and for some reason, you navigate to Security -> Users to disable your own account. The problem here is that in this case, you are the only user with an Administrator role in the system. From now you can't do that, you will get a warning message saying you cannot disable the only administrator. Go back and edit your own user again and try to edit the user name too. This also triggers a new validation error, because you cannot modify the user name of the currently logged-in user. The last thing here is about removing the Administrator role from your user account. You could do that, but if your user is the only user with the Administrator role assigned, you will get a warning message about you cannot remove the Administrator role from the only administrator. Avoid features URL blocking by IIS IIS has some default filters for security like you can't have specific words in the URL. There are a few words used by us too like .sitemap. IIS also blocks any request ending in .resources by default. The list of blocked extensions includes a bunch of other terms that could conceivably be used in feature IDs such as .master, .browser, .config, .skin, etc. It's possible to override this behavior in the web.config file but this would have to be done on a per-application basis and carries unwanted security implications. The solution is just to put these parts in a different segment. If you want to enable a feature the URL to do that was:https://localhost:5501/Admin/Features/Enable/OrchardCore.Sitemaps Now the new URL is:https://localhost:44300/Admin/Features/OrchardCore.Sitemaps/Enable So the goal of this fix is to use the pattern Admin/Features/{id}/Enable in place of Admin/Features/Enable/{id}. The same goes for when you want to disable a feature. Renamed SummaryAdmin shapes of ContentsDriver These shape names are not compatible when defining custom placement, so they have been renamed. They are admin shapes, so the impact is quite low. If you have your own custom theme and redefined these ones you have to change them. So, the ContentsDriver creates four shapes with different shape types. Shape("Contents_SummaryAdmin__Tags", new ContentItemViewModel(model)).Location("SummaryAdmin", "Tags:10"), Shape("Contents_SummaryAdmin__Meta", new ContentItemViewModel(model)).Location("SummaryAdmin", "Meta:20"), Shape("Contents_SummaryAdmin__Button__Edit", new ContentItemViewModel(model)).Location("SummaryAdmin", "Actions:10"), Shape("Contents_SummaryAdmin__Button__Actions", new ContentItemViewModel(model)).Location("SummaryAdmin", "ActionsMenu:10") However, the actual shape type is considered before __ i.e. all the above shapes are resolved to the same shape type Contents_SummaryAdmin. Renamed these shapes as following to apply a unique placement record for each shape. Contents_SummaryAdmin__Tags renamed to ContentsTags_SummaryAdminContents_SummaryAdmin__Meta renamed to ContentsMeta_SummaryAdminContents_SummaryAdmin__Button__Edit renamed to ContentsButtonEdit_SummaryAdminContents_SummaryAdmin__Button__Actions renamed to ContentsButtonActions_SummaryAdmin So that placement will target a single shape type. { "ContentsButtonActions_SummaryAdmin": [ { "shape":"ContentsButtonEditNoView_SummaryAdmin" } ] } Demos New ImageSharp.Web Features ImageSharp is a new, fully-featured, fully managed, cross-platform, 2D graphics library. Designed to simplify image processing, ImageSharp brings you an incredibly powerful yet beautifully simple API. With the v1.0., ImageSharp has got a bunch of new features and it's now a lot faster. And Orchard Core is also using ImageSharp to work with images. New features included: Format support to the Tag Helpers/Liquid Filters: The slight weirdness with adding this is the file extension on the URL will remain .png, but the image will be returned with the correct mime/type. Quality support to jpg encoding and Tag Helpers/Liquid Filters: The Quality support allows you to specify a quality % to jpg encoding. Note: only jpg encoding is supported, but the Format support allows you to convert an image from saying png to jpg, and then reduce the quality. CurrentCulture/InvariantCulture for query string parameters: Supported through custom ImageSharp configuration, but not integrated into Orchard Core. Basing this decision primarily on the idea that most of our resizing/processing query string building, is done through templates, which are culture invariant. And that's not all of it! There is now a new Media profiles feature in Orchard Core that allowing you to specify resizing options and much other stuff. A profile can then be called with the profile name resize_url: profile: 'banner' rather than having to specify all the resizing options that may apply. But that's enough talk for now, let's see them in action, after all, we are in the Demos section of This week in Orchard, right? Use the latest nightly build of Orchard Core and set up your site using the Agency recipe. Then navigate to the admin UI where you will see a new option in the menu (make sure to enable the Media profiles feature): Configuration -> Media -> Media Profiles. Media Profiles are quite simple, they just have the standard resizing options that we have in ImageSharp. Notice that here you can set the width and the height values only from the supported ones. We add the name md to this media profile, let's note it, we will need it right away. Now navigate to Design -> Templates and edit the predefined Content__LandingPage Liquid template. We will use the newly created image profile when displaying the portfolio images. Just a note here: the home page in this agency is a LandingPage content type that has several Bag Parts attached. The one with the display name Portfolio is about to add Project content types to your LandingPage content type. And the Project content type has a Media Field attached, called Image. In this Liquid template, we will use our newly created md media profile. Here we say use the md media profile when displaying these images and in this particular case we would like to override the resize mode for the processed image. Instead of crop, we would like to stretch these images, but just in this case. When you define a media profile, you can say I don't want to specify the width, the height or the resize mode. In that case, you can set them in your Liquid helper, just as you could do that before. Now, let's just check out how does the home page of our site looks like. Remember that we set a lot of values when setting up our md media profile and we also set the quality percentage for the processed image and we set it as 10. We also change the width and height values and override the resize mode to stretch the images. This result is low quality stretched images in the Portfolio section. Now let's see the source code of this page and check out the img tags using the DevTools of Chrome. As you can see it's not tied to ImageSharp, the logic just converts the media profile into a good query string. This means we can do the override easier and if we change the values the URL will change, and it breaks the cache. When you would like to show the kittens.jpg with 100 width and 100 height, by using the crop resize mode (that resizes the image using the same functionality as max then removes any image area falling outside the bounds of its container) and use only 50% as the quality when compressing the image you would write a Liquid filter like this: {{ 'animals/kittens.jpg' | asset_url | resize_url: width:100, height:240, mode:'crop', quality: 50, format:'jpg' }} The documentation is also updated to help you how to use these new arguments. Don't forget to head to YouTube and watch the recording of this awesome feature! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 162 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!