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Elsa Workflows, Orchard Harvest Online - This week in Orchard (02/06/2023)

Thank you, everyone, for taking part in Orchard Harvest Online, and thanks to the presenters for their great presentations! Check out our current post for a short summary of the conference; a demo about Elsa Workflows and many more! Orchard Core updates Admin Dashboard widgets are not scrollable when the content is long Last week we mentioned several improvements regarding the Admin Dashboard and the Admin Dashboard widgets. And we have another improvement for this week too! Currently, the Admin Dashboard widgets are set to hide any horizontal and vertical overflow. This works well when you can control the content of your widget based on specifying the best height/width of each widget. Sometimes you may want to create a widget without being able to control the length. For example, recent contents/posts, most viewed contents, etc. All these examples of a widget with uncontrollable content. In that case, it does not make sense to hide the overflow content vertically. We can still hide the horizontal overflow and the widget since that is something each widget can design for. But the vertical overflow should be set to auto. You can reproduce this behavior easily by creating a widget that lists the last 10 content items and making the size and the width of the widget 1 x 1. That's what you can see on the left side of the screen. And as you can see, when setting the vertical overflow to auto, we get a scroll bar for the widgets when the content is larger than expected. Fix the notifier cookie path Let's say we have an Orchard Core site installed as an application under the default website in IIS. What this means is that we access the site with the following URL: https://localhost/orchard. The problem is that the notifier cookie uses the tenant prefix as the cookie path. For example: For the default tenant, https://localhost/orchard, the notifier cookie path is set to / when it should be set to /orchard. For another tenant, let's call it tenantA at https://localhost/orchard/tenantA, the notifier cookie path is set to /tenantA when it should be set to /orchard/tenantA. Technically, scenario 1 still works, since cookies with a path of / can still be seen by /orchard. Even though the path isn't exactly what it should be, the notification still appears. The problem is in scenario 2, since the cookie path is being set to /tenantA but /orchard/tenantA can't see that cookie, and the notification doesn't appear. After applying this fix, the notification works for tenantA using /orchard/tenantA. Demos Elsa Workflows Elsa Core is a workflow library that enables workflow execution in any .NET Core application. Workflows can be defined using code and using the visual workflow designer. We mention Else here because Elsa is an innovative workflow engine derived from Orchard Core's Workflows module. It was born from a requirement of a project where they didn't want to base it on Orchard Core, but they did want to have Workflows. So, the goal here was to create a reusable designer that you can host/use in your own dashboard application. In this demo, Sipke Schoorstra, one of the main contributors of Elsa shows you everything that you need to know about Elsa Workflows. Head to YouTube for this exciting demo! News from the community Orchard Harvest Online We had the first online Orchard Harvest last Wednesday, and it was so great to see that we had 188 sign-ups for the conference! It was an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, talk about development plans and ideas, and foremost, meet the rest of the worldwide community. The conference was started by a Keynote from Sébastien Ros and followed by a talk from Andrii Chebukin about how you can use Orchard Core Framework for multi-tenancy apps. After that, Zoltán Lehóczky showed us how you can use open-source tools in the following areas: CI builds, static code analysis, unit and UI testing, and telemetry collection. And just before the breakout sessions, you can see a great session by Peyton McManus about why they selected Orchard for their new application. How his team has leveraged Orchard to rebuild and re-imagine the application, and how they will continue to leverage Orchard for their set of features. In the breakout sessions, the attendees had a chance to meet the speakers and other community members. Each speaker had a breakout room where the attendees asked questions and discussed the topic of their talk, or anything else Orchard Core related. After the break, we could see a talk from Hisham Bin Ateya about exploring different parts of localization stuff in Orchard Core. After that, Dávid El-Saig described the Orchard Core Commerce project's state and showed the current features. And the last talk was from Sipke Schoorstra where he provided an overview of Elsa Workflows' features, compared it to Orchard Core Workflows, and discussed integration possibilities. And of course, we recorded every session, which means they will be available on YouTube soon! Don't forget to follow our This week in Orchard newsletter to be informed about the recordings! That was a blast! Thank you everyone for taking part and thanks to the presenters for their great presentations! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 464 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Admin Dashboard improvements, Two-factor Authentication - This week in Orchard (26/05/2023)

Check out our current post to read about the latest Admin Dashboard improvements and to see a demo about supporting two-factor authentication in Orchard Core! And don't forget that Orchard Harvest is just right around the corner! Orchard Core updates Show Admin Dashboard shape when Access Admin Dashboard permission is not granted Currently, when the Admin Dashboard feature is enabled, the /admin route is handled by the Index action in the DashboardController controller. This works great when the user has the Access Admin Dashboard permission. However, when they don't, they get the generic forbid error message. In some cases, we don't want to give the user access to the admin widgets but want them to still access the admin dashboard. In this case, they will not be able to see the dashboard unless they type the exact path they want to access in the browser. The solution here was the following: If the user does not have Access Admin Dashboard permission, instead of showing 401, we now render the AdminDashboard shape. When a Dashboard Widget is secured, we check the permission to ensure the user is able to view it before rendering it. This will give us the ability to control who gets to see which widget. To test this out, first of all, we need to enable the Admin Dashboard feature. After that, we modify the permissions of the Editor role by saying users with this role have no permission to access the Admin Dashboard. After that, we added an Html Dashboard Widget to be able to see something instead of the empty dashboard. On the left side of the screen, you can see what the admin user can see. They have the Access Admin Dashboard permission, and the previously created Html Dashboard Widget is visible to them. However, on the right side of the screen, we logged in with a user who has the Editor role. As you can see, Orchard renders the "Welcome to Orchard Core" alert to them, but they can't see the Dashboard Widget or the Dashboard itself. Do not auto-create a dummy content item when the Admin Dashboard feature is enabled When the Admin Dashboard feature is enabled for the first time, for some reason, we create a dummy dashboard item. There is no way to avoid this for new tenants currently. Maybe adding a content item by default is not a good idea because the admin will almost always have to remove it. This change is about removing the sample Orchard Core Admin Widget from the recipe. But if you are curious about this sample widget, you can still use it. If you navigate to Configuration -> Recipes you will find a recipe called Admin Dashboard Widget Sample. And if you execute this recipe, you will be able to see the sample widget in the dashboard again. And this change was also added to the change logs of the next upcoming release to notify everyone about this change. Demos Two-factor Authentication Now you can have new settings that allow you to enable two-factor authentication. To see how this works, navigate to Security -> Settings -> User Login, where you can see a new tab, called Two-factor Authentication. If you put a tick into the Enable two-factor authentication checkbox, you will see the related settings. You can enable 2FA for everyone, you can enable 2FA for users with specific roles, or you can say to remember the client, so you don't have to keep typing the code every single time on the same computer. The Show email address in the authenticator app allows you to display the email address on the authentication app, otherwise, we will show your username. And the Require two-factor authentication option allows you to force authentication. If you log in, you will be forced to use 2FA. Right now, let's enable 2FA just for the users with the Administrator role. This means you will have a new option in the dropdown menu if you click on the user icon in the top-right corner called Security. Here, you can set up your authenticator app by clicking on the Add authenticator app button. Here you can set up your authenticator app by following the steps mentioned. Pull up your phone, open up the authenticator app, scan the QR code, and provide the verification code. On the next screen, you can see your recovery codes which you can use to log in in case you lose your device. But of course, you can reset your recovery codes and also the authenticator app itself under the Security dropdown menu. Now if we log out and log back in, Orchard Core will ask us to provide that code after we typed the correct username and password. And as always, if you would like to know more about this feature (which you can try out right now if you are using the nightly builds of Orchard Core) head to YouTube for a recording! News from the community Orchard Harvest Online Program As many of you know, we have been working hard over the past months to organize the next Orchard Harvest in Las Vegas after the last Harvest in 2017. Unfortunately, based on the current economic situation and personal feedback, Las Vegas won’t work this year. Not to mention that unfortunately Microsoft Build, announced after we decided on our dates, also falls in line with the original dates we chose. So, a date change was also necessary. However, we did not want to let go of this opportunity to meet completely. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that we will be holding our first online Orchard Harvest starting on the 31st of May at 13:00 UTC. Start your registration for the event right now. You can find the program of the conference on the official site of Orchard Core. See you next week! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 462 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Core goes to Oxford, fake video capture source in Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox - This week in Orchard (28/04/2023)

Fix background task description is no longer editable, add validation type for Validation Summary Part, demo about fake video capture source in Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox, and announce that Orchard Core goes to Oxford! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Fix background task description is no longer editable There was an issue with the Description of the background tasks were not editable. If you navigate to the admin UI of Orchard Core and head to Configuration -> Features and enable the Background Tasks feature, you can manage your background tasks under Configuration -> Tasks -> Background Tasks. The Orchard Core solution contains a module called OrchardCore.Demo. If you add it as a project reference to the OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Core.Targets project, you can utilize this module, which contains a test background task. The Lombiq Training Demo for the Orchard Core module also contains a sample of how you can implement your own background task. Add Validation type for Validation Summary Part In the Validation Summary widget, it is useful to be able to specify the type of summary we want to show. By default, we can show all errors. However, in some cases, we may only want to show a model-level error instead of all. This improvement is about simply adding an option that would allow the user to determine the type of summary to add to the form. By default, it would be all errors. To utilize this feature, you must enable the Forms feature, which provides widgets to implement forms. Now, if you edit a content item with the Flow Part attached (for example, the Page content item coming from the Blog recipe), you can build a simple form. We added a Form widget to this Page with some other widgets, and of course, with the updated Validation Summary widget. As you can see, now there is a Show Model Only Error checkbox, which you can use to decide to only display model-level errors or all errors. Demos Fake video capture source in Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox Maybe you have already heard about the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox, our web UI testing toolbox mostly for Orchard Core applications. Everything you need to do UI testing with Selenium for an Orchard app is here. We wrote about it several times here as well, first when we open-sourced it, when we added some Orchard Core Features tests to it, when we added the automated monkey testing feature to it, or when we introduced the Visual verification testing. At the end of last year, we showed you the latest updates about integrating UI testing into Orchard Core and the way how you can use WebApplicationFactory. This time, we will check out a slightly different topic! Imagine you have an application that uses video sources to access visual information from the user or the environment using Media Capture and Streams API. The goal can be QR or bar code scanning, user identification, or other computer vision applications. To make sure that future changes to the code do not break anything, we need a way to automate testing. Here, the fake video capture source comes into play. If you check out the documentation, you can see that you can use y4m or mjpeg video files as a fake video capture source in the Chrome browser. In the demo, you can see a virtual business card service where the front end is built by Vue.js, and the back end is of course Orchard Core. If you show a QR code for the application, the back end gives you back a content item, which is a Business Card. This sample can be found in the Lombiq Vue.js module for Orchard Core under the Samples folder. Both of these modules are included in Lombiq's Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions solution, so we will open this solution and find the BehaviorVueTests class where you can find two tests, called QrCardScanShouldWorkAsync and QrCardScanShouldReportNotFoundAsync. The ConfigureFakeVideoSourceForPositiveTest and ConfigureFakeVideoSourceForNegativeTest extension methods are responsible to retrieve mjpeg files, which are embedded resources that we can utilize for these tests. If you run the QrCardScanShouldWorkAsync test, you will see that the test retrieves the information from the QR code and displays the card's content based on the card ID, which can be found in the QR code. And as always, if you want to know more about this new addition to the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox for Orchard Core, check out this recording on YouTube! News from the community Orchard Core goes to Oxford Zoltán Lehóczky will give an Orchard Core intro at .NET Oxford on the 16th of May. .NET Oxford is an Oxford-based .NET meetup/user group. It'll be online, so you can join from anywhere if you're just learning about Orchard! Check it out here! Orchard Harvest Online As many of you know, we have been working hard over the past months to organize the next Orchard Harvest in Las Vegas after the last Harvest in 2017. Unfortunately, based on the current economic situation and personal feedback, Las Vegas won’t work this year. Not to mention that unfortunately Microsoft Build, announced after we decided on our dates, also falls in line with the original dates we chose. So, a date change was also necessary. However, we did not want to let go of this opportunity to meet completely. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that we will be holding our first online Orchard Harvest starting on the 31st of May at 13:00 UTC. You can start your registration for the event right now. Of course, we are still looking for speakers. You can apply to present by 12 May at the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/pfiExtEUuZ. Jump into the following GitHub discussion for the details! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 446 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Core 1.6.0, Data Migrations Poc - This week in Orchard (21/04/2023)

We are thrilled to announce that Orchard Core 1.6.0 is now available! Check out this post to know everything about the latest release of Orchard Core! Now let's see the newest features and editions of the current release, check out the announcement about the first online Orchard Harvest, and watch a demo about a Data Migrations PoC! Orchard Core updates Document Ticket Store The Users Authentication Ticket Store stores users' authentication tickets on the server in the memory cache instead of cookies. If distributed cache feature is enabled it will store authentication tickets on the distributed cache. There were no page in the Orchard Core documentation about the User Ticket store, so now you can find some lines about it. Add support for built-in and custom Elasticsearch analyzers Orchard Core only has support for standard analyzers, which is good in most cases. But we do not allow for implementing custom analyzers or the use of built-in analyzers. This feature is about adding support for the built-in analyzers and updating the documentation of the Elasticsearch module, where you can see some examples of how to use the built-in stop and standard analyzers and define custom analyzers using the appsettings.json file. Demos Data Migrations Poc This demo shows you a concept about improving the data migrations in Orchard Core. All the data migrations are hosted in a single class, called Migrations, which is easy for simple migration but hard for big migration. Meaning the readability and maintainability could be improved. If you check the Migrations.cs file in the OrchardCore.Users module, you can see it may be hard to read and follow. Another issue could be that we are relying on reflection. The naming convention comes from Orchard 1.x, where we are using numbers at the end of each method to specify the current version of the given migration. Both IDataMigration and DataMigration are hosted on OrchardCore.Data.YesSql assemblies and it could be an improvement to move the IDataMigration and DataMigration into the OrchardCore.Data assembly. Hisham Bin Ateya did a prototype by splitting the migrations into multiple files. It will be easy to read, and easy to maintain, and there is no reflection anymore. Both IMigration and Migration are hosted on OrchardCoreContrib.Data assemblies and YesSqlMigration in the OrchardCoreContrib.Data.YesSql assembly. You can clean up everything by roll-backing the applied migrations. For this demo, we will clone the following GitHub repository, which contains a set of modules for Orchard Core CMS that is driven by community members who love Orchard Core. This will encourage all the passionate developers to build modules that aren't included in Orchard Core. Such modules may be necessary for the community or essential for any sort of CMS. If you open up the CreateGoogleMapPart migration of the GoogleMaps module, you will find a Migration attribute where you can specify the version and override the Up and Down methods. By default, you put your code into the Up method, so it will be applied when the migration is run, and the Down method is responsible for "reverting" the changes made by this migration in the Up method. And we are just scratching the surface here. If you would like to know more about the implementation details, don't forget to check out this recording on YouTube! News from the community Orchard Core 1.6.0 Orchard Core 1.6.0 is now available! If you open up nuget.org and search for the OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Targets package, you will find the updated version of Orchard Core! There is a new page in the documentation with the breaking changes. Upgrade your solution to 1.6.0 now! Feel free to drop by the dedicated Gitter chat and ask questions or use GitHub Discussions! Orchard Harvest Online As many of you know, we have been working hard over the past months to organize the next Orchard Harvest in Las Vegas after the last Harvest in 2017. Unfortunately, based on the current economic situation and personal feedback, Las Vegas won’t work this year. Not to mention that unfortunately Microsoft Build, announced after we decided on our dates, also falls in line with the original dates we chose. So, a date change was also necessary. However, we did not want to let go of this opportunity to meet completely. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that we will be holding our first online Orchard Harvest starting on the 31st of May at 13:00 UTC. You can start your registration for the event right now. Of course, we are still looking for speakers. You can apply to present by 12 May at the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/pfiExtEUuZ. Jump into the following GitHub discussion for the details! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 442 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Tenant APIs improvements, MiniProfiler visibility based on permissions - This week in Orchard (10/03/2023)

The MiniProfiler visibility is now based on permissions, tenant APIs improvements, and using ListContent permission instead of ViewContent to see the content items list. Interested in the details? Well, then check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates MiniProfiler visibility based on permissions MiniProfiler is a library and UI for profiling your application. By letting you see where your time is spent, which queries are run, and any other custom timings you want to add, MiniProfiler helps you debug issues and optimize performance. And MiniProfiler is a built-in feature in Orchard Core that has some updates. Let's say an admin needs to profile a production instance. Enabling MiniProfiler for everyone to see is not acceptable in most cases. Also, a user may want to profile an ajax request to analyze a query or other info. The solution here is to provide new permissions when you enable the Mini Profiler feature. If you navigate to Security -> Roles and hit Edit near any role, you can see the new permissions which enable you to view the Mini Profiler widget on the back end and the front-end pages. Tenant APIs improvements Orchard Core tenant APIs got several updates lately. First of all, there was no way to update some tenant settings from API calls. Meaning, the tenant's category was missing in the ApiController. We should be able to set a tenant's description via an API call, so this property is now included in the sent model. Another improvement is the new Edit endpoint because there was no way to update tenant settings from API calls. The new Edit endpoint in the Tenant's ApiController takes care of this and enables us to modify the tenant settings either if the tenant is uninitialized or running. The updateable properties are the same as what is displayed on the tenant editor on the Admin UI. Use ListContent permission instead of ViewContent Currently, we use View Content as a minimal permission to list the contents in the content items UI. We use the same permission to also show the Content -> Content Items admin menu. Here the List Content permission should be used, not View Content. What if someone wants to allow a user to view content using a direct link but does not want them to list the contents in the UI? Currently, this isn't possible. Additionally, ViewContent is granted to all Anonymous and Authenticated roles, which is fine. But, access to list contents should be granted by the ListContent permission to avoid allowing listing content without explicit permission grant. If you check out the change logs in the docs of the upcoming release, you can read about the updated permissions. News from the community Hastlayer is now fully open-source Hastlayer is being developed by Lombiq Technologies, a software, training, and services company focusing on web development with open Microsoft technologies. Hastlayer transforms .NET software into FPGA-implemented logic circuits. (FPGAs are chips that can mimic other chips.) The result is code that runs faster and uses less power than a code-only solution without sacrificing the ability of further developing your software. Using Hastlayer will optimize your performance and lower the power consumption of hardware, which will bring you more satisfied customers who want your solution and a boost in your company’s revenue. And we have just recently fully open-sourced Hastlayer! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 410 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Harvest updates, Extend user permissions - This week in Orchard (24/02/2023)

Extending user permissions, updating Localization documentation for the PO extractor tool, and fixing using a media profile the quality parameter had no effect. Check out our post for the latest updates on Orchard Harvest and a new tutorial series from Lombiq! Orchard Core updates Extend user permissions Last September, you could see a demo about extending user permissions. This involved several changes in how we handle users on the site, and we added more permissions to the Users module to make it more usable and robust for many use cases: List users in {0} role Edit users in {0} role Delete users in {0} role Assign users to {0} role Manage user profile settings Also, we now have settings that would allow the user to prevent username and/or email changes on the edit screen. Here is a screenshot of the new settings. If you would like to try out the features mentioned in the linked post, now, you can do that easily by using the nightly build packages of Orchard Core! Update Localization documentation for the extractor tool Hisham Abdullah Bin Ateya released the stable version of the PO Extractor Tool. As you can see in the Readme, this is a dotnet global tool to extract translatable strings from the C# and VB code, Razor templates, and Liquid templates to POT (portable object template) files. It is designed to follow conventions used in the Orchard Core project. The Localization page in the Orchard Core documentation has been updated to reflect the changes, like updating the URL of the tool and the commands that you can use to install the tool and generate PO files. Fix using a media profile the quality parameter had no effect When using the Liquid filter resize_url the quality parameter of a media profile will have no effect for jpg/webp. The issue can easily be fixed by moving the quality parameter behind the format parameter. To fix the resize_url filter a change to the ordering of parameters in OrchardCore.Media.Services.MediaProfileService.GetMediaProfileCommands(string name) is required. And here, you can see this quick fix to make the quality parameter work. Because with Dictionary the order of items is not guaranteed the fix is not regression proof. OrderedDictionary could be used as an alternative, but this would require a reference to System.Collections.Specialized in addition. News from the community Orchard Harvest updates Last year we conducted a survey to help us organize this year's Orchard Harvest conference. We shared the results last month, and based on your feedback, the event will be held in North America. Mike Alhayek also reached us saying he may have the right contact needed to facilitate the event in Las Vegas. Now we needed a date for the conference, and based on the results, the best would be to hold the conference in the Q2 of 2023. If you follow the official Twitter account of Orchard, you may face a poll where the goal was to find the best date. Based on the results, the winner is the option May 22-23 (Mon, Tue). Thanks for voting! Now the next goal is to be able to find the best location in Las Vegas. Also, we are looking for sponsors and contributors for the following: T-shirts. Location. A meet-up after the programs. Recording the presentations. Renting equipment for presentations. Catering. Webpage (we can host the conference site on DotNest for free). If anyone could help in any way that would be really appreciated. Please use the following thread in GitHub Discussions if you feel, you can join in organizing the upcoming Harvest, or if you want to be as updated as possible chime into the discussion! As we move forward, we will keep everyone informed of the details, and you will also find every piece in this newsletter! New tutorial series from Lombiq: DotNest Core Tutorials The Lombiq Hosting - Media Theme for Orchard Core repository contains an open-source project which will allow developers to host their themes in the Orchard Core Media Library, including templates and assets. The inspiration came from our public Orchard (Core) SaaS called DotNest. If you don't know it, you can use this site to sign up and get an Orchard (Core) site with two clicks for everyone. We don't vet who is signing up, so it should be safe, and it should be limited. But still, we want people to be able to have their sites as flexible as possible. And of course, there are a lot of built-in features in Orchard for that, you can do a lot from the admin. Part of the things you can do from the admin as well in a limited fashion is theming. We first wrote about the Media Theme a few weeks ago in this post. Although you can't install custom themes on DotNest (see "Limitations") you still have a lot of control over theming. Using Media Theme you can develop themes using Liquid templates and static assets as usual, from your favorite IDE, working with a local version of your DotNest site, and deploying code to it. Please follow the guidelines of the DotNest Core SDK, and if you prefer tutorial videos instead, check out our brand-new playlist. This playlist called DotNest Core tutorials will contain 5 videos starting with how you can create your first DotNest site and we will also see how to set up your local development environment to style a DotNest site, how to use recipes to keep your local environment up to date and how to deploy your theme to your DotNest site. 3 videos are out, the 2 remaining's will be available during the weekend. Would you like to run your Orchard Core site on DotNest? Create your Orchard Core site with two clicks on DotNest! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 406 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Add title to background tasks and improve the UI, Lombiq Node.js Extensions - This week in Orchard (17/02/2023)

Add a title to background tasks and improve the UI, update Azure AD Docs, add hidden content type settings to allow hiding a content type from GraphQL Schema, and a demo about the Lombiq Node.js Extensions project! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Add a title to background tasks and improve the UI Currently, the background task name/technical name is the full name of the C# class. This is not a user-friendly name for a UI. The long technical name (aka task Id) should not be visible to the UI. The improvement here is to add a user-friendly title to every background task. We can continue to use the current "name" in the URL, and locate the task. So, here is a summary of the changes regarding the background tasks UI: A new search bar was added to the list page. The technical name is no longer visible. Instead, we show a title. The Create action was removed from the controller as we can never create a background task using a UI. The Edit action will now create a settings entry in the document if an entry does not exist. The following screen shows you the before and after screens of the Background Tasks landing page and the Edit background task page. Improve Azure AD Docs The documentation of how to authenticate users with the Azure AD Account had a few errors and omissions, so after figuring out what needs to be configured to make login work, the documentation has been updated. Add hidden content type settings to allow hiding a content type from GraphQL Schema GraphQL exposes all content types to the user. A permission check is applied to filter out content types users can't view. There is no way to control which content types should be exposed to the API. Not everyone wants to expose every content type. For example, if we have a SitePage content type we want everyone to be able to view it, but we do not want anyone to query it from the API. The solution was to simply add a content type setting to hide the content type like we do today for the content parts. Demos Lombiq Node.js Extensions The Lombiq Node.js Extensions project is supposed to provide front-end asset pipelines as a reusable project where under the hood, we actually run some Node.js scripts. We tried to do that in a way that the consumer of this project doesn't really have to know much about how it works and doesn't really have to configure much or anything at all. And we also set out to make this available as a NuGet package. So that you can drop in a completely working, but also configurable Node.js front-end pipeline which means compiling/minifying and linting SCSS and JS files and things like that. One more thing to know is that we drop Gulp from the equation altogether because Gulp is officially not compatible with anything higher than Node.js 12. It does work on Node.js 14, but we had problems with upgrading to Node.js 16, which came out over a year ago, and now the current LTS version is Node.js 18, so we decided to drop Gulp from the whole pipeline and build the whole project just using npm scripts and some custom written node.js scripts. Now let's see a quick example of how to utilize it! We will check it out in our Open-Source Orchard Core Extensions full Orchard Core solution. You will find our other useful Orchard Core-related open-source projects there, too. Here you can find a class library called Lombiq.NodeJs.Extensions.Samples where we added a configuration section called nodejsExtensions to the package.json file. Here you can see we are looking for JS files in the CustomJsFolder and SCSS files in the NonDefaultScssFolder and rendering them into those target folders. We also have assets copying, which we do a lot in our modules where we copy files from node modules (for example, Bootstrap or other front-end libraries) into Webroot. Then we also have Markdown linting with another sample package.json file in the Lombiq.NodeJs.Extensions.SolutionMarkdownAnalysis project. The markdown can be enabled by providing a source folder which can be any relative path. And we have a lot to cover! If you want to know more about this new project, check out this recording! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 400 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Core Commerce MVP, make Features module optional to non-default tenant - This week in Orchard (03/02/2023)

Make the Features module optional to the non-default tenant, add AddIndexProvider and AddScopedIndexProvider extensions, and a demo of the freshly released 1.0 version of the Orchard Core Commerce module! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Make the Features module optional to non-default tenant Currently, the module OrchardCore.Features are always enabled. We recently added a feature for the default tenant to be able to manage features on the behalf of any tenant. We can remove the AlwaysEnabled flag from OrchardCore.Features as the Saas owner may not want to allow the tenant to control their own features. It means this change allows to be able to not enable the Features module, such that only the default tenant can add/remove features even if there is an allowlist of features.This also introduces a breaking change which you can read about in the Orchard Core documentation containing the breaking changes of the upcoming release. Add AddIndexProvider and AddScopedIndexProvider extensions This change is about adding two new extensions that you can use in your Startup file to register your index providers in a simpler way. As a reminder, the IScopedIndexProvider is an index provider that will be resolved through DI in a scoped lifetime because it probably requires scoped services. Demos Orchard Core Commerce MVP Orchard Core Commerce will be an Orchard Core port and partial rewrite of the open-source Nwazet Commerce module that was built for Orchard CMS 1.x. Nwazet Commerce was initially built in 2012 by Bertrand Le Roy, loosely based on a commerce sample by Sipke Shoorstra. The initial goal of Nwazet Commerce was to power the website of the hardware startup Nwazet. While Nwazet is no longer operating, the Nwazet Commerce project went on and was further developed by a group of passionate contributors who are using the platform for their own, and their customer's websites. Like Orchard, Nwazet Commerce was built with extensibility in mind, and as such, it has its own extensions (typical examples include local tax and shipping modules). It's also a pure, idiomatic Orchard. Orchard Core represents a major evolution of the Orchard design principles and is sufficiently different that running Nwazet Commerce on it will necessitate significant work. As such, the community decided that starting from a blank slate was the best way to go, so they will port Nwazet Commerce piece by piece, being careful to accurately apply Orchard Core's new design principles. The community also decided to adopt a new name that gets rid of the now obsolete origins and establishes our ambition for the module to become the go-to commerce module for Orchard Core. Last May, we published a demo where you could see the current state of the module. A few months later we reached another milestone when we finished with the basic implementation of Stripe Payment integration (without taxation, shipping, etc.). Stripe is a payment service provider that business owners can use to accept dozens of payment methods, from credit cards to buy now, pay later services. Stripe Payments handles the steps between a customer providing their card information and learning that their payment has been accepted. And as you may know, Lombiq provides stewardship for the Orchard Core Commerce module. That actually means that we do code reviews and work on features and fixes. To have that, we added an Orchard Core Commerce MVP planning survey. This was about asking the community what the most essential features for you would be in an Orchard Core-based e-commerce solution. We had the results, we had a better understanding of what were the topics that made into the MVP as our short-term goals. And now we can proudly present the 1.0 release of the Orchard Core Commerce module! Let's see some of the key features of this brand-new release! You can try it out by cloning this repo or including the NuGet package in your own Orchard Core project. After you cloned the repo and set up the site with the Blog recipe, for example, you can enable all of the Orchard Core Commerce-related features to be able to try out everything that the module could provide to you. But you can run the OrchardCore Commerce - Development recipe on the setup screen, which will do the same. You can find several recipes under Configuration -> Recipes if you filter on the "commerce" word. By using these recipes, you can decide which features of the Commerce module you would like to utilize in your solution. By using these recipes, you can have a predefined Product content type, some sample content items, and everything that you might need when dealing with a commerce site. But as we mentioned, if you would like to see the whole of the Commerce module without doing any additional setup, the best is to run the OrchardCore Commerce - Development recipe on the setup screen. If you do that, you will get a Product content type with one TestProduct content item. In terms of taxation, you can set the gross price of the given product (the price with tax) and the tax rate. You also have simple inventory management, which means you can set the number of items in stock, and you can set the maximum and minimum number of this item one can order. You can also set up discounts if you want. For example, you can say that the discount percentage that is applied to this product will be 50 and you can also set up a beginning and expiration date and time of the discount. In case you want to limit the number of products that the discount can be applied to, you can also do that. Now let's check out what the user sees if they navigate to the display view of this product. As you can see, the price of this product is $10, and the gross price is $12.70 because of the 27% tax rate. We have 5 items in the inventory, and currently, we have a 50% discount. Meaning that the new price with a discount after taxes is $6.35. The MVP also comes with several settings that you can utilize under Configuration -> Commerce. You can set up the Stripe API under the Stripe API option, but you can see two new options here as well. But if you execute the recipe called Orchard Core Commerce - Samples - Custom Tax Rates, you will find another one here called Custom Tax Rates. Here you can add complicated tax handling based on the postal code, state or province, or country. The following screen means that if the country of the user is the United States, and the state or province is New York, the tax rate would be 4%. If the user has a Hungarian address (HU), the tax rate would be 25%. And you have just seen the basics of this release! If you want to know more about the Commerce module, check out the documentation page that contains the key features, and as usual, head to YouTube for a recording! News from the community Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 390 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Orchard Harvest updates, fix Bag Part when content type is deleted - This week in Orchard (20/01/2023)

Fix Bag Part when the content type is deleted, add .webp as a default image extension in MediaOptions, Fluid 2.3.1, and updates about the upcoming Orchard Harvest! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Fix Bag Part when the content type is deleted When you set up your site using the built-in Agency recipe, you will get a content type with a display name Landing Page. This content type has several Bag Parts attached, and by using these Bag Parts you can add several projects, services, team members, etc., to this page which you can use to customize the landing page of your agency. For example, to be able to add services, we have a predefined Service content type. But what will happen if we delete the content definition of the Service content type under Content -> Content Definition -> Content Types? Our Landing Page has a Bag Part that contains Service content items, but now we removed the content definition of that content type. So, if you try to edit the built-in Landing Page content item, you will see the following warnings in the editor (and warning entries in the log file). It means we added three Service content items, but now they have no matching content type definition. Add .webp as a default image extension in MediaOptions Until now, you can't upload .webp images by default. WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters, and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster. So, .webp should be an extension that is allowed by default, like the rest of the allowed image extensions. If you navigate to the MediaOptionsConfiguration class, you will find the .webp extension here as an allowed file extension by default. Fluid 2.3.1 The latest version of Fluid is 2.3.1, which contains a fix for the TimeZone parsing. Meaning when you use a DateTime with a TimeZone, the DateTime that will be created will also parse the TimeZone. If the TimeZone is not defined, then it will assume it's a local time zone based on the configuration. News from the community Orchard Harvest updates In our previous post, we shared the results of the Orchard Harvest survey, and recently we have just posted it to GitHub too. As you can see from this post, the shortlisted locations in Europe are Lisbon, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Barcelona. We have also received offers from Las Vegas and possibly Chicago in the USA. The goal of this post is to emphasize that we are not looking for a venue in the first instance, but for an organizer who can manage the venue and help run the whole thing. If you have any contacts in any of these cities who are specifically organizing events, please let us know! Any help is very much appreciated! If you can offer us a contact or location, we will be happy to arrange further details. Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 397 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who you think would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!

Media Theme for Orchard Core, Orchard Harvest survey results - This week in Orchard (13/01/2023)

Fixing that FlowPart's widgets are not indexed in Lucene, migrating the OpenID module to OpenIddict 4.0, demo about the new Media Theme, and announcing the results of the Orchard Harvest survey! Check out our post for the details! Orchard Core updates Fix FlowPart's widgets were not indexed in Lucene FlowPart's widgets were not indexed with Lucene (even with all the necessary settings on the Parts and Indexes). Marco Serralheiro added a FlowPartIndexHandler that is basically a clone of the BagPartIndexHandler to solve this issue. Migrate the OpenID module to OpenIddict 4.0 This is about updating the OpenID module to use OpenIddict 4.0 RTM, which shipped in December. The previous versions - including OpenIddict 3.x - are no longer supported. While OpenIddict 4.x itself has many internal improvements, the "public" API hasn't changed much so the changes here are mostly cosmetic. If you want to know more about the latest version of OpenIddict, check out this great post from Kévin Chalet! Demos Lombiq Hosting - Media Theme for Orchard Core The Lombiq Hosting - Media Theme for Orchard Core repository contains an open-source project which will allow developers to host their themes in the Orchard Core Media Library, including templates and assets. The inspiration came from our public Orchard (Core) SaaS called DotNest. If you don't know it, you can use this site to sign up and get an Orchard (Core) site with two clicks for everyone. We don't vet who is signing up, so it should be safe, and it should be limited. But still, we want people to be able to have their sites as flexible as possible. And of course, there are a lot of built-in features in Orchard for that, you can do a lot from the admin. Part of the things you can do from the admin as well in a limited fashion is theming. There is the Templates module, if the developer or the operator of the application allows it then you can also upload CSS files and do all kinds of tricks. In the end, you can adjust the styling of your website. But we wanted to have something closer to the usual developer experience. And that is pretty much creating a theme for your DotNest site with the help of Media Theme for a tenant in a Saas, and that's what media theming is about. We have documentation about that here which contains a link to the DotNest Core SDK. This is what we will use in this demo! We also have automatic deployments either from the command line or from a GitHub Actions action if you will. You can fork the SDK or can work with an Orchard Core-based solution and create a theme (it needs to use Liquid). When you are satisfied, you can either create an import package by using the .NET Command line tool or, you can use Orchard Core's remote deployment feature to import the package on your production site. Or you can also use our GitHub Actions to deploy your theme. If you would like to try it out in your own SaaS, feel free, and if you have questions, please let us know! If you would like to have a DotNest site and use this feature, just sign up here! And of course, don't forget to check out this recording on YouTube to see the usage of the Media Theme in a site runs in DotNest! News from the community New websites using Orchard Core: the site of Capri Exclusive Homeware and the site of BagPortr Capri's purpose is to provide high-quality homeware to everyone, and BagPortr collects your baggage from your doorstep and checks it onto your flight. Both sites were developed by Gert Smith. If you are interested in more websites using Orchard and Orchard Core, don't forget to visit Show Orchard. Show Orchard is a website for showing representative Orchard CMS (and now Orchard Core) websites all around the internet. It was started by Ryan Drew Burnett, but since he doesn't work with Orchard anymore, as announced earlier, it is now maintained by our team at Lombiq Technologies. Orchard Harvest 2023 survey results For those too young to remember, we had Orchard conferences, called Orchard Harvest. And the conference website was available under orchardharvest.org, but unfortunately, it's not anymore. The last one was in 2017 in New York. So, having another get-together is very much overdue. If you would like to see or get a feeling of how this looked like before, we have a couple of mood videos on the Orchard YouTube channel, like this one from the first conference. The point is that we should really think about organizing the next one, and we at Lombiq can take part in that or provide an organizing role with anybody who wants to take part. We created a survey, and now we have the results! Thank you for your feedback so far regarding Orchard Harvest! We have received a significant number of responses so far which has helped us to get a better idea of the right place and time. We have created a Discussion in GitHub where we described the possible dates and locations of the upcoming conference. Mike Alhayek also reached us saying he may have the right contact needed to facilitate the event in Las Vegas. Thanks, Mike! As we move forward, we will keep community members informed of the details, and you will also find every detail in this newsletter too! Orchard Dojo Newsletter Lombiq's Orchard Dojo Newsletter has 392 subscribers! We have started this newsletter to inform the community around Orchard of the latest news about the platform. By subscribing to this newsletter, you will get an e-mail whenever a new post is published to Orchard Dojo, including This week in Orchard of course. Do you know of other Orchard enthusiasts who would like to read our weekly articles? Tell them to subscribe here! If you are interested in more news about Orchard and the details of the topics above, don't forget to check out the recording of this Orchard meeting!