Getting started with theme development

  • Structure
    • Explaining the Manifest (BaseTheme), Startup class
    • Usual folders
    • Razor vs Liquid, tag helpers
  • Code generation templates
  • Shapes
    • Notion of shapes, hierarchical rendering of shapes (demonstrate it with the call stack using the debugger, e.g. with MenuItem.cshml, also explaining shape caching)
    • The notion and use of the Layout shape, checking it out with the debugger
    • Alternates and overrides (the basic ones and examples of others like for the menu). You can ovverride TitlePart.cshtml as an example.
    • Shape templates and important view variables (e.g. Context, Title, Model, User), T-strings
    • Writing editor and display shape templates, explaining Model object usage
    • Ad-hoc shapes
  • Static resources: styles/scripts (how to include/require them) and resource manifests

Time requirement: 2h 30m

Dependencies: none

Parent topic: Theme development

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