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Orchard branding, Assign Role permissions - This week in Orchard (28/03/2021)

Check out our current post for many interesting topics and demos like updating the branding of Orchard; introducing Noayo, a new Orchard Core hosting platform; a new Orchard Core site, and many more! Orchard Core updates Update branding The issue is that we don't really have concise branding guidelines or even proper branding assets, just what's left over from a long time ago: https://docs.orchardcore.net/projects/O1/en/latest/Documentation/Walkthroughs/#orchard-branding The goal would be to possibly retouch the existing design a bit: E.g. the current logo's outer circle is strangely uneven, and to use a different branding color than the green there or just use those but then we should settle with the same main brand colors everywhere. Let us introduce you Paris Noble, brand strategist and co-founder of Elevate Strategy & Design. For the past 2 years, they've been working closely together with us on many Orchard-related projects that either needed something to do with strategy and/or design. So why do we want to start rebranding Orchard? Branding is super important to make Orchard a widely known, competitive product, to truly make it an industry sensation. And now you can see some logo proposals with a poll on Twitter too! If you haven't voted, please choose the logo that you are like the most. And don't forget to follow this issue on GitHub where you can freely add your opinion about the new logo to make Orchard Core even better! Add .NET 5.0 and netcoreapp3.1 target framework multi-targeting This is about changing all of the target frameworks, all the props files, and targets files to support .NET 5.0 as default. So, now every module is compiled on both, and right now the only target is 5.0, but anyone can define 3.1 because it will work with that. If you want 3.1 by default you can set it. Now you have all the new features of 5.0, but for now, we only used it for performance improvements. When we publish, we need to define what we want to publish for, so again, the Docker files are by default deployed with 5.0 and it's not breaking your existing site. It will still work, there is no breaking change here. Demos Dynamic user permissions - Assign Role We had a demo a few weeks ago where you could see how you can use the new Manage Users in Role permissions which means you can restrict which users you can manage by the name of the role. That means you can delete them, disable them, change their email address, and so on. The new permissions here are the Assign Role permissions in the OrchardCore.Roles feature. Let's see this new addition in a simple example! Let's say we have a user with the Editor role assigned. And we say that users in this role will have the permission named Assign Role - Author. You can set that in the admin UI under Security -> Roles. What does it mean in practice? To see that let's log in with that user who has the Editor role assigned. Navigate to the admin UI of Orchard Core and head to Security -> Users. Here let's hit the Edit button near the admin user for example. As you can see, the Roles list contains every role in the system and you can see that this user has the Administrator role. But all of the checkboxes here are disabled, except the Author one. This user can only assign the Author role to this user because we said that the users with the Editor role can only assign the Author role to users. Head to YouTube to see a short demonstration about this feature! Noayo Noayo is a fictional word that comes from noyau, which is a French word that means core in English. Noayo is an Orchard Core hosting platform and it allows you to create your own Orchard Core instance online. You can use a Bootstrap template for that site. You have two plans: the first one is 5$/month, you have 14 trial days, you will get 300Mb storage, you can have a maximum of 300 content items and 1$ is redistributed to contributors. The 10$ plan has more storage, you can have more content items and that also allows you to use your custom domain. If you would like to request a new account, just hit the Request an account button. In the following demo, you could see the Site management feature of Noayo and a presentation of a given site that runs on Noayo. Head to YouTube now to learn more about Noayo! News from the community A new website using Orchard Core Musica Pristina's purpose is to connect people with a breathtaking musical experience in their home. One where selecting what to play is nearly as enjoyable as listening to it. If you are interested in more websites using Orchard and Orchard Core, don't forget to visit Show Orchard. Show Orchard is a website for showing representative Orchard CMS (and now Orchard Core) websites all around the internet. It was started by Ryan Drew Burnett, but since he doesn't work with Orchard anymore, as announced earlier it is now maintained by our team at Lombiq Technologies. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 192 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Orchard Core RC 2 release, Visual Studio code snippets - This week in Orchard (20/06/2020)

We are thrilled to announce that Orchard Core RC 2 is now available! Check out this post to know everything about the latest release of Orchard Core. This week we will also show you a great demo about the brand new code snippets for Visual Studio, which will make your Orchard Core development more efficient! Orchard Core updates User menu as a shape There is a user menu at the top-right corner of the admin theme. In this menu, you could see the name of the logged-in user, and here is a button that you can use to log off. In the past, if you would like to change the look and feel of this menu, you had to override the whole Layout.cshtml file of the theme, because this was the file where we rendered the menu. From now there is a new shape called UserMenu, which is just about containing that piece of content that is responsible to display the user menu. So, if you would like to override that menu, just create a new Razor file in your admin theme called Usermenu.cshtml. Reviewing encoders usages There was a bug when you are sending an email, where your chars might be JSON-encoded. Let's say that you were using workflows to send a bunch of emails and in this case, Liquid is used to construct the body of the emails. You can have input data like "Country": "België" that you are rendering with {{order.UserProfile.Country}}<br />. However, workflow Liquid evaluator is using JavaScriptEncoder rather than HtmlEncoder. This results in an email with Belgi\u00EB in the body. By default when ASP.Net Core injects it's HTML helpers, it will encode all the Unicode chars. If you have any Unicode char, it will be encoded, which means you will not see the actual characters even if the browser supports Unicode characters. To prevent that you can configure the WebEncoderOptions in your web application to say that the TextEncoderSettings will accept all Unicode ranges. That means it will don't encode anything that is based on Unicode ranges. It will still encode HTML, but any char that is a Unicode char will still be returned as a Unicode char and not as an HTML entity or a URL entity or a JSON entity and so on. It's better to just opt-in for the ranges you want, but in this case, it's just a sample code to show you how you can do that. If you look at your source code when you use such chars, you will see you will have lots of HTML entities instead of the chars you wrote. Once you do that, it could be the actual chars. And also, when you are using an encoder, just resolve it in the constructor, because the encoders are registered in the DI using the mentioned arguments. If you don't want to use the arguments (TextEncoderSettings) for a custom piece of code, then don't resolve the encoder, use HtmlEncoder.Default. For more information, check out the documentation! Demos Orchard Core code snippets for Visual Studio Orchard Dojo Library is a portable package of coding and training guidelines, development utilities. These are also part of the best practices and guidelines we use at Lombiq. This library contains Visual Studio code snippets to quickly generate code in some common scenarios during the Orchard Core module and theme development. To effectively use this collection of VS snippets just point the Snippets Manager to where you cloned or downloaded this folder. To do this go under Tools → Code Snippets Manager → select the C# language → Add and Add the whole folder. For Razor snippets to also work select the HTML Language and do the same. Do note that Razor snippets will only be suggested when you hit Ctrl + space first. You can download the snippets from this GitHub repository. For example, if you type oc, the IntelliSense in Visual Studio will show you the suggestions. In the screen below you could see the code that is generated if you are using the ocmigrations snippet. That is about generating a class that implements the DataMigration abstract class and you will also get a Create method, that is the minimum requirement if you would like to add a migration. But that's not all! Check out this recording to see more snippets in action! News from the community Orchard Core RC 2 released We are thrilled to announce that Orchard Core RC 2 is now available! There is a new blog post in Orchard Core Blog that shows you the new features of the latest release. Here you could find the content localization support, and pre-configured localized Setup experience, the improved block content management experience, sitemaps management, and Azure support improvements. The NuGet packages are also updated on nuget.org. It's still prerelease of Orchard Core (the last one), so if you would like to update the packages in your solution, don't forget to put a tick in the Include prerelease checkbox if you are using Visual Studio. And don't forget the Roadmap! Here you could see a list of the fully or partially implemented features and the plans for the future releases! Upgrade your solution to RC 2 now! Feel free to drop on the dedicated Gitter chat and ask questions! Lombiq Utility Scripts Our Utility Scripts project is now open source! Many scripts for Orchard Core, Orchard CMS, Azure, SqlServer development. E.g. quick Orchard Core solution init, reset/reinstall. Head to the GitHub repository to see all the included scripts! Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions is now updated to RC 2 Looking for some useful Orchard Core extensions? Here's a bundle solution of all of Lombiq's open-source Orchard Core extensions (modules and themes). This repository contains the Helpful Libraries for Orchard Core that includes DateTime Libraries with TimeZone conversion, Localization Libraries and many more! But it also contains the Vue.js module for Orchard Core, the Training Demo module and that's not all of it! A new blog post about Orchard Core Nuno Cancelo is a software Engineer, eager to learn, and even more to share knowledge. Last week he published a great post about the basics of Orchard Core and he planned to publish 3 more parts where he will write about how you can create a module, a recipe, and a theme. Don't hesitate and start this journey now! Orchard Core workshops The contributors of Orchard Core will hold some unique online workshops in the coming months, between May and September 2020. So even with Orchard Harvest postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic we'll get some new learning events. Lombiq's developers will also give two workshops, on using Orchard from the admin UI and on developing a module. Are you looking to get up to speed with Orchard? Check out the workshops' details on the Orchard Core homepage! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 148 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Lombiq Helpful Extensions, HTML script sanitizer - This week in Orchard (30/05/2020)

Have you ever had a hard time implementing the migration files of your content types that you have constructed using the admin UI? Let us show you the Code Generation Helpful Extensions that generate the C# code for you in a click from the admin UI! This week we are also showing you a new and useful feature of Orchard Core about how to sanitize your HTML in an easy way! Orchard Core updates HTML script sanitizer By default, every content part should prevent input from rendering <script> tags. This should be opt-in on a per-type part level. This means that even if a part editor permits it, the rendering would filter these out. We can provide a reusable service as many parts will need it. And here we go! The name of the service is HtmlSanitizerService that is responsible for sanitizing the HTML code. To do that we are using a new open-source NuGet that can be found in GitHub called HtmlSanitizer. HtmlSanitizer is a .NET library for cleaning HTML fragments and documents from constructs that can lead to XSS attacks. It uses AngleSharp to parse, manipulate, and render HTML and CSS. As you can see in the code, there is a new class called HtmlSanitizerOptions that you can use to configure the sanitizer. If you checked the Usage section of the README.md file on the GitHub page of HtmlSanitizer you could see several lists that contain the tags allowed by default, the attributes allowed by default, CSS properties allowed by default, and so on. If you navigate to the HtmlSanitizerTests file and check the ShouldConfigureSanitizer method, you could see how to use the HtmlSanitizerOptions to set up your sanitizer by for example adding additional allowed attributes to it. In the 34th line, we are adding the class as an allowed attribute. And the Sanitize method of this service (you will never guess!) is responsible for sanitizing the HTML. OK, that's cool but where and how can I use this feature in my Orchard Core site? If you have a HtmlBody Part, an HTML Field, or a Markdown Field you will find a new option in the editor of the field or the part with a new checkbox: Sanitize Html. This checkbox is enabled everywhere by default, but of course, you have the availability to disable this feature. Let's say you have a site installed with the Blog recipe and you would like to create a new Article and do some evil stuff in the HtmlBody Part. You view the HTML source and enter the line there <a href=\"javascript: alert('xss')\">Click me</a> Then hit Publish and view the HTML source again. You will notice that the code changed to <a>Click me</a>. Preview feed moved to Cloudsmith For Orchard Core, the community has switched the preview feed package repository to Cloudsmith due to much nicer retention and bandwidth policies for open source projects. It means now you can use a different feed when using the nightly build packages of Orchard Core. If you open the documentation and select the Configure Preview package source in the Getting started section you will find the new feed URL and the way about how to set it up using Visual Studio or using the NuGet.config file. Templates content items If you remember, we had the Layout Template in Orchard 1, where you could define a layout page and save it as a template to start new pages out of this template. The idea would be to make it for any content item that you could store as a template and then create items that are just clones of that. In GitHub there is a feature called issue templates: when you create a new issue, you have templates for different types of issues. To see a good example of this idea navigate to the GitHub repository of ASP.NET Core and start to fill a new issue. Here GitHub will ask you what kind of issue you would like to create. These are the issue templates. What about creating a content item and saving it as a template? The same way you have a Publish or Save as draft, you can say: Save as a template. And then it would be a content item of the specific type that might appear in the menu somewhere or might appear in the New button when you create a new content item based on the given type. When you create a new of this thing, it will just clone it and you start with a new content item that is based on that. If you have like articles with the specific background or specific text that you want to reuse you can do that. Same thing for a content type with a Flow Part attached. In this case, you can reuse the widgets too! What do you think about this idea? Do you like it? Or do you have any other thoughts about this feature? Leave your reply in the comments section below and let us know! Demos Code Generation Helpful Extensions in Lombiq Helpful Extensions for Orchard Core If you navigate to the GitHub page of the Lombiq Helpful Extensions for Orchard Core, you will find a module that contains some handy extensions that you can use in your Orchard Core solution. Note that if you are using the nightly builds of Orchard Core, you should checkout to the orchard-core-preview branch, otherwise clone the dev branch of the repository. To use this module place the content of it to your solution and if you are using Visual Studio use the Solution Explorer and add this module as an existing project to your solution. Don't forget to add this as a project reference to your ASP.NET Core Web Application. This is the way how you could add any external module or theme to your Orchard Core solution. Now if everything goes well, you can build your solution and install your Orchard Core site! Note that if you are using the nightly builds, you may need to add the preview package source as described here. Set up your application using the Agency recipe. Go to Configuration -> Features and enable the Code Generation Helpful Extensions - Lombiq Helpful Extensions module. Now head to the content definition of the Landing Page (Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types -> Landing Page) and hit the Toggle showing generated migration code button. Here you could see the power of this extension. This module is about generating migration code from content definitions. You can use this to create (or edit) a content type on the admin and then move its creation to a migration class. Generated migration code is displayed under the content types' editors. If you are interested in the full demo, don't forget to check out the recording on YouTube! News from the community New websites using Orchard Core https://saintsrow.com is the website where you can get information and order the different Saints Row games. And if you visit https://chorusthegame.com, you will find everything about an upcoming game called Chorus. If you are interested in more websites using Orchard and Orchard Core, don't forget to visit Show Orchard. Show Orchard is a website for showing representative Orchard CMS (and now Orchard Core) websites all around the internet. It was started by Ryan Drew Burnett, but since he doesn't work with Orchard anymore, as announced earlier it is now maintained by our team at Lombiq Technologies. Orchard Core workshops The contributors of Orchard Core will hold some unique online workshops in the coming months, between May and September 2020. So even with Orchard Harvest postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic we'll get some new learning events. Lombiq's developers will also give two workshops, on using Orchard from the admin UI and on developing a module. Are you looking to get up to speed with Orchard? Check out the workshops' details on the Orchard Core homepage! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 145 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Named style and script Tag Helpers, This is Lombiq! - This week in Orchard (09/05/2020)

Have you ever developed a great feature for Orchard Core that you wanted to add to the source code, but you were not sure about how to contribute the code and submit a pull request? And do you want to know the team behind all that we do at Lombiq Technologies? Here are all the faces, the whole Lombiq team. This is Lombiq! Don't hesitate and check our current post for more! Orchard Core updates Make Login, Logout and ChangePassword paths configurable Now you can change the endpoints for the login URLs. These can't be changed by using code, that's why they had to be in the appsettings.json. You can find the correct way about setting these values in the documentation. How to contribute? Since now there weren't any pages where you can find details about how you can contribute your source code back to Orchard Core. Now if you checkout to the dev branch of Orchard Core you will find a CONTRIBUTING.md file in the root of the repository which tells you everything about how to contribute code and content, submit pull requests and so on. Allow registering named style and script resources with inline content You have Liquid and Razor tags for custom styling/custom scripts and the ability to say where you want your style/script to be rendered. And if you inject a custom script/styling you can set the dependency of your custom script/style. Let's see some Razor example for these additions! Imagine that you would like to add a custom script for your page and use the ID selector from jQuery to select a single element with the given ID attribute. For that, you will need to include jQuery for your page. To do that you have 2 options:Register your script using the IResourceManifestProvider, set the dependencies of your script (for example jQuery), and just simply use the script Tag Helper to inject that to your Razor page. <script name="myVeryCustomScript" asp-src="~/areallycustomscript.js" at="Foot"></script> But you can also set the dependency here by using the depends-on attribute. The second way is to add a custom script and say that you are using jQuery functions, so you will need jQuery to be able to run your script. <script at="Foot" depends-on="jQuery"> $('#myDiv').css('border', '3px solid red');</script> In both cases, you inject your script in the wanted location (foot or head) and set the dependencies of the page. That's great, but imagine that this script is in the template of a widget. And of course, a page can contain several instances of your widget. In that case, your script will be injected multiple times. In some cases, that's what you want, but if not, it's unnecessary to have that script on the page multiple times. You have several workarounds to check if the script/styling is already injected to the page or not, but now you have an easier solution for that. Let's see the following code: <script name="MyScript" at="Foot" depends-on="jQuery"> $('#myDiv').css('border', '3px solid red');</script> The only difference here is the name attribute and this makes this block a named script. Named scripts will only be injected once and can optionally specify dependencies. You can use the style Tag Helper in the same ways: <style name="my-style" depends-on="the-theme"> .my-class { /* some style */ }</style> Adding option to enable MiniProfiler on the admin too The MiniProfiler module can only display its little widget on the frontend currently. Now you have an option to enable it for the admin too. To see it in action set the option, which can be done in OrchardCore.Cms.Web's Startup class with this snippet: public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){ services.AddOrchardCms(builder => builder.ConfigureServices(services => services.PostConfigure<MiniProfilerOptions>(options => { options.AllowOnAdmin = true; })));} Or you can use the AllowMiniProfilerOnAdmin() extension method in the same method: public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){ services.AddOrchardCms(builder => builder.AllowMiniProfilerOnAdmin());} For more information about the Mini Profiler head to the documentation, where you can also find a link to the updated Configuration page. Fix RSS items description The issue in the screen below was that if the bodyAspect was not null, we are reused the bodyAspect. The bodyAspect was cached during a request, but if you are rendering many different content items, then we would reuse the same bodyAspect for all of them. In an RSS feed when we build the body of the content items, all the RSS items would have the same body. Now we are also caching the content item ID. If we don't match the exact content item ID we don't restore the cached version of the body. Check the diff in the HtmlBodyPartHandler! Here you could see the related code changes where we also cache the content item ID. Demos Kast Group Finder: an Orchard Core site Kast is an Australian company and one of their primary goals is to implement the Kast platform with the Kast Group Finder component. We worked together with Seth Cleaver (Co-founder and Director of Kast) on this tool to be able to create an intuitive self-service process that enables people within a church to easily find a suitable group to attend, simplify the administrative processes required for getting people into groups, and provide information to the group co-ordinators that might assist in planning and measuring effectiveness. Check out this YouTube video about what can you achieve by using Orchard Core and how you can use the Group Finder and let us know if you have any questions! News from the community RC2 branch If you navigate to the GitHub page of Orchard Core and check the issues, you will find one with the name RC2 Validation. There is a list that contains all the things that are needed to be done to ship RC2. Here you can find a branch that contains the list of to-dos to work on. In this checklist, you can find the items that needed to do when publishing a release. You can check this issue from time to time to monitor the current state of the RC2 release. New Orchard Nuggets posts A breadcrumb menu is a simple but effective navigation aid that shows the user where they are in the site's content structure and which path they can take back. It's also part of the web accessibility guidelines. However, there's no feature built into Orchard Core for this. Nevertheless, how to create a breadcrumb menu? It's actually really easy, just copy a piece of code from this brand new Orchard Nuggets post! Let's suppose you're building your shiny new Orchard Core website. In there you're also building a shiny new page, with Flow Part obviously. You throw together a lot of widgets to get all the bells and whistles on the page, then you save it and BAM! Internal Server Error: "InvalidDataException: Form value count limit 1024 exceeded." What's this, did I break Orchard? Is Orchard trying to break me? Let's find out how to fix this in the second Orchard Nuggets post of the week! This is Lombiq! Do you want to know the team behind all that we do at Lombiq Technologies? Here are all the faces, the whole Lombiq team. All the Orchard developers, leaders, office managers, hardware and software engineers, accountants, advisors! This is Lombiq. The two projects of ours mentioned in the video are DotNest, the Orchard SaaS (https://dotnest.com/), and Hastlayer, the .NET hardware accelerator (https://hastlayer.com/). Note that while we published this video during the coronavirus pandemic it was actually recorded during our 2019 RnDay event, in December 2019. Everyone was safe :). Orchard Core workshops The contributors of Orchard Core will hold some unique online workshops in the coming months, between May and September 2020. So even with Orchard Harvest postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic we'll get some new learning events. Lombiq's developers will also give two workshops, on using Orchard from the admin UI and on developing a module. Are you looking to get up to speed with Orchard? Check out the workshops' details on the Orchard Core homepage! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 142 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Content Picker Menu Item, Kast case study - This week in Orchard (02/05/2020)

Soon you will able to show content items in your menu easily! How? Check our newest This week in Orchard post and read about an amazing demo to see the new Content Picker Menu Item in action! We published a brand new case study this week on our website about the latest Orchard Core site we developed. By reading that study you can see the possibilities that you can easily achieve by using Orchard Core as your CMS! Don't forget to read our whole post for the most interesting news around the community! Orchard Core updates Added ability to restrict widgets within a flow part You can use the FlowPartSettings to give content managers the capability to restrict which widgets are available within the flow editor. If no widgets have been selected then all widgets will be available, as per the current implementation. Let's see it quickly! Set up a site with the Blog recipe and then edit the content type definition of the Page content type. To do that navigate to Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types and choose the Page. Then find the attached parts and hit Edit near the Flow one. Here you can select which content types this flow can contain. Just for the sake of demonstration, we say that the Flow editor of this page can only accept Liquid widgets. Let's see what will happen when we create a new Page! Hit New -> Page and try to add something to the Flow editor. You will see that only the Liquid one will be on the list because in the previous step we only allowed Liquid widgets. So, when you attach a FlowPart now you can decide what content types you want to be able to use in a FlowPart. It can be useful if you create a form page type with a FlowPart for it. You could then decide just to allow for form widgets. Remember: if you don't select anything you will be able to use any type of content type with the Widget stereotype in your editor. Added support for IN (SELECT) SQL statements You can use a custom SQL statement, that is about to parse for the queries module, the one that uses the generic SQL language and that will be translated to any dialect that the CMS supports (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server). If you use this language now you can use the select expression inside an in statement. It's also supporting the not in correctly and the like and not like was not working well, so these are also fixed. Check the new InlineData attributes added to the ShouldParseExpression test method to see some examples with the new expression. Fix shape table providers There was an issue with the way you would be able to override a template from your module, override a template for a dependent module. This change will look for shape templates in a module for any first-level dependencies and it's also improving performance because there would be fewer shape templates loaded in the memory. And if you have a feature depending on another feature then it won't be able to override the second level feature, you have to depend on that. It makes sense because you are creating a template for the second level feature, so you can depend on that because you expected that it would be there. Deployment plans search Let's navigate to Configuration -> Import/Export and create one or more deployment plans. Here you can filter the deployment plans and also do bulk actions. To do bulk actions select two or more deployment plans and after that, you will see the Delete option in the Actions dropdown. Content culture picker shape documentation If you navigate to the Content Localization section in the Orchard Core documentation, you may have noticed that there were no Razor example codes. From now the documentation has been improved with Razor examples! Demos Content Picker Menu Item Let's set up a site with the Blog recipe, create a new Page, and call it My brand new page. Then choose the Main Menu option in the admin UI and hit the Add Menu Item button. Here you could see the Available Menu Items modal window with two options: Link Menu Item and Content Picker Menu Item. Let's choose the second one! The Content Picker Menu Item is about having the ability to choose from the content items available in the CMS with a content picker. There is the Selected ContentItem dropdown, that can be used to select the content item that you would like to show on the menu. You can type to search or just simply select your item from the list. We will select our newly created page here. Publish the menu and navigate to the homepage of your site to see your menu. We placed the new menu item after the About, but of course, it's your choice to set the position of your menu item. If you are interested in the full demo don't forget to watch the recording on YouTube! Note that this feature is under development and can be found in this branch! News from the community Orchard Nuggets: How to add a culture URL segment for localization in Orchard Core So you're building a localized Orchard Core site and want all URLs to be in the form of /culture-name/rest/of/the/url, e.g. /hu-HU/my-page. What do you need to achieve this? In our newest Orchard Nuggets post, we give you the answers! Check out the other posts for more such bite-sized Orchard tips and let us know if you'd have another question! Helping Kast build a multi-tenant platform on Orchard Core Kast is an Australian company and one of their primary goals is to implement the Kast platform with the Kast Group Finder component. We worked together with Seth Cleaver (Co-founder and Director of Kast) on this tool to be able to create an intuitive self-service process that enables people within a church to easily find a suitable group to attend, simplify the administrative processes required for getting people into groups, and provide information to the group co-ordinators that might assist in planning and measuring effectiveness. Check out this case study about how we've developed this multi-tenant social group management platform for churches! If you are interested in more websites using Orchard and Orchard Core, don't forget to visit Show Orchard. Show Orchard is a website for showing representative Orchard CMS (and now Orchard Core) websites all around the internet. It was started by Ryan Drew Burnett, but since he doesn't work with Orchard anymore, as announced earlier it is now maintained by our team at Lombiq Technologies. Orchard Core Training Demo module: combining ASP.NET Core Options with Orchard Core site settings Our Orchard Core Training Demo module has a new tutorial on combining ASP.NET Core Options with Orchard Core site settings. In the SiteSettingsController you could see how to use the Site Settings to access tenant-level settings and any other custom settings! Orchard Core Training Demo module is a demo Orchard Core module for training purposes guiding you to become an Orchard developer. You can use this module as part of a vanilla Orchard Core source that including the full source code - which is the recommended way. You can use it as part of a solution the uses Orchard Core NuGet packages, however, it's harder to look under the hood of Orchard Core features. The module assumes that you have a good understanding of basic Orchard concepts and that you can get around the Orchard admin area (the official documentation may help you with that). You should also be familiar with how to use Visual Studio and write C#, as well as the concepts of ASP.NET Core MVC. Bug reports, feature requests, and comments are warmly welcome, please do so via GitHub. Feel free to send pull requests too, no matter which source repository you choose for this purpose. Updated Lombiq Technologies logos You may have noticed that we rolled out our updated logo in the last few days. The spirit is the same: The lab flask with which we distill our IT solutions ("lombik" in Hungarian means lab flask :)). So, please welcome it! Orchard Core workshops The contributors of Orchard Core will hold some unique online workshops in the coming months, between May and September 2020. So even with Orchard Harvest postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic we'll get some new learning events. Lombiq's developers will also give two workshops, on using Orchard from the admin UI and on developing a module. Are you looking to get up to speed with Orchard? Check out the workshops' details on the Orchard Core homepage! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 140 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Database and Azure blob shells configuration, Orchard Core workshops - This week in Orchard (10/04/2020)

Database and Azure blob shells configuration are added to Orchard Core! To get up to speed with Orchard Core the contributors of Orchard Core will hold some unique online workshops in the coming months, between May and September 2020. Check out the workshops' details on the Orchard Core homepage! Orchard Core updates Account views validation messages Instead of using DataAnnotations, in some ViewModels, we are using custom validation methods by implementing the IValidatableObject interface. The reason for that is the DataAnnotations are not localized correctly yet, but this is just a mitigation of the issue and this will be soon supported in Orchard Core. So, let's see an example of that from the OrchardCore.Users module. Here you could see that the Validate method in RegisterViewModel is about to check the values of the required fields and make sure that the user provided the same password in both cases. If there is a validation error, the method returns different kinds of ValidationResults, that contains the localized error message and the list of member names that have validation errors. Database and Azure blob shells configuration The Azure Shells Configuration and Database Shells Configuration providers allow hosting of shell/tenant tenants.json files and related tenants appsettings.json configuration settings in an environment external to the Orchard Core host. By default, the tenants.json and related appsettings.json for the Default shell and any configured tenants are stored in the App_Data folder. This configuration in the App_Data folder is suitable for most sites, however for advanced configuration of stateless multi-tenancy environments, where multiple hosts require write access to these shared configuration settings, you can choose to use either the Azure Shells Configuration or Database Shells Configuration providers. The primary purpose of the Shell Configuration providers is to provide a shared external environment for multi-tenancy where tenants need to be created, and their settings mutated, during live operation of the stateless hosts. It is not intended to support shared configuration between local development and production environments. Here you can see great documentation about how to set up the Azure Shells Configuration Provider and the Database Shell Configuration Provider! Remove unneeded files in TheAdmin There were unneeded files in the TheAdmin theme: the TheAdmin.css and the TheAdmin.min.css. The goal is to have an admin theme that could be used in mobile devices and provide a great user experience. Deleting unneeded files is another step toward mobile-friendliness. Blog theme: Article with MediaField Setup your site using the Blog recipe and head to the admin UI of Orchard Core. This recipe comes with an Article content type. If you create a new Article or edit the predefined one, you will see a new MediaField with the Banner Image display name. Let's change the Banner Image of the existing one and see what will happen! As you can see, this change is to allow users to specify a background picture for an Article. Update ShellHost registrations Currently, we have the following DI registrations for the ShellHost: services.AddSingleton<ShellHost>();services.AddSingleton<IShellHost>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<ShellHost>());services.AddSingleton<IShellDescriptorManagerEventHandler>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<ShellHost>()); So here if someone overrides IShellHost, when we resolve <IShellDescriptorManagerEventHandler> as an IEnumerable the ShellHost implementation is still used. The solution is to modify the IShellHost interface in the following way: public interface IShellHost: IShellDescriptorManagerEventHandler {} And now the registrations will look slightly different: services.AddSingleton<IShellHost, ShellHost>();services.AddSingleton<IShellDescriptorManagerEventHandler>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<IShellHost>()); Now it forces the one that overrides IShellHost to also implements <IShellDescriptorManagerEventHandler> and when all <IShellDescriptorManagerEventHandler> are resolved as an IEnumerable, the right instance is used. Documentation for missing content fields The first table of the Content Fields page in the Orchard Core documentation is about to show you the available fields and their properties. The MarkdownField, MediaField and TaxonomyField were missing from this list. Apply Bootstrap styles to message based on the notification type You can use the INofitier to manage UI notifications. You can have different types of notifications and the notifications with different types can be displayed differently. Orchard Core uses Bootstrap alerts to display the notifications. To add a custom display for every type of notification the Message.cshtml file is now using the contextual classes from Bootstrap (like .alert-success). Setup screen improvements The setup screen has got several improvements: Removed Bootstrap Jumbotron. Moved function setLocalizationUrl() to setup.js. Moved the code and HTML about the culture list from _Layout.cshtml to Index.cshtml. Used fieldset instead of h6 when displaying the Super User text. Separated hints between database and table prefix. News from the community Orchard Core workshops The contributors of Orchard Core will hold some unique online workshops in the coming months, between May and September 2020. So even with Orchard Harvest postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic we'll get some new learning events. Lombiq's developers will also give two workshops, on using Orchard from the admin UI and on developing a module. Are you looking to get up to speed with Orchard? Check out the workshops' details on the Orchard Core homepage! Here you could see a table that contains more information about the first 5 workshops. The Resources page of the Orchard Core documentation has updated with the details of the workshops too where you can also find the Sign-up sheet. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 132 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here!

Error Log Watcher in Lombiq Orchard Visual Studio Extension, Disable and Enable Tasks - This week in Orchard (03/04/2020)

New tasks when working tenants in your workflows, a best practice about how to validate your ViewModel using a service and a spectacular and fun demo about a nice addition to our Orchard Visual Studio Extension! Read our current post for more! Orchard Core updates Tenant Workflows: Disable and Enable Tasks Now you have workflow tasks to Disable or Enable tenants to support tenant management using with Forms or any external services. With these you have four events to manipulate tenants: Create Tenant Enable Tenant Disable Tenant Setup Tenant From now, you can use the workflows to create, setup and then enable the tenants, because we have tasks to cover the whole process. In our case, we created a workflow called Add tenant and used these activities to fire up a tenant from scratch by the values provided by the users in a form. Search inputs Antoine Griffard updated all the search inputs in admin to use autofocus and type="search". This is a way to let the browser display these inputs with better hints. You can even predefine a list of common search inputs if you want. It's not used here, but we could also extend these to do that or show a list of historical data that you put in that textbox. Validating ViewModels We would like to mention this because by reading this solution you could get a nice best practice about how to validate something with a service if you are in a ViewModel. In this current issue, we would like to validate the value of an email address by using the RegisterExternalLoginViewModel. If you would like to validate an object using a ViewModel, you have to implement the IValidatableObject interface which will give you a Validate method. And in this method, you can use whatever service you want. When you create a new instance of your ViewModel, you can pass your service to it in a parameter by using constructor dependency injection. In this current example, we could see the passing of the IEmailAddressValidator to the RegisterExternalLoginViewModel. And in the RegisterExternalLoginViewModel you can use the service in the Validate method injected using the constructor. But, if you see the changes below, you could notice that by using the ValidationContext, you can get your service from the IServiceProvider by calling validationContext.GetService<T>(). In this case, you don't have to pass anything using the constructor when creating a new instance of your ViewModel, just simply resolve your service using the ValidationContext. A new section in the Orchard Core documentation: Resources Now when you open the documentation of Orchard Core, you will find a new item on the menu, called Resources. The goal of the Resources page is to collect any external resources that are available to teach you how to develop with Orchard Core. Our Orchard Core Training Demo module has been added as the first demo project for this page. And you can also found some lines about our newsletter here and the URL where you can sign up for our newsletter! New favicon for the Orchard Core documentation If you check the previous screen again, you will see that the snip contains the title bar of the window too. That's because when you visit the documentation page of Orchard Core, you will face a new blueish favicon, that looks nicer in a browser that uses a darker theme too. Demos Adding BlinkStick support to Lombiq Orchard Visual Studio Extension Orchard Error Log Watcher feature Lombiq Orchard Visual Studio Extension is a Visual Studio extension with many features and templates frequently used by Lombiq developers. It contains Orchard-related (including Orchard Core) as well as generic goodies. This extension has an Orchard Log Watcher feature, that alerts you when you have any new entry in the log file. When you install this extension, you will see a new button on the Orchard Log Watcher toolbar. The button of this toolbar will be enabled when you have unread entries in the error log files. If you click on this button, the log file will be opened with the editor assigned to open .log files. When you navigate to Tools -> Options -> Lombiq Orchard Visual Studio Extension -> Orchard Log Watcher you can enable or disable this feature. You can also set the log file folder path. The path can be anything, so, you can set custom paths as well. The default path here supports the default path of the log files in the case of an Orchard Core and an Orchard 1.x solution too. And here comes the fun part: you can also set to blink or light up continuously a BlinkStick LED stick when a new entry is detected. BlinkStick brings colorful notifications to your computer and wide range programming language implementations give you the power to control LEDs without the need to program a microcontroller and you can choose from different kinds of products. Furthermore, you can also set the color for the LED by providing a hex value or the name of the color. You can find the list of the supported colors here. You just need to plug this device into your USB port and the extension will recognize it! Here you can download this free, open-source extension. In GitHub, you can find the extension's Readme with release notes too. Also, if you encountered bugs or have a feature request please add it on the GitHub page as well. And don't forget to watch the full demo on YouTube! News from the community Training Demo updated: how to add an ASP.NET Core middleware to your Orchard Core application? Orchard Core Training Demo module is a demo Orchard Core module for training purposes guiding you to become an Orchard developer. You can use this module as part of a vanilla Orchard Core source that including the full source code - which is the recommended way. You can use it as part of a solution the uses Orchard Core NuGet packages, however, it's harder to look under the hood of Orchard Core features. The module assumes that you have a good understanding of basic Orchard concepts and that you can get around the Orchard admin area (the official documentation may help you with that). You should also be familiar with how to use Visual Studio and write C#, as well as the concepts of ASP.NET Core MVC. We have just added a new section to our module about how to implement an ASP.NET Core middleware in your Orchard Core application. Take a look at the RequestLoggingMiddleware.cs file! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 130 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Culture picker on the Setup page, CodeMirror editor for TextField - This week in Orchard (28/03/2020)

This week you could see a demo about the brand new culture picker on the Setup page! We will also check the new CodeMirror editor for the TextField, the new EmailAddressValidator service, a new Orchard Nuggets blog post and Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions! And that's not all! Orchard Core updates CodeMirror editor for TextField There is a new editor for the TextField, where you can use CodeMirror. To try this just install your site using the Blog recipe and edit the content definition of the BlogPost content type. Set the editor type of the Subtitle TextField to Code Mirror, then hit Save. And now if you edit the predefined blog post or create a new one, you will see the changed editor for the Subtitle TextField. It uses a text area, and of course, supports to write code here by different kinds of highlighting. Add DataAnnotation default error messages There is an issue filed that the DataAnnotation attributes are not localized correctly, because the actual strings to be localized are taken from resources or hard-coded in the DataAnnotation classes. In these cases, we don't have them in the PO files, so they can't be translated because the PO extractor doesn't find them. To solve that there is a new DataAnnotationsDefaultErrorMessages class, that defines all the strings that are currently in the resx files of ASP.NET, but as a custom class with calls to the StringLocalizer. This way the PO file extractor can find them and we can localize them in Crowdin and provide the missing PO files for that. The second step is actually to use them and ensure it works, but also be able to extract custom messages that you would put in the DataAnnotation. In a DataAnnotation like EmailOrRequired you might say Email but provide a custom string. In this case, in the custom string, we still need to extract it. At least the default messages that are nowhere in the code should be registered somewhere like this. So, we can have a reference list of things to translate and then the localizer will be able to pick the correct translation. That's a good first step. Prevent anonymous users from performing GET on content item API You want anonymous users to be able to view your site, view your page/content item and it would just show what the layout is or the view is. But you might not want anonymous users to retrieve the full content item JSON payload, because it might show some properties and metadata that you don't want to expose. Now there is custom permission that is called GetApiContent that you can assign to specific roles and this is not assigned to anonymous users by default. Update Documentation for non-Visual Studio users Getting started with an Orchard Core Theme page of the Orchard Core Documentation has been updated with guides about how to create a new theme if you are using other IDE then Visual Studio. Add EmailAddressValidator service This one is to make a new IEmailAddressValidator service that is available by default in Orchard.Infrastructure.Abstractions. It's using MailKit so that's a new service that you can use to validate email. And if you would like to replace it, you can add your own logic for email validation. Add tenant description Now you can define a description of the views for each tenant. If you add a new tenant by navigating to Configuration -> Tenants -> Add Tenant, see the list of tenants or use the Create Tenant Task in your workflows, you will meet with this new option. Demos Culture picker on the Setup page When you have the latest dev you have this Setup screen where the new thing is the culture picker at the top right. Note that the Change language string not has been localized yet, so the default behavior is that it will show up using whatever language has been selected, the default one comes from the browser. Or if there is no match from your system, the default will be English. That won't configure the site for the same language because it's just the setup experience, so it won't enable localization by default. Because we have a quite much language translated and supported, the UI will adapt automatically to the selected one. If you take a language that would be an RTL language like Arabic, the direction of the text will also change. If you are interested in the full demo, don't hesitate to go to YouTube and view the recording! News from the community Orchard Nuggets: How to localize content items? So you want to create an Orchard Core website that presents its content in multiple languages. There are many parts of this, but what about content items? How do you make them ready for localization? In our newest Orchard Nuggets post, we give you the answers! Check out the other posts for more such bite-sized Orchard tips and let us know if you'd have another question! Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions An Orchard Core CMS Visual Studio solution that contains most of Lombiq's open-source Orchard modules and themes. Only those extensions are included which use the latest released version of Orchard (i.e. ones depending on a nightly build are not yet here). Since the extensions are included as git submodules when cloning this repo set git to initialize submodules Bug reports, feature requests, comments, questions, and code contributions are warmly welcome, please do so via GitHub issues and pull requests. Please adhere to our open-source guidelines while doing so. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 129 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Contained item routing options for Autoroute Part, Helpful Libraries and Extensions - This week in Orchard (20/03/2020)

This week we would like to show you a demo about the contained item routing options for Autoroute Part among the latest changes of Orchard Core. Then don't forget to check out our updated Orchard Core Training Demo module and the brand new Helpful Libraries and Helpful Extensions from Lombiq! Orchard Core updates Toggle all widgets in Flow Part It could be hard to use Flow Part with multiple widgets because you always have to expand each widget item individually. Sometimes it's quite annoying and it breaks the editing flow. To fix this issue now there is a little toggle all widgets button in the insert widget hover line. Using this button you can show and hide the content of a given widget. And of course, if you click on this button in the case of the Container Widget, the whole content of it will be hidden. A future improvement could be to add the same behavior for the Bag Part and Widgets List too. ViewComponents should be searched in Views and Pages There was a need to put a ViewComponent in the Shared folder of the Pages folder and not just into the Views. This is supported in Razor Pages, so now the ComponentViewLocationExpanderProvider has been updated to also search for the ViewComponents in the Pages/Shared folder. Select All checkbox should react to selected items In many views, we had the same issue and this has been fixed in the Contents, Lucene, Tenants, Users, Workflows and Workflow types pages. Now when you select some items from a list (but not all of them), then the select all checkbox will show you a minus icon, instead of a tick. The tick will be only shown there if every item is selected from the list. Let's see an example for it in the Tenants page about how it worked before and how it is working now. Update taxonomy docs The Taxonomies page of the Orchard Core documentation has been updated with two new additions. First, you could find a new example there about how to use the QueryCategorizedContentItemsAsync Orchard Helper, that provides a way to query content items that are categorized with specific terms. Secondly, you will find some words about Tags. What is the purpose of tags and how to access the TagNames property using Razor and Liquid? Move Header zone to body There was a misunderstanding about what the Header zone is in Orchard Core. The Header zone is for the content and not for the metadata, which could be confusing. If you check the Footer zone, you will find that it's inside the body HTML tag, but the Header zone is rendered inside the head HTML tag. From now the SafeMode theme renders the Header inside the body HTML Tag and the TheAdmin theme does that too and also defines a new zone called HeadMeta that renders the content in the head of the layout. Deployment cards equal heights There was an issue that the deployment step card heights are not equal. If the description of the deployment step is only one row long, it will take less space than a deployment step, which description is more than one length long. Now, this issue has been fixed. Demos Contained item routing options for Autoroute Part Let's say you created a new content item with the Taxonomy content type (or just used the Blog recipe) and attached the Autoroute Part to it. Now let's see the settings for this attached Autoroute Part first. Here you will see three new checkboxes to use: Allow contained item routing: Check to allow users to enable routing of child content items. Manage contained item routes: Check to allow this part to apply routes to child content items. Allow absolute path: Check to allow users to enable absolute paths for child content items Put a tick to these three and head back to your taxonomy content item to check the editor of it. Here you will see a new checkbox with the label of Route contained items. Put a tick here and now view your categories content item. The term content type itself doesn't have an AutoRoute Part on it so we just automatically generate a route for them based on the content item ID and the display text. If we want to make the routing a little bit nicer then you could also add an AutoRoute Part to the term content types as well. Let's add the Autoroute Part to the Category content type and set the container settings of the Autoroute Part that we have just mentioned before. Then if you head back to your taxonomy (Categories in case if you are using the Blog recipe) and edit the definition of the Travel Category, you will find a box that will let you specify that a child content item will be routed to an absolute path. Put a tick here and save the content item. And now if you navigate to your taxonomy again and select the Travel term, you will see that the URL of it will be: https://localhost:44300/travel If you uncheck the absolute option of the Travel category, the URL would contain the URL of your taxonomy, like https://localhost:44300/categories/travel But we are just scratching the surface here. If you are interested in the full demo, don't hesitate to go to YouTube and view the recording! News from the community Updated Orchard Core Training Demo module to RC1 Orchard Core Training Demo module is a demo Orchard Core module for training purposes guiding you to become an Orchard developer. You can use this module as part of a vanilla Orchard Core source that including the full source code - which is the recommended way. You can use it as part of a solution the uses Orchard Core NuGet packages, however, it's harder to look under the hood of Orchard Core features. The module assumes that you have a good understanding of basic Orchard concepts and that you can get around the Orchard admin area (the official documentation may help you with that). You should also be familiar with how to use Visual Studio and write C#, as well as the concepts of ASP.NET Core MVC. Now, this module is fully compatible with the RC1 version of Orchard Core. Yes, we know the RC1 version is quite old now, but we've done it a long time ago but didn't get to finish it. Bug reports, feature requests, and comments are warmly welcome, please do so via GitHub. Feel free to send pull requests too, no matter which source repository you choose for this purpose. Helpful Libraries and Helpful Extensions for Orchard Core from Lombiq The Helpful Libraries for Orchard Core containing various libraries that can be handy when developing for Orchard Core CMS, to be used from your own Orchard modules. Includes: Contents Libraries DateTime Libraries with TimeZone conversion Dependency Injection Libraries Localization Libraries MVC Libraries Resource Management Libraries with Resource Filter feature Utilities The Helpful Extensions for Orchard Core is an Orchard Core module containing some handy extensions (e.g. filters for Projector). Bug reports, feature requests, and comments are warmly welcome, please do so via GitHub. Feel free to send pull requests too, no matter which source repository you choose for this purpose. A new website using Orchard 1.x The project Metis enables EETT adjust its strategy regarding Quality Indices in modern technologies and practical measurements in order to be able to measure more effectively the quality characteristics of telecommunications networks, harmonized as much as possible on best practices of other regulators and domestic providers, be in line with the newest international standards and recommendations, and take advantage of the improvements offered by modern research measurement practices. If you are interested in more websites using Orchard and Orchard Core, don't forget to visit Show Orchard. Show Orchard is a website for showing representative Orchard CMS (and now Orchard Core) websites all around the internet. It was started by Ryan Drew Burnett, but since he doesn't work with Orchard anymore, as announced earlier it is now maintained by our team at Lombiq Technologies. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 125 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!

Publish Later feature, Tags - This week in Orchard (13/03/2020)

The Tags feature is now merged to the dev branch of Orchard Core! In our post, you can also read about the improvements of the Content Picker field, see a demo about the Publish Later module and many more! Orchard Core updates Make content picker default to displaying all content types when none are selected There is no reasonable use-case for a content picker to be configured with no DisplayedContentTypes other than it just hasn't been configured yet. On the other hand, it seems reasonable that some circumstances may necessitate picking a content item of an undeterminable content type at setup. So, by using the content picker you could select which content types you wanted to display in the list when you are searching for a content item. Now there is a new option which is called DisplayAllContentTypes. This way when you add a new content type you won't have to select it again when specifying the content types to display in your content picker. To try this out just simply add a new Content Picker Field to your type and then head to the settings page of the field. Here you can find the Display All Content Types checkbox, that we have just mentioned before. Put a tick in this box and then create a new content item of your content type. We have added a Content Picker Field to a Page content type. Here you could see that the list of the picker is showing menus, landing pages (named Orchard Core) and page content items, so, everything is here that we have defined on our tenant. Tags The tags PR was merged to the dev branch of Orchard Core. The editor of it shows the list of taxonomy terms as tags and stores every DisplayText of every taxonomy term that is tagged inside the field itself under a custom dynamic property which is not available on the field class itself, but there are extension methods called GetTagNames and SetTagNames to retrieve and set the name of the tags. There is a property on the field itself (on the JSON document of the field) that's called TagNames, that gets all the tag names as a string array based on the DisplayText, when a tag was added to the content item. If you change the DisplayText of a term, then every existing content item that was tagged with this term won't have the new DisplayText. That's a caveat for using this property, the GetTagNames on the field. But it would be super useful when you want to just list the names of tags and the TagNames never change, which they should never do. Don't change the name of the tag from one day to the other. If you do, then your responsibility to update the content items or not to use the TagNames property, but resolve all the content items for every tag and use a dynamic DisplayText. Maybe we want the same possibility on even the default TaxonomyField. And have that property on the field itself as a static property, by explaining the limitation of this property. You can see great demos on YouTube about tags using taxonomies and Open Tags. We have already mentioned these demos in the following This week in Orchard posts: Tags using taxonomies Open Tags Fix for SameSite cookie issue By following the recommendation of the ASP.NET team, now we are checking that based on the browser vendor ID what default value we should send for the SameSite cookie. Most of the servers never set the SameSite property of the cookie. It used to be a default value like None by default. But now Google assumes that no value will mean Lax. So, if you want to keep the None value (that was before by default) we have to set it. There is an update on the ASP.NET framework that set's it by default but there is configuration to change the behavior. But this behavior should not change for some browsers that won't be updated. And this is why the only solution is to check what kind of browser is doing the request to know what value we need to set as the default, like Unspecified, None or Lax or whatever. That's an issue and this is done now. Maintain content item ID across BagPart.ContentItems Before this code every time you would change the elements of a BagPart (even updating some properties), it would regenerate some content item JSON payload for each of the BagPart items, which means the content item IDs would be unique, but new. And it would cause issues when you do workflows or when you do routing for containers. Now the content item IDs are immutable even for BagParts. Recipe properties step There is a new deployment step called Recipe File that lets you define customized properties of the recipe file. If you want to customize the recipe file you have this step and then you will be able to set the properties that you can see on the screen. Demos Publish Later module In the admin UI, head to the Configuration -> Features and enable the Publish Later feature. This module adds the ability to schedule content items to be published at a given future date and time. If you would like to use this feature with your content type you have to edit its definition by attaching the Publish Later Part to it. Let's attach the Publish Later Part to the Blog Post content type! Now create a new blog post! At the bottom of the editor, you will see a new input Tag Helper with the datetime-local input type. If you set the date and the time here and hit the Publish Later button, the current version will be saved as a draft and at the given time it will be automatically published by using a background task. We also have a Cancel Publish Later button, so we can cancel the publishing process from here. And in the SummaryAdmin list, you also had a little message that shows you the date and time when the content item will be published. If you are interested in the full demo, don't forget to watch the YouTube video about it! This contribution is sponsored by a company called Weiss Ratings. News from the community How we are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic? In light of WHO characterizing the Coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic we wanted to disclose how we're dealing with the issue: https://lombiq.com/blog/how-we-are-dealing-with-the-coronavirus-pandemic Orchard Dojo Newsletter Now we have 124 subscribers of the Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard with the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news around Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this week's Orchard meeting!